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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language
COM-AND: Communications Script Language
for the IBM PC
COM-AND version 2.9 is copyright 1992 by CABER Software. It is
distributed freely and may be copied by anyone for any number
of machines, for purposes of evaluation. The author offers
COM-AND and its accessory programs as a package, as "shareware".
If you USE COM-AND after evaluating it, you MUST pay for it.
The complete user license and registration information is to be
found in the file REGISTER.DOC. Limitations on redistribution
of COM-AND are set out in the file VENDOR.DOC. These two files
are included with the COM-AND program release.
CABER Software
R. (Scott) McGinnis
P.O. Box 3607 Mdse Mart
Chicago, IL 60654-0607
GEnie, Delphi: TARTAN
CIS .......... 73147,2665
Internet ..... 73147.2665@compuserve.com
Version 2.9: 921203
COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language
COM-AND version 2.9 is copyright 1992 by CABER Software. All
rights are reserved world wide, excepting redistribution under the
shareware concept. COM-AND is distributed freely and may be copied
by anyone for any number of machines, for purposes of evaluation.
Restrictions on redistribution are set out in the document file
VENDOR.DOC. You may NOT distribute COM-AND or its documentation in
connection with ANY commercial venture, product, publication or
service without written approval from CABER Software.
COM-AND is distributed as shareware. You may try COM-AND without
charge, to evaluate its usefulness to you. You may evaluate COM-AND
for a period of up to 30 days. If you continue to use COM-AND after
30 days, then you must pay for it. Please read REGISTER.DOC for the
terms and conditions of the User License.
Additional benefits are available when you register COM-AND. These
values include:
. A free Compuserve intro-pack
. The Compuserve Automation script-set for COM-AND
. A tailored dialing directory for your area code
. Discounts on shareware magazines and books
These offers are discussed in detail in REGISTER.DOC. A simple
registration form is provided in the file REGISTER.FRM. Please
print this form (or use REGISTER.CMD to print it), and include the
form with your payment.
The author supports COM-AND through electronic mail on the various
on-line services. Several BBSes focused on COM-AND exist at this
time. Voice support for COM-AND is also available from Support
EtCetera in Long Beach, CA. Please read REGISTER.DOC for details
on support, and COM-AND BBSes.
CABER Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Profes-
sionals (ASP). The ASP offers an ombudsman service to help you
resolve shareware related disputes with ASP members. Please read
the file REGISTER.DOC for information on how to contact the ASP
Version 2.9: 921203
COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language
Table of Contents
I. COM-AND Introduction ...................................... page 1
II. Script Introduction ....................................... page 2
III. Definitions ............................................... page 4
A. Comments ................................................ page 4
B. Labels .................................................. page 4
C. Keywords ................................................ page 5
D. Commands ................................................ page 5
E. Strings ................................................. page 6
F. Numerics ................................................ page 7
G. States .................................................. page 8
IV. Syntax .................................................... page 9
V. Script Language Commands ................................... page 11
Commands beginning "A"...................................... page 11
Commands beginning "B"...................................... page 14
Commands beginning "C"...................................... page 15
Commands beginning "D"...................................... page 20
Commands beginning "E"...................................... page 26
Commands beginning "F"...................................... page 29
Commands beginning "G"...................................... page 39
Commands beginning "H"...................................... page 43
Commands beginning "I"...................................... page 44
Commands beginning "J"...................................... page --
Commands beginning "K"...................................... page 52
Commands beginning "L"...................................... page 52
Commands beginning "M"...................................... page 54
Commands beginning "N"...................................... page 59
Commands beginning "O"...................................... page 60
Commands beginning "P"...................................... page 62
Commands beginning "Q"...................................... page 63
Commands beginning "R"...................................... page 64
Commands beginning "S"...................................... page 67
Commands beginning "T"...................................... page 77
Commands beginning "U"...................................... page 79
Commands beginning "V"...................................... page 79
Commands beginning "W"...................................... page 80
Commands beginning "X"...................................... page --
Commands beginning "Y"...................................... page --
Commands beginning "Z"...................................... page --
Version 2.9: 921203
COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language
Table of Contents
VI. SET Commands .............................................. page 85
A. Basic set ............................................... page 85
B. SET ASCII ............................................... page 101
C. SET BPLUS ............................................... page 102
D. SET KERMIT .............................................. page 103
E. SET ZMODEM .............................................. page 104
VII. String Intrinsics ......................................... page 105
VIII. Script Errors .............................................. page 109
IX. ASPECT 1.x and PROCOMM 2.x scripts ......................... page 110
X. Program Requirements ....................................... page 112
XI. Program and Author Information ............................ page 113
A. Sample scripts ............................................ page 114
B. Host and BBS scripts ...................................... page 117
C. External Protocol Drivers ................................. page 118
D. Encoded Music ............................................. page 120
E. File transfer error numbers ............................... page 123
F. EBL ....................................................... page 125
G. Manual setting and scripts ................................. page 126
1. Alt-S (Setup window) .................................... page 126
2. Alt-O (Options window) .................................. page 127
3. Alt-P (Parameters window) ............................... page 128
4. Alt-K (KERMIT defaults window) .......................... page 129
5. Alt-J (Colors window) ................................... page 129
6. Help (General Help list) ................................ page 130
H. STACK and Macro keycodes .................................. page 131
I. Dynamic string variables ................................... page 132
J. Flow control methods ....................................... page 134
K. Machine language subroutines ............................... page 136
L. CACMP ...................................................... page 140
M. Script Language (version 1.x) .............................. page 141
N. Language Summary ........................................... page 144
Version 2.9: 921203
COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 1
I. COM-AND Introduction
COM-AND for the IBM PC and compatibles is a communications program
for use by itself, or for use with several integrated accessory
programs (which themselves may be used independent of COM-AND).
COM-AND provides standard comm program functions: a dialing
directory, macros, disk logging, binary and ASCII file transfers,
and most particularly: scripted execution.
COM-AND Version 2.9 executes as a CRT based comm program either in
25 line text mode on a CGA or monochrome screen, or 25/43(50) line
mode on an EGA(VGA) display. When an accessory is loaded through
COM-AND (or when COM-AND is loaded by an accessory), most of the
functions of COM-AND are available through the accessory.
COM-AND and its bundled scripts may be copied freely and distributed
to anyone for any number of machines. The author offers COM-AND as
"shareware". If the program is used after a period of 30 days, you
MUST pay for it.
COM-AND provides a script language for automation of certain tasks.
COM-AND is distributed with a KERMIT server, a HOST mode, a Bulletin
board, a file manager, and a LEARN MODE... all as scripts. Scripts
may be written for COM-AND by anyone, requiring only an editor to
produces ASCII files. COM-AND executes scripts written for the
very popular PROCOMM 2.x and Procomm Plus 1.x scripts, as well.
This document discusses scripted execution, and the COM-AND Script
Language. The script language has grown over the years to the point
where its documentation requires a separate file.
A detailed guide to installation, and an introduction to modem
communication is to be found in the document INTRO.DOC. For manual
use of COM-AND, and functional reference, the reader is referred to
the document COM-AND.DOC. The internal editor is documented in
CAEDIT.DOC, included with this release.
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 2
II. Script Introduction
The script processor supports automation of certain manual tasks,
and COM-AND to run unattended (if you have tested the script !!!).
Scripts are invoked in several ways:
o at load time:
.. COM-AND.CMD, if present in the current directory or the
subdirectory indicated by the 'COM-AND=' environment
variable, is executed immediately;
.. the /F switch in the run command may specify a script to
be executed immediately (after COM-AND.CMD, if present);
o interactively (through F2) as a script
o interactively (through F1) as an accessory or part of one
o a script may be attached to a dialing directory entry, to
be executed upon successful connection
o through a macro and similar methods
Script commands are read by COM-AND from an ASCII file (word pro-
cessor files are not usually ASCII files!). COM-AND's internal text
editor (Alt-Q), programmer's text editors, and EDLIN (included with
DOS) may be used to create and modify a script file. If you wish to
use a word processor to update a script, first ensure the particular
word processor can write an ASCII file (often called non-document,
perhaps even called ASCII).
Once a script begins, execution of COM-AND is automatic, driven by
the script. However, the ESC key may be used to terminate the
script at most any time (depending on the script. The script author
might make ESC unusable). During dialing, two ESCs are needed...
one to terminate the dial function, and the second to end script.
Generally speaking, a script usually takes the form:
<perform some action>
<wait for an identifiable response>
<perform some action...
... and so on
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 3
II. Script Introduction (continued)
For example, a script might dial a number listed in the dialing
directory and wait for the "ID = " response from the dialed host.
The next action would be to send the logon ID, with a carriage
return and await a prompt for a password.
The scripts included with COM-AND are examples of such simple
scripts. However: the COM-AND script language is not limited to
communications related tasks... programs may be loaded and passed
parameters, screen windows may be opened and scrolled, and so on.
A nontrivial BBS has been written using COM-AND's scripting, and is
provided with the distribution for the interested (and wary)!
It is taken for granted that the script programmer is acquainted with
the computer and telecommunications environment in general, and the
COM-AND program in particular. Much of the script language facility
revolves around making the features of COM-AND available to the
programmer. The remainder of the language makes the computer (e.g.
read and write files), and the communications line (e.g. read and
write lines of text) available to the programmer.
Details of the features of COM-AND are discussed in the COM-AND.DOC
document. Most of the discussion to follow assumes familiarity with
The next few pages define terms used in discussing scripts and script
language elements. Notational symbols are then defined. Then,
script language elements are presented in detail. Appendix M
summarizes the version 1.x script language (no longer supported).
Appendix N summarizes the version 2 language. Sample scripts are
presented in Appendix A.
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 4
III. Definitions
A. Comments:
Comments may be used (and are highly recommended!) alone on a
line, on a command line (after the command) or on a label line
(after the label). A comment begins with a semi-colon or asterisk
and extends to the end of the line.
Blank lines are also treated as comments, for phrasing. Top-of-
form, appearing in the first column, is treated as a comment.
B. Labels:
Labels are character strings terminated with a colon, not
including the characters: blank, comma(,), exclamation (!),
number sign (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), ampersand (&),
apostrophe ('), double quote ("), left and right parenthesis,
asterisk (*), plus (+), hyphen (-, minus), right slash (/), and
Only the first 8 characters of the label are significant to the
script processor; if two labels match for the first 8 characters,
the one closest to the beginning of the script is used, and the
second label ignored.
Case is not significant in labels.
Comments are allowed on a line with a label (comments begin with
semi-colon or asterisk and extending to the end of the line).
Commands are not allowed on a line with a label.
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 5
III. Definitions (continued)
C. Keywords:
Keywords are alphanumeric character strings terminated by a blank,
a comma, a left parenthesis, or a semi-colon. Only the first 4
characters of the keyword are significant to the script processor
(where keywords are the same for the first 4 letters, the last
letter is used to distinguish them).
Case is not significant in keywords.
D. Commands:
Commands are structured: <keyword> followed by argument(s) (if
any). Delimiters between command arguments are blank and comma.
Each command is a line by itself (with the exception of the IF
and ELSE statements which may carry a second command). Comments
are allowed after the command (comments begin with semi-colon or
asterisk and extend to the end of the line).
COM-AND implements a stack for GOSUB, IF, SWITCH, FOR, DO and
WHILE commands. This allows nesting of these commands up to 20
levels. A 'stack overflow' message is issued when nesting of
more than 20 is attempted. A 'stack underflow' message is issued
when a RETURN is encountered for which no corresponding GOSUB
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 6
III. Definitions (continued)
E. Strings:
String arguments are of two kinds: literal and variable. Literal
strings are enclosed in double quotes ("). The accent grave (`)
is used in a literal string to force the next character (e.g. the
string "`"" is a literal consisting of a double quote by itself).
String variables are referred to as S0, S1, ... S29. Each string
variable is 80 characters wide, and may be set with the Sx =,
ASSIGN, GET, RGET, and other statements. They are set to blank
when the script begins (but are not reset to blanks when EXECUTE
or FCALL moves the script processor to a new script file).
Strings are manipulated internally exactly as given. However,
when issued (to the console or out the comm port, or in some cases
to disk), or used in WHEN string, certain edits are performed:
o Trailing blanks are trimmed
o "!" by itself (except "!!") is translated into a
carriage return
o "^x" (except ^^) where 'x' is character "@" through "`"
is translated into the corresponding control character
o Certain strings are treated as "intrinsic"s. Refer
to chapter VII of this document for further discussion.
Refer below to the "Sx = <expression>" discussion on page 77 for
details on string expressions.
Another set of string variables may be dynamically allocated by a
script (or scripts). These variables are referred to as V0, V1,
... Vx, where 'x' is determined by the allocating script.
Dynamic string variables may be used anywhere static variables are
used, AFTER A SCRIPT ALLOCATES THEM. Refer to appendix 'I' for a
discussion of these variables and their use.
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III. Definitions (continued)
F. Numerics:
Numeric arguments are of two kinds: literal and variable. The
literal numerics are values alone, within double quotes, or as
a string within a string variable. Decimal values in the range
-32,768 to 32,767 may be expressed. Hexadecimal values may be
specified using the 'C' convention (e.g. 0xffff is -1).
Numeric variables are referred to as N0, N1, ... N99. Each
numeric variable is capable of storing the value -32,768 to
32,767. All are set to zero when the script begins (but not
reset to zeroes when an EXECUTE or FCALL statement moves the
script processor to a new script file).
Refer below to the "Nx = <expression>" discussion on page 59
for details on numeric expressions. Numeric expressions are
allowed in place of single numeric values (where a value is
required) in all commands except: ADD, SUB, MUL and DIV, IF
EQ/LT/... and IF ZERO. An expression may be used in these
commands only if it is entirely contained within parentheses.
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III. Definitions (continued)
G. States:
o String variables are set to blank at the start of a script.
o Numeric variables are set to zero at the start of a script.
o EXECUTE does not reset string or numeric variables or clear
any conditions (SUCCESS/FAILED/WAITFOR/etc). Neither does
EXECUTE clear WHEN settings.
o EXECUTE clears any IF and SWITCH function and GOSUB stack.
o EXECUTE clears any ON ESCAPE or ON SILENCE conditions.
o FCALL does not allow 'branch-back' from a called file to a
label in the calling file. FCALL does not reset the ON
ESCAPE implicit GOSUB (which potentially is a branch-back),
so be careful!.
o GOTO must not be used to enter an IF clause or SWITCH case,
even from within an IF clause or SWITCH.
o Received text is not processed until RGET, PAUSE or WAITFOR
instructions are performed.
o Keystrokes entered during a script are transmitted out the
comm port (unless HITKEY or SET TTHRU has been invoked).
Version 2.9: 921203
COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 9
IV. Syntax
The chapter defines symbols used in command syntax descriptions.
Of necessity, some may seem cryptic at first... bear with me,
-> Author's note. A command highlighted with '->'
IS compatible with ASPECT 1.x and PROCOMM 2.x scripting.
* Author's note. A command highlighted with '*'
is documented for ASPECT compatiblity, but not
implemented in this version of COM-AND.
[A] optional keyword A
(A!B!C...) Required choice: A or B or C ...
Sx String variable S0, S1, S2 ...S29
Vx String variable (dynamic) V0, V1, V2 ...V99
Nx Numeric variable N0, N1, N2 ...N99
-> <label> Label identifier (1) literal value (e.g. LABEL)
-> (2) a string variable (e.g. S0)
-> containing a label name
(3) a quoted string (e.g. "...")
-> <string> Textual value, i.e. (1) a quoted string (e.g. "...")
-> (2) a string variable (e.g. S0)
(3) a substring (e.g. S0(4:5),
being position 4 through 5)
(4) a string expression
-> <number> Numeric value, i.e. (1) a quoted number (e.g. "4")
-> (2) a literal number (e.g. 555,
or hex value e.g. 0xff)
-> (3) a numeric variable (e.g. N5)
(4) a string variable (e.g. S0),
which contains the value.
(5) a numeric expression
<row> Numeric value representing a row number (0-24 or 0-42
according to the screen mode). Expressions (e.g.
N0+1) are legitimate and accepted.
<col> Numeric value representing a column number (0-79).
Expressions are legitimate and accepted.
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 10
IV. Syntax (continued)
<len> Numeric value representing a length (0-79). Expres-
sions (e.g. N0+1) are legitimate and accepted.
<color> Color keyword or value. Color values are:
0 Black 8 DkGrey (Dark Grey)
1 Blue 9 LtBlue
2 Green 10 LtGn (Light Green)
3 Cyan 11 LtCyan
4 Red 12 LtRed
5 Magenta 13 LtMagenta
6 Brown 14 Yellow
7 LtGrey (Light Grey) 15 White
Color keywords are:
DEFAULT: This keyword specifies the foreground/back-
ground attr set through Alt-J for menus.
CONTRAST: This keyword specifies the foreground/back-
ground attr (reversed) as specified through
Alt-J for menus.
TEXT: This keyword specifies the foreground/back-
ground as specified through Alt-J for text.
TCONTRAST: This keyword specifies the foreground/back-
ground (reversed) text as specified in Alt-J.
-> <attr> A foreground/background attribute. This may be used in
-> one of two forms: a simple value 0-255 (background*16+
foreground), and a parenthesized pair. For example:
([<color>] <color>).
or any mix of the above
For example "15" and "(black white)" are equivalent
attributes to COM-AND. "(DEFAULT)" sets the attribute
the default set through Alt-J for menu windows.
# A single digit
(#) A digit within literal parenthesis
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 11
V. Script Language Commands
ACCESSORY <string> or ACCESSORY <number>
The ACCESSORY statement invokes the accessory directory to (op-
tionally) execute a new script, and (optionally) load a program.
The accessory directory entry number is specified in <string>.
<String> is formatted exactly as with the F1 menu; it consists
of an entry number 1-50. Examples:
ACCESSORY 1 ; Load entry 1
; Nothing past this point in the script is performed.
Each accessory entry specifies:
o A drive:subdirectory (optional)
o A script to execute (optional)
o A program invocation (optional)
Accessory entries are constructed and modified with the 'r' sub-
command of the F1 menu or SET ACCESSORY script commands.
The ACCESSORY command terminates the current script file. The
current script file is closed (and not re-entered when the new
file completes). Any IF/GOSUB/SWITCH commands in effect are
Unlike EXECUTE, all strings and conditions are cleared when the
Accessory script (if there is one) begins. Parameters may not
therefore be passed to an accessory script (yet!).
-> ADD Nx Ny Nz
The ADD command performs the instruction: Nz = Nx+Ny. No error
checking is performed; should the value exceed the range of a
numeric variable, results are unpredictable. Example:
-> ADD N1 N2 N3 ; N3 = N1+N2
An expression may be used for Nx or Ny if it is entirely con-
tained within parentheses.
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 12
V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> ALARM [<number>]
The ALARM command sounds COM-AND's alarm. The alarm continues
for the time in seconds specified through the Alt-S 'Display
duration', unless overridden by the optional numeric argument.
Any keypress terminates the alarm. Example:
-> ALARM 10 ; Annoy for 10 seconds
ALOAD <string>
The ALOAD statement loads a new Accessory Definition file (F1).
The ALOAD command requires a file name in <string>. <String>
contains an unqualified file.ext (or may contain a fully pathed
file name). Example:
ALOAD "COM-AND.ACC" ; Load original accessory def
ALOAD "C:\SOURCE\COM-AND.ACC" ; Load special definitions
Note: The file name is limited to 27 characters in length.
ALLOCATE <number>
The ALLOCATE statement allocates up to 100 dynamic variables
referenced V0, V1, ... for use by the current and subsequent
scripts. ALLOCATE returns success/failure according to avail-
able memory. Please refer to Appendix I for a discussion of
dynamic allocation of variables. Example:
ALLOCATE 100 ; Allocate a dynamic area
Note: The number of dynamic variables is limited to 100.
ANAME Sx <number>
The ANAME command returns the name field from the accessory
directory. A directory number (1-50) must be specified.
ANAME S0 5 ; Fetch the name from # 5
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
APGM Sx <number>
The APGM command returns the program invocation field from the
accessory directory. A directory number (1-50) must be speci-
fied. Example:
APGM S0 5 ; Fetch the pgm from # 5
ASCRIPT Sx <number>
The ASCRIPT command returns the script field from the accessory
directory. A directory number (1-50) must be specified.
ASCRIPT S0 5 ; Fetch the name from # 5
-> ASSIGN Sx <string>
The ASSIGN statement sets a string variable to a value. The
value may be another string variable, a literal textual value
(a quoted string), or a substring. Examples:
-> ASSIGN S0 "MAIL" ; S0 now contains "MAIL"
-> ASSIGN S1 S0 ; S1 now contains "MAIL"
ASSIGN S2 S0(0:1) ; S2 now contains "MA" (char0:char1)
ASUBDIR Sx <number>
The ASUBDIR command returns the subdirectory field from the
accessory directory. A directory number (1-50) must be
specified. Example:
ASUBDIR S0 5 ; Fetch the subdir from # 5
-> ATGET row col attr len Sx
The ATGET statement performs the GET function, i.e. reading
the keyboard for a length, with cursor positioning and color
control. Example:
-> ATGET 0 0 15 5 S5 ; Read up to 5 chars into S5 from 0,0
ATGET 0 0 (black white) 5 S5
Note: the cursor is left positioned after the last character
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> ATOI Sx Nx
The ATOI statement converts a value in a string variable to a
numeric variable. If no numeric value is found, or the value
exceeds the range for numeric variables, the ERROR flag is set.
-> ASSIGN S0 "1234" ; S0 now contains "1234"
-> ATOI S0 N1 ; N1 now contains 1234
ATOI S2(2:3) N2 ; N2 now contains 34 (char2:char3)
-> ATSAY row col attr <string>
The ATSAY statement performs the MESSAGE function, i.e. writing
to the screen, with cursor positioning and color control.
You may ATSAY outside of the effective DWINDOW. Example:
-> ATSAY 0 0 15 "text" ; Write at 0,0; white on black
ATSAY 0 0 (black white) S5
Note: the cursor is left positioned after the last character
ATSCR row col len Sx
The ATSCR statement reads the screen starting at the position
indicated by <row> and <col>, for the length specified into the
string variable Sx. The screen display characters (not their
color attributes) are copied into Sx. Example:
ATSCR 2 0 80 S5 ; Read the whole of line 2 into S5
-> BOX row col row col attr
The BOX statement draws a box over a region on the screen,
filling the space within with a specified color. The first and
second arguments specify the row/column of the top-left of the
region. The third and fourth arguments specify the row/column
of the bottom-right of the region. The last argument specifies
the color attribute to use for box lines and center.
-> BOX 0 10,10 20,20 15 ; White on black: narrow box
BOX 0 10,10 20,20 (black white)
See also DBOX.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> BREAK [<number>]
The BREAK statement performs a true break. The length of the
BREAK is set (by default) through the Alt-S menu. The length
of the signal optionally may be specified in milliseconds.
-> BREAK 1500 ; Send a 1.5 second break
-> BYE
The BYE statement terminates both the script and COM-AND,
leaving DTR as-is (connection, if made, is not broken). It may
be coded at any level (for example within a subroutine reached
through a call from a subroutine). Example:
-> BYE ; Leave connection open
; Nothing past this point in the script is executed
Note also the QUIT command.
-> CASE (<string>!<numeric>)
The CASE statement must be contained within the domain of a
SWITCH/ENDSWITCH pair. The CASE statement specifies a value
against which the string variable identified is tested. Case
is not significant in the comparison. If the variable matches
the given string (shift case excluded), the statements following
the CASE are executed, until an ENDCASE is encountered. Refer
to SWITCH for an example.
Note: the argument of a CASE statement may be a literal or
variable value. Both string and numeric variables are allowed.
String substring extraction (e.g. S0(5:10)) is also supported.
-> CHDIR <string>
The CHDIR statement changes the current default subdirectory
used for unqualified file name references. Examples:
-> CHDIR "\COM-AND" ; Change path on the current drive
CHDIR "C:\COM-AND" ; Change drive and path
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> CLEAR [<attr>]
The CLEAR statement clears the screen. It optionally changes
the background and foreground colors. The <attr> argument
specifies a new background color (if present), and a new
foreground color. Note: a foreground argument requires a
background argument. Example:
-> CLEAR 15 ; Clear screen, set white on black
CLEAR (BLACK RED) ; Clear screen, set red on black
CLEAR ; Clear screen, leave colors alone
CLEAR sets the cursor to the top left of the scrolling region,
either as defined by default, or through the DWINDOW command.
CLOG OPEN <string>
CLOG <string>
The CLOG subcommands OPEN a call-log file by name, CLOSE an
open call-log file, and write to the call-log (if open).
The CLOG OPEN command requires a file name. The <string> is
limited to 26 characters in length. It may contain a fully
pathed file name. A search for the given name is made on the
current drive:subdirectory and the one specified by the
'COM-AND=' environment variable. Example:
CLOG OPEN "Log.txt" ; Open calllog file and start logging
CLOG OPEN "E:log.txt" ; Open calllog on a specific drive
CLOG OPEN sets the SUCCESS/FAILURE condition (tested with the
IF statement).
Note: the script write may choose to open a call-log file by
name (closing the default call-log, if one is established), or
alternatively to accept the user's discretion in the matter.
The CLOG command writes to the call-log only if it is open. If
the script writer does not open the call-log (CLOG OPEN or SET
CALLLOG ON), CLOG write statements are ignored unless call-
logging has been enabled BY THE USER.
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 17
V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> COLOR <attr>
The COLOR statement changes the foreground (and optionally the
background display colors. The first argument specifies a new
background color. The second argument specifies a new fore-
ground color. Note: a background argument requires a fore-
ground argument. Example:
-> COLOR 15 ; Set white on black
COLOR (0 15) ; Set white on black
COLOR (BLACK RED) ; Set red on black
COLOR (RED) ; Set foreground to red
COMBASE <port> Nx
The COMBASE statement returns the base address for the given
port (port is COM1, COM2...). This value may be set through
Alt-P (manually) or SET COMBASE in a script.
COMBASE COM1 N0 ; Read current base address
The COMPARMS statement returns the current communications
parameters, formatted: "bbbb,p,d,s,COMx" where "bbbb" is
port speed, "p" is parity (E/O/N), "d" is the number of data
bits (7/8), "s" is the number of stop bits (1/2), and "COMx"
is the comm port. Example:
COMPARMS S4 ; Read current settings
The COMVECTOR statement returns the vector # (0-7) for the
given port (port is COM1, COM2...). This value may be set
through Alt-P (manually) or SET COMVECTOR in a script.
COMVECTOR COM1 N0 ; Read current vector #
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 18
V. Script Language Commands (continued)
CONCAT Sx [(##)!*] <string>
The CONCAT statement concatenates two strings. The first string
is the target variable (Sx). The second string is the text to
be concatenated. Concatenation may take place at a fixed posi-
tion in the target, or the target may be backscanned for the
last nonblank character. Example:
S1 = "MAIL" ; Set file name 1st 4 char
CONCAT S0 "_DATE"(0:1) ; Take month num from date
CONCAT S0 "_DATE"(3:4) ; Take day num from date
CONCAT S0(8) ".TXT" ; Add extension at column 8
-> LOG OPEN S0 ; Open log file "MAILmmdd.TXT"
Note: "*" may be specified instead of an index (0,1,2...) after
the target variable. "*" performs the concatenation WITHOUT
blank trimming. Example:
CONCAT S0 * S1 ; Concat S1 at LENGTH S0
The CONNECT statement terminates a COM-AND script, returning to
CRT mode. It may be coded at any level (for example within a
subroutine reached through a call from a subroutine). Example:
-> CONNECT ; End of script
; Nothing past this point in the script is executed
Note also the EXIT and TERMINAL command.
CRC <string> Nx
The CRC statement computes a CRC for the string given. This
CRC might be transmitted after the string for error detection
and recovery. Example:
CRC S0(0:19) N0 ; Compute CRC for 20 characters
S0(20:24) = N0 ; Add CRC to the string
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 19
V. Script Language Commands (continued)
CTOI <string> Nx
The CTOI statement converts a string (1st byte) to a numeric
variable. Only a single character is extracted. The value in
the numeric variable is the character. Example:
S0 = "A" ; Place something in a string
CTOI S0 N0 ; N0 now contains a 65 (ASCII "A")
The CUROFF statement turns off the blinking cursor. The cursor
is restored by the CURON command or upon script termination.
-> CUROFF ; Turn off the cursor
The CURON statement restores on the blinking cursor. This has
no effect unless a CUROFF has been used, previously. Example:
-> CURON ; Turn back on the cursor
The CURSOR statement reads the current cursor position. Nx
returns the row number, and Ny returns the column number.
-> CURSOR N0,N1 ; Read current cursor row,col
-> CWHEN [(#)]
The CWHEN statement clears a WHEN setting. 10 WHEN settings are
available (WHEN (0), WHEN (1) ... WHEN (9), with the unquali-
fied WHEN equivalent to WHEN(0)). Each must be set and cleared
individually. Examples:
-> CWHEN ; Clear primary WHEN setting
CWHEN (0) ; Same as CWHEN
CWHEN (9) ; Clear last WHEN
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> DATE Sx [0!1]
The DATE statement stores the current system date into the
target variable. Example:
-> DATE S0 ; Get today's date
The date is formatted according to the optional argument (if
provided and nonzero, the date is formatted mm/dd/yyyy;
otherwise it is formatted mm/dd/yy).
DBOX row col row col attr
The DBOX statement draws a box using double line borders, over a
region on the screen, filling the space within with a specified
color. The first and second arguments specify the row/column of
the top-left of the region. The third and fourth arguments
specify the row/column of the bottom-right of the region. The
last argument specifies the color attribute to use for the box
lines and center. Example:
DBOX 0 10,10 20,20 (black white)
See also BOX.
The DEALLOCATE statement deallocates dynamic variables if they
are currently allocated. Example:
DEALLOCATE ; DEALLOCATE dynamic variables
-> DEC Nx
The DEC command performs the instruction: Nx = Nx-1. No error
checking is performed; should the value exceed the range of a
numeric variable, results are unpredictable. Example:
-> DEC N1 ; N1 = N1-1
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
DECRYPT <string> <string> <string>
The DECRYPT command decrypts a file (named in the first argu-
ment) to a new file (named in the second argument, which is
purged if it exists) using a 32 character password (the third
argument). SUCCESS/FAILURE is set by DECRYPT. Do not decrypt
in place! Example:
DECRYPT "SECRET.ENF" "COM-AND.EXE" "abcdefghijklmnop"
The DEFAULT statement must be contained within the domain of a
SWITCH/ENDSWITCH pair. The DEFAULT statement specifies a domain
of statements to execute if none of the preceding CASE state-
ments have been executed. The DEFAULT case is terminated when
an ENDCASE is encountered. Refer to SWITCH for an example.
Multiple DEFAULT clauses within a SWITCH domain are not
supported. Only the first DEFAULT executes (if any execute).
DEFAULT does not need be the last statement in the SWITCH
domain... but should be for this reason.
DEFTIME <number>
The DEFTIME statement sets the default delay for the RGET,
WAITFOR, and PAUSE statements. <number> is a timeout interval
in seconds. Example:
DEFTIME 60 ; Set original default value back
DELETE <file>
The DELETE statement deletes a file named in the command.
SUCCESS flag is set according to the result of the command.
DELETE "COM-AND.LOG" ; Delete file on the default d:subd
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 22
V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> DIAL <string> or DIAL <number>
The DIAL statement invokes the dialing directory to dial the
entry number specified in <string>. <String> is formatted
exactly as with the Alt-D menu; it consists of an entry number
1-100 prefixed or suffixed by an optional long-distance entry
flag. Examples:
-> DIAL "1" ; Dial entry 1
-> DIAL "@1" ; Dial entry 1 with long-distance
When a dialing directory entry indicates a script to perform,
the indicated script is ignored when the number is dialed from
within a script. Use the LINKED condition of IF to test this
for this condition. [When a script is invoked from Alt-D,
LINKED is true; otherwise it is false.]
Dialing is performed as with the redial command (Alt-R). The
number is dialed every <RDELAY> seconds (below, see SET), until
connection is established, or ESC is pressed. [Note: a script
may set a maximum number of redial attempts through SET RDMAX,
below. This feature is ONLY available through a script.]
The DIAL command sets the FAILED condition if the statement is
syntactically incorrect or if an ESC was entered to terminate
redialing. [Note: The script intrinsic "_RDPN" may be used to
determine if the DIAL FAILED after redialing the maximum number
of times (if set), or aborted by the user.]
-> DIR <string>
The DIR statement accepts a string argument as a wildcard
template and opens a file display window equivalent to the
interactive Alt-F command of COM-AND. Example:
-> DIR "*.*" ; Show files on current subdir
DIRECTORY Sx (<number>)
The DIRECTORY command returns the name field from the dialing
directory. A directory number may be specified, or the last
dialed entry may be requested. Example:
DIRECT S0 5 ; Fetch the name from # 5
DIRECT S1 ; Fetch name of last dialed
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> DIV Nx Ny Nz
The DIV command performs the instruction: Nz = Nx/Ny. No error
checking is performed; should the value exceed the range of a
numeric variable, results are unpredictable. Dividing by zero
always yields zero. Example:
-> DIV N1 N2 N3 ; N3 = N1/N2
An expression may be used for Nx or Ny if it is entirely
contained within parentheses.
The DLDIR statement reads the current download drive:subdirec-
tory into the string variable Sx. Example:
DLDIR S0 ; Read the current setting
DLOAD <string>
The DLOAD statement loads a new dialing directory file (Alt-D).
The DLOAD command requires a file name in <string> (up to 27
characters). <String> contains an unqualified file.ext (or may
contain a fully pathed file name). Example:
DLOAD "COM-AND.DIR" ; Load original dialing dir
DLOAD "C:\SOURCE\COM-AND.DIR" ; Load special directory
See also LOAD DIAL.
DNUMBER Sx (<number>)
The DNUMBER command returns the number field from the dialing
directory. A directory number may be specified, or the last
dialed entry may be requested. Example:
DNUM S0 5 ; Fetch the nbr from # 5
DNUM S1 ; Fetch number last dialed
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The DO statement asserts the beginning of a loop. The end of
the loop is signalled by an UNTIL statement (which is evaluated
to determine if looping occurs). Example:
DO ; Loop until condition below
UNTIL GE N0,10 ; Loop until N0 >= 10
The condition evaluated by the UNTIL is any condition accepted
by the IF statement (including conjunctions of conditions, dis-
junction of conditions, and so on).
Note: (1) GOTO statements may never enter a DO loop; even
to leave an inner loop to return to an outer loop.
Note: (2) DO statements may be nested (along with IF, SWITCH,
WHILE, and FOR loops) up to 20 levels. However,
they may not overlap other DO loops, or other
flow-of-control statements.
Note: (3) The clause of the DO statement (the statement after
'DO' down to the UNTIL statement) is always executed
at least once. The conditional evaluation is not
performed until the end of the clause.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> DOS <string> [WAIT]
The DOS command executes any DOS command. It works by loading
a copy of COMMAND.COM (or other SHELL program, as specified by
the environment variable COMSPEC=) and passing <string> for
execution. Example:
-> DOS "dir a:" ; List files on the 'A' drive
The optional keyword WAIT commands COM-AND to pause after
completion for a keypress before the script continues.
NOTE: The screen is saved prior to the DOS function, for
restoration upon completion. However, the screen size saved
is defined by the DWINDOW currently in effect!
This command sets the SUCCESS condition (unless the SHELL cannot
be found).
DPARMS Sx (<number>)
The DPARMS command returns the parameters field from the dialing
directory, formatted: rrrr,p,d,s,e (where r=rate, p = parity
(EON), d = #data bits (7,8), s=#stop bits (1,2) and e=echo
(Y,N," "). A directory number may be specified, or the last
dialed entry may be requested. Example:
DPARMS S0 5 ; Fetch the parms from # 5
DPARMS S1 ; Fetch parms last dialed
DSCRIPT Sx (<number>)
The DSCRIPT command returns the script file name from the
dialing directory (or blanks). A directory number may be
specified, or the last dialed entry may be requested. Example:
DSCRIPT S0 5 ; Fetch the file from # 5
DSCRIPT S1 ; Fetch script last dialed
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
DWINDOW row col row col
The DWINDOW command defines a new scrolling region. The first
row/col pair define the new top-left, and the second row/col
pair define the bottom-right. Example:
DWINDOW 10,10,20,70 ; Define a small scroll box
DWINDOW CLEAR resets the scrolling region to its maximum size
(0,0,23,79 CGA, or 0,0,42(49),79 EGA(VGA)).
'Home' cursor position is relative to the current definition of
the scrolling region (e.g. CLEAR statement). The region is
returned to 'normal' when a script terminates. SET 43 and SET
25, if executed after DWINDOW, reset the scrolling region and
clear the DWINDOW.
Note: COM-AND appropriates the last line of the current display
for status/LEGEND display, unless you SET STATUS OFF.
NOTE: The DWINDOW defines the screen size for the DOS, RUN and
SHELL functions (for screen saves and restoration). DWINDOW
should generally be turned off prior to these commands, and
reset afterwards.
EBL Sx <EBL var>
The EBL statement references the global data area maintained by
EBL (see Appendix F) if EBL is currently installed. If EBL is
not installed, FAILURE is set. If EBL is installed, the given
variable (%A through %O, or &<name>) is returned in Sx, up to
80 characters long (EBL allows up to 127 characters). Example:
EBL S0 %B ; Fetch The second variable's value
IF FAILURE ... ; Action if EBL not installed
Note: The EBL command tests for the environment variable
'BATINT=' before inquiring for EBL's presence. EBL uses this
environment variable to declare a new (hex) interrupt number.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
EBLSET &<name> Sx
The EBLSET statement permits modification (and creation if space
permits) of EBL external variables (see appendix F) if EBL is
currently installed. If EBL is not installed, or if space does
not permit the modification, FAILURE is set. If EBL is in-
stalled, the given variable (named '&<name>) is set to the
value in Sx, up to 80 characters long (EBL allows up to 127
characters). Example:
EBLSET &USER S0 ; Set ext var to value in S0
IF FAILURE ... ; Action if EBL not installed
-> EDIT <file>
The EDIT statement invokes COM-AND's internal editor. A first
file to open must be specified. Editing is a manual operation
(although an editor batch file may be STACK'd before the
statement). The script proceeds when the last file opened is
closed. Refer to the document CAEDIT.DOC for a discussion of
the internal editor.
The ELSE statement must be contained within the domain of an
IF/ENDIF pair. Statements following an IF statement are
executed if the condition specified evaluated true, and execu-
tion continues until an ELSE or ENDIF are encountered. If the
condition tested with the IF evaluated false, statements
following the ELSE statement (if present) are executed. Refer
to the IF statement for an example.
Note: ELSE may carry the statement to execute on its own
line, in which case no ENDIF is required.
The EMULATE command specifies terminal emulation. COM-AND
provides the following emulations (refer to COM-AND.DOC for
details): TTY (b/w), ANSI (color), VIDTEX (for CIS), VT-100
and VT-52. Example:
-> EMULATE TTY ; Set screen to B&W
Note: "EMULATE VIDTEX" is equivalent to "SET ENQ CISB".
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
ENCRYPT <string> <string> <string> [SIMPLE!AUTO]
The ENCRYPT command encrypts a file (named in the first argu-
ment) to a new file (named in the second argument, which is
purged if it exists) using a 32 character password (the third
argument). An optional keyword specifies the method (DES is
default). SUCCESS/FAILURE is set by ENCRYPT. Do not encrypt
in place! Example:
ENCRYPT "COM-AND.EXE" "SECRET.ENF" "abcdefghijklmnop"
Note: scripts are automatically decrypted when encountered by
COM-AND. You do not need to decrypt a script in order to
EXECUTE it (but you may if you wish...).
The 'END' statements terminate the domain of 'CASE' (and
'DEFAULT'), 'FOR', 'IF', 'SWITCH' and 'WHILE' statements,
respectively. [Note, "DO" is terminated by "UNTIL".] Each of
these domain statements MUST be paired with its terminating
ENVIRON Sx <string>
The ENVIRON statement returns the value associated with the
variable <string> in the current environment block. Envi-
ronment variables are established with the DOS SET command,
before COM-AND is entered (SET commands executed through the
DOS SHELL have no effect on COM-AND). Example:
ENVIRON S5 "COMSPEC=" ; Get current shell pgm name
ENVIRON sets and reset the FOUND flag according to operation.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> EXECUTE <string>
The EXECUTE command chains to a new script file. The current
script file is closed (and not re-entered when the new file
completes). Any IF/GOSUB/SWITCH/DO/WHILE commands in effect
are cleared. Example:
-> EXECUTE "newfile.cmd" ; Pick up with a new script
; Nothing past this point in the script is performed.
Note: string variables and conditions are retained as they are
when the new script file begins execution. In this way, para-
meters may be passed to a new script.
The EXIT command terminates the script execution. It may be
coded at any level (for example within a subroutine reached
through a call from a subroutine). Example:
-> EXIT ; Terminate the script processor
; Nothing past this point in the script is performed.
NOTE: When the script processor reaches end-of-file, an implicit
EXIT is performed. This is true in EXECUTed as well as FCALLed
-> FATSAY row col attr <string> <parms>
The FATSAY statement performs a MESSAGE function, i.e.
writing to the screen, with cursor positioning and color
control. Parameters from the list provided are formatted
into the displayed text, using a template string. Example:
-> FATSAY 0 0 15 "The answer is %d %s" N0 S0 ; Value and label
FATSAY 0 0 (black white) "The answer is %d %s" N0 S0
Note: the cursor is left positioned after the last character
written. Refer to the STRFMT statement for discussion of
parameter formatting.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
FATTR Sx <file>
FATTR Nx <file>
The FATTR command takes two forms, according to the destination
variable. In either form, the file name specification may be a
literal quoted string, or a string variable.
The "FATTR Nx" command places an 8 bit binary value to
represent the file's attributes into the target variable.
The "FATTR Sx" command formats the file attribute byte as
binary digits into the target string (Sx). The formatted
string is 8 characters, each a 0 or 1. Example:
FATTR S3 "COM-AND.EXE" ; Format into S3
The FATTR command sets and resets the SUCCESS flag according to
the presence of the named file. The bits returned have meaning:
(msb) xxxxxxxx (lsb)
^------------------------ Read-only file
^------------------------- Hidden file
^-------------------------- System file
^--------------------------- File is a volume ID
^---------------------------- File is a subdirectory
^----------------------------- Archive bit for the file
^------------------------------ Always 0
^------------------------------- Always 0
Please note that the string-form of the FATTR command may NOT
be used with the SET FATTR statement. SET FATTR requires a
numeric argument, and the string-form is not directly mappable
to its corresponding numeric bitwise representation.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
FCALL <file>
The FCALL command invokes an external script as a 'subroutine'.
If the new file is encrypted, a password is requested (if the
calling file is encrypted, the password to the old file is not
requested upon return). Example:
FCALL "SUBS.CMD" ; Call a file
The called file returns to the caller upon an FRETURN instruc-
tion. If end-of-file or EXIT is encountered in the called
file, the script terminates. [Note: "IF FCALLed" allows you
to determine if the current file was entered via FCALL.]
FCALL does not allow a branch out of the called file back into
the caller's file. Labels in an FCALLed file MAY duplicate
labels in the caller's file. Note: ON ESCAPE is not reset on
entry via FCALL, and unless the new script has the identical
label, the script fails (label not found) on escape.
For performance purposes, FCALL does NOT close the calling file
when the new script file is opened. All script files are closed
upon exit... however, a recursion amongst scripts may quickly
consume all DOS file handles. Avoid pairs of scripts where
each script FCALLs the other.
FCALLs may be nested to a depth of up to 10.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The FCLOSEI and FCLOSEO commands close a file opened for input
or output. FCLOSE<I!O> on a file not opened does not hurt
anything. When a file is closed, all blocks pending are
flushed to the file. Example:
-> FCLOSEI ; We're done with it
Please note that, when opened for output in TEXT mode, COM-AND
does not add a final ^Z (ASCII EOF convention). The script
author may choose to precede FCLOSEO with a 'WRITE ^Z"' as
need dictates.
FDATE Sx <file> [0!1]
The FDATE command places the date last modified (as known by
DOS) into the target string (Sx). The file name specification
may be a literal quoted string, or a string variable. The date
is formatted according to the optional format argument (if
provided and nonzero, the date is formatted mm/dd/yyyy;
otherwise it is formatted mm/dd/yy). Example:
FDATE S3 "COM-AND.EXE" 1 ; Format date into S3
The FDATE command sets and resets the SUCCESS flag.
The FFIRST command initializes a wildcard lookup. If SUCCESS
is set after FFIRST, file names may be obtained using the FNEXT
command. Only one thread of file name lookups is performed at
anyone time; invoking FFIRST when there are more file names to
be returned terminates the previous thread. Example:
FFIRST "*.asm" ; Initialize lookup
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The FGETC and FGETS commands read a character (FGETC) or a
string (FGETS) from a file into a string variable. The input
file must be opened by a previous FOPENI, of course.
In TEXT mode, the FGET commands translate CR/LF pairs in the
input file to single LFs. No tab expansion is performed.
In TEXT mode, the FGET commands stop on an ASCII EOF (Ctl-Z).
FGETC reads a single character into Sx(0:0). FGETS reads up
to 80 characters into Sx. If the input file was opened in TEXT
mode, the read string terminates at the 80th byte or a CR/LF
pair (placed in Sx as a single LF). Example:
-> FGETS S0 ; Read up to 80 bytes
The FGET commands set the EOF condition on input EOF. This
may be tested with the IF statement.
Note also: FREAD and READ commands.
-> FIND Sx <string> [Nx]
The FIND command tests for a substring within a target string.
Case is not significant. This command sets the FOUND condition
for the IF command. Example:
-> FIND S0 "sentence" ; Test for the word 'sentence'
Note the optional numeric variable argument. If supplied, the
index (0,1,2,3...) to the substring within the target string is
placed in the indicated numeric variable.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The FNEXT command returns file names from a wildcard lookup.
If SUCCESS is set after FNEXT, the given string variable con-
tains the next file name from the template match begun with
FFIRST. IF FAILURE is set, the string variable is also set
to nulls. Example:
FNEXT S0 ; Return name.ext
FNEXT S0 QUAL ; Return fully qualified name
Wildcard lookup must be initialized with the FFIRST command.
The optional 'QUAL' modifier controls whether the returned name
is "name.ext" or fully qualified with drive:subdirectory.
The FOPENI and FOPENO commands open a file for input or output.
COM-AND currently supports one file opened for input and one for
output at any one time. I/O to/from the file is blocked for
fastest access.
Files opened for input may be declared TEXT or BINARY in the
open statement. The default is TEXT. When the file is opened,
it is positioned to the start of the file.
Files opened for output may be declared TEXT or BINARY in the
open statement. The default is TEXT. On output, unless APPEND
is specified, the file is purged if it existed previously. On
output, if APPEND is specified, the file is created if it does
not exist, and positioned to end-of-file.
-> FOPENI "COM-AND.UFL" TEXT ; Open file in text mode
FOPENO "COM-AND.LOG" TEXT APPEND; Open file, add to old data
The FOPEN commands set the SUCCESS flag according to completion.
details of input/output file handling. Also refer to REWIND,
FSAVE and FRESTORE for positioning controls.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
FOR Nx = <init> <final> [<step>]
The FOR statement asserts the beginning of a loop, controlled
by the value of a specific numeric index. The initial value,
the final value, and an optional step value are specified.
[If a step value is not specified, a step of 1 is used.]
The FOR statement initializes the index variable to the given
value and performs commands until an ENDFOR is encountered.
Upon ENDFOR, the index is incremented (or decremented) by the
step value and the result tested against the given final value.
If the step is positive, the loop terminates when the index is
greater than the final value. If the step is negative, the
loop terminates when the index is less than the final value.
FOR N0 = 1,10 ; Loop for 10 times
Note: (1) The STEP and FINAL values are evaluated when the
FOR statement is encountered. Changing intermediate
values has no effect on the loop.
Note: (2) The loop index specified should not be modified
within the loop. The results are unspecified if so.
Note: (3) GOTO statements may never enter a FOR loop; even
to leave an inner loop to return to an outer loop.
Note: (4) FOR statements may be nested (along with IF, SWITCH,
WHILE and DO loops) up to 20 levels. However, they
may not overlap other FOR loops, or other flow-of-
control statements.
Note: (5) The FOR loop executes once, unconditionally, before
the bounds test is performed.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The FPUTC and FPUTS commands write a character (FPUTC) or a
string (FPUTS) from a string variable to the output file.
The output file must be opened by a previous FOPENO.
In TEXT mode the FPUT commands translate LFs in the string
buffer to CR/LF pairs. No tab compression is performed.
FPUTC writes a single character from Sx.
FPUTS writes up to 80 characters from Sx, according to the
length of the value in Sx. Example:
-> FPUTS S0 ; Write up to 80 bytes
Note also: FWRITE and WRITE commands.
-> FREAD Sx Nx Ny
The FREAD command reads a string (up to Nx characters) from
a file into a string variable. The input file must be opened
by a previous FOPENI, of course.
In TEXT mode, the FREAD command translates CR/LF pairs in the
input file to single LFs, and the read operation ends. No tab
expansion is performed. If the input file was opened in TEXT
mode, the FREAD commands stop on an ASCII EOF character (Ctl-Z).
FREAD reads up to 80 characters into Sx. If the input file was
opened in TEXT mode, the read string terminates at the 80th byte
or at a CR/LF pair (placed in Sx as a single LF). The count
read is placed in Ny.
-> FREAD S0 80 N4 ; Read 80 bytes; count read in N4
The FREAD command sets the EOF condition on input EOF. This
may be tested with the IF statement.
Note also: FGETC/FGETS/READ, and especially notes to READ.
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COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 37
V. Script Language Commands (continued)
FREE Sx <string>
The FREE statement returns the free space (as a numeric string)
on a given disc. The second operand specifies the drive (""
may be used for the default drive) as "d:", where d = a,b,c...
FREE S0 "C:" ; Get free space on C:
Please note that the returned string is (usually) too large to
be represented in a 16-bit numeric variable.
The FRESTORE statement restores the last saved position in
either the input or output file. The FRESTORE statement sets
the SUCCESS flag according to save-stack underflow. See FSAVE
below for more detail. Example:
FRESTOREI ; Restore last saved position
The FRETURN command returns returns from an FCALL instruction.
The current file is closed, and the previous file (the one
containing the FCALL) continues. On return from FCALL, if the
invoking file is encrypted, the previous password is NOT
requested a second time. Example:
FRETURN ; Return to calling file
The FCALL stack is limited to a depth of 10 FCALLs.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The FSAVE statement saves the current file position (input or
output) on a stack for later repositioning (FRESTORE). Up to
20 positions may be saved for each file. The SUCCESS flag is
set/reset according to save-stack overflow. Example:
FSAVEI ; To come back later
Three subcommands are useful to manage the stack:
FSAVE[I!O] CLEAR ; Zeroes the save-stack
FSAVE[I!O] SHIFT ; Shifts the stack down one
FSAVE[I!O] POP ; Throws away last saved pos
The appropriate file must be open before FSAVE is used. The
FCLOSEx (and FOPENx) instruction clears its save-stack.
FSIZE Sx <file>
The FSIZE command sets the file size (up to seven digits) into
the target string (Sx). The file name specification may be a
literal quoted string, or a string variable. The SIZE is
formatted with leading zeroes blanked and the string right
justified in a space of 7 characters. Example:
FSIZE S3 "COM-AND.EXE" ; Format into S3
The FSIZE command sets and resets the SUCCESS flag according
to the presence of the named file. Please note that the
returned string is (usually) too large to use as a numeric.
FTIME Sx <file> [0!1]
The FTIME command sets the time last modified (as known by DOS)
into the target string (Sx). The file name specification may
be a literal quoted string, or a string variable. The time is
formatted according to the optional format argument (if provided
and nonzero, the time is formatted hh:mm:ss where hh is 0-23;
otherwise it is formatted hh:mm:ss with a final AM or PM).
FTIME S3 "COM-AND.EXE" 1 ; Format military time into S3
The FTIME command sets and resets the SUCCESS flag.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The FWRITE command writes a string from a string variable to
the output file. The length of the string variable is specified
by Nx. The output file must be opened by a previous FOPENO.
In TEXT mode the FWRITE command translates LFs in the string
buffer to CR/LF pairs. No tab compression is performed.
FWRITE writes up to 80 characters from Sx, according to the
value in Nx.
-> FPUTS S0 75 ; Write 75 bytes
Note also: FPUTC/FPUTS/WRITE and especially the WRITE command.
-> GET Sx [<number>]
The GET command reads the keyboard for text. Text entry is
terminated by a carriage return, or, if the optional numeric
argument was supplied, after <number> characters. Keyentry is
echoed back to the screen. Escape entered in response to the
GET command terminates the script. Example:
-> MESSAGE "^MEnter a password:"
-> GET S0 8 ; Get up to 8 characters
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> GETFILE ASCII <string> ; A.K.A. Buffer capture
GETFILE BPLUS ; CompuServe B+ protocol
-> GETFILE CISB ; CompuServe B-protocol
-> GETFILE KERMIT ; Kermit or SuperKermit
GETFILE QUICKB ; CompuServe Quick B-protocol
-> GETFILE RXMODEM <string> ; Relaxed CRC or Checksum XMODEM
-> GETFILE WXMODEM <string> ; Windowed XMODEM
-> GETFILE XMODEM <string> ; CRC or Checksum XMODEM
-> GETFILE YMODEM <string> ; Simple YMODEM (not True ... (TM))
GETFILE ZMODEM ; ZMODEM transfer (batch)
The GETFILE statement initiates a download using one of the
specified protocols. The <string> argument must specify a
valid file name. The GETFILE command sets SUCCESS/FAILURE
condition according to result of the transfer. Example:
-> GETFILE XMODEM "com-and.arc" ; Download
Note: in the cases of CISB (B+/QuickB), KERMIT,ZMODEM, and
Batch YMODEM (G), the host tells COM-AND the name the new file
takes on your machine. If the name duplicates an existing
name, characters of the extent are replaced by '$' (right to
left). [If BPlus/ZMODEM recovery is enabled, the transfer
picks up where a failed transfer stopped, using the old name].
(1) With ASCII transfers, you must manually terminate the
capture with ESC.
(2) XMODEM and YMODEM (XMODEM1K) automatically purge the target
file if it exists. No manual intervention is required.
(3) ZMODEM and CIS-B (B+/QuickB) provide an automated download
function. The automated function is NOT available within a
script unless the script is 'reading the port', i.e. with an
RGET, PAUSE or SUSPEND statement.
(4) ZMODEM recovery (of a failed transfer) may be enabled and
disabled with the SET ZMODEM RECOVER statement.
(5) BPlus recovery (of a failed transfer) may be enabled and
disabled with the SET BPLUS RECOVER statement.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> GOSUB <label>
The GOSUB statement transfers control to the label specified in
<label>. When a RETURN statement is encountered, execution
resumes at the next statement (after the GOSUB). GOSUB commands
may be nested to a maximum stack depth of 20. Example:
IF FOUND ; Test result of a FIND
-> GOSUB "SUB" ; If we found it, transfer to sub
-> ENDIF ; .. and return here
-> EXIT ; End of main-line script
-> SUB:
-> MESSAGE "..." ; Issue a message
-> RETURN ; And return to after the GOSUB
All of the following are legitimate GOSUB's:
-> GOSUB LABEL ; Direct LABEL name
-> GOSUB "LABEL" ; Quoted LABEL name
ASSIGN S0 "LABEL" ; Assign label name to a string
GOSUB S0 ; And goto the label in S0
Note: You cannot GOSUB to a label in a file that has FCALLed
the current file. This includes ON ESCAPE GOSUB and ON SILENCE
GOSUB conditions (see below). The FCALLed file may however
have a label duplicating one in the caller's file. In this
case, the GOSUB transfers to the label in the FCALLed file.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> GOTO <label>
The GOTO statement unconditionally transfers control to the
label specified in <label>. If <label> occurs more than once
in the script file, control is transferred to the one nearest
the beginning of the script. Example:
-> IF FAILURE ; Test previous command execution
-> GOTO "ERROR" ; Branch if it didn't work
-> ENDIF ; End error test
-> EXIT ; Terminate the script
Note: GOTO's may be used to transfer control out of an IF,
CASE, DO, or WHILE clause. However: GOTO's should never be
used to transfer control INTO one or the other clauses of an IF,
CASE, DO or WHILE structure. This warning includes transfer out
of an IF clause into an enveloping IF clause. "Unexpected
ENDIF" or "Unexpected ENDCASE" error messages result from such
practice. For example:
IF condition ; Example of a nested IF
IF condition
GOTO SKIP_It ; This is INVALID!!! It branches
ENDIF ; .. into an IF clause out of one
SKIP_It: ; This label is within the outer IF
... ; !!! INVALID !!!
ENDIF ; End of outer IF
Like the GOSUB statement, the operand of a GOTO statement may
be a literal label, a quoted label, or a string variable
containing the label as text.
Note: GOTO's may not be used to transfer control out of a
subroutine. "Stack overflows" are eventually reported if
you do this!
Note: GOTO's do not exit an FCALLed file to reach a label in
a previous file (the caller or caller of caller). The domain of
labels used by GOTO is the current script file, and does not
include calling files.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The HANGUP command terminates the modem connection (if connec-
tion has been established). It changes CONNECTED condition
(tested with the IF statement, if true CD is enabled on the
modem). Example:
-> HANGUP ; Disconnect: we're done
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> IF [NOT] <condition> [<statement>]
The IF statement tests a stated condition, and transfers control
according to the result of the test. The IF statement may carry
the statement to perform conditionally, or it may precede
statements to execute if the evaluation is true.
In the latter case, and ONLY in that case (where the statements
conditionally executed follow the IF statement), the script may
include an optional ELSE clause, to execute if the condition
evaluated is found false. The domain of this form of IF
control is terminated with an ENDIF statement.
This construction of the IF statements may be nested up to a
maximum stack depth of 20 (with SWITCH DO, FOR, WHILE, and
GOSUBs). Example:
-> IF <condition> ; Test condition
-> GOSUB "TRUE" ; .. execute this if true
-> ELSE ; Optional ELSE clause
-> GOSUB "FALSE" ; .. execute this if condition false
-> ENDIF ; End of IF
An equally legitimate construction could be:
IF <condition> GOSUB "TRUE"
IF NOT <condition> GOSUB "FALSE"
Or even:
-> IF <condition> ; Test condition
-> GOSUB "TRUE" ; .. execute this if true
ELSE GOSUB "False" ; ENDIF-less form
Please note however, the following invalid construction:
IF GOSUB "TRUE" ; This statement allows NO ELSE or ENDIF
ELSE GOSUB "False" ; Therefore, this statement fails
IF conditions may be joined with AND, OR, and XOR within one
IF statement. Parenthesization is also supported. This usage
is discussed below, after <condition> is defined.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> IF <condition> (continued)
The optional keyword NOT may precede the condition being tested
to reverse its meaning. IF conditions are:
ALLOCATED The ALLOCATED condition is true if dynamic
variables are currently allocated.
ALPHA Sx The ALPHA condition tests the first character
of the given string. It is true if it finds
A-Z or a-z.
-> CONNECTED The CONNECTED condition is set and reset
according to the CD (carrier detect) of the
modem. If your modem does not report true
CD, then this condition is not reliable.
CONTROL Sx The CONTROL condition tests the first character
of the given string. It is true when the first
character has a value less than 32 (' ').
ERROR The ERROR condition is set and reset by the
script processor after each command. If the
command is syntactically or semantically
invalid, this condition is set.
-> EOF The EOF condition is set and reset by the
last FGETS/FGETC/FREAD/READ statements.
-> HITKEY The HITKEY condition is true if a keypress
is pending (it has not been read). Note: Use
of this function suspends normal type-through
is performed, regardless of value returned.
Use of HITKEY may inhibit ESC termination!
-> FAILED The FAILED condition is simply "NOT SUCCESS".
FCALLED The FCALLED condition tests if the current
script file was entered via an FCALL state-
ment (if is false unless an FRET is needed).
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> IF <condition> (continued)
FIND Sx Sy [Nx] The FIND condition is actually a FIND per-
formed within the IF statement. The syntax
and function are identical to the instruction.
FKEY The FKEY condition works in a fashion similar
to HITKEY. FKEY waits for a function keypress
(not an ASCII key). ASCII keystrokes are
typed-through (if TTHRU is on).
FLAG [(#)] The FLAG condition tests the current state
of flag number # (0-9). Flags are set and
with the script instruction SET FLAG.
-> FOUND The FOUND condition is set and reset by
the last FIND statement.
FULL The FULL condition works in a fashion similar to
XOFF. FULL is true when COM-AND has XOFFed the
other side (flow control must therefore be
ON for this test to have meaning).
ISDLFILE Sx The ISDLFILE condition is actually a ISDLFILE
performed within the IF statement. The syntax
and function are identical to the instruction.
ISFILE Sx The ISFILE condition is actually a ISFILE
performed within the IF statement. The syntax
and function are identical to the instruction.
ISSCFILE Sx The ISSCFILE condition is actually a ISSCFILE
performed within the IF statement. The syntax
and function are identical to the instruction.
-> LINKED The LINKED condition is true when the script
being executed was invoked from a dialing
directory entry.
-> MONO The MONO condition is true if the CRT is
a monochrome monitor (mode 7).
NULL Sx The NULL condition tests the given string
and is true if the string is blank or null.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> IF <condition> (continued)
NUMERIC Sx The NUMERIC condition tests the first charac-
ter of the given string. It is true if it
finds one of the characters 0-9.
PRINTER The PRINTER condition tests for the printer
enabled through COM-AND (PRINTER ON!OFF).
OVERLAY The OVERLAY condition tests for the presence of
a machine language overlay file.
RECEIVE The RECEIVE condition tests for characters
pending on the comm port. It is true if one
or more characters are ready to read.
SPECIAL Sx The SPECIAL condition tests the first charac-
ter of the given string. It is true if the
character is not alpha, numeric or control.
STRCMP Sx Sy The STRCMP condition is actually a STRCMP
performed within the IF statement. The syntax
and function are identical to the instruction.
-> SUCCESS The SUCCESS condition is set and reset
according to the result of the last GETFILE,
TRACE The TRACE condition tests the TRACE ON!OFF
-> WAITFOR The WAITFOR condition is set and reset
by the last WAITFOR statement.
XOFF The XOFF condition tests to determine if an XOFF
received from the host is currently pending.
SOFT flow control must be ON for this test.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> IF <condition> (continued)
-> ZERO Nx The ZERO condition must be qualified by a
numeric value/variable. The condition is
true if the evaluation is 0.
Note: Expressions may be used in place of Nx,
if the expression is parenthesized. For
example: "IF ZERO (N0-10)" is allowed.
-> <cc> Nx Ny Numeric conditionals are expressed as <cc>
(where <cc> may be EQ, LT, GT, LE, GE, NE)
followed by two numeric values/variables.
IF LT N1 N2 is interpreted: IF N1 LT N2.
Note: "NE" is not ASPECT/PROCOMM compatible.
Note: An expressions may be used in place of Nx
or Ny, if the expression is parenthesized.
For example: "IF GT (N0-5) 25" is allowed.
Nx <cc> Ny COM-AND allows the normal comparison form, as
well. However, as conditional evaluation
allows parentheses, the first numeric expres-
sion DOES NOT allow parentheses. Opening
parens of a conditional expression are taken to
apply to the conditional, not the numeric. For
IF (N10-2) eq 5 ; Always fails
IF N10-2 eq 5 ; Is fine
IF (N10-2 eq 5) ; Is fine, too
[Discussion continues on the next page.]
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> IF <condition> (continued)
IF conditions may be joined with AND, OR, and XOR within one
IF statement. Parenthesization is also supported. For
example, the statement:
IF NOT (FLAG(0) or FLAG(1)) and FLAG(2)
AND's FLAG(2) with the negated result of an OR between FLAG(0)
and FLAG(1). All clauses are evaluated before the IF is per-
formed. In simpler words, FLAG(2) must be "on", AND both
FLAG(1) and FLAG(0) must be "off".
In the above example, the NOT applies to the result of the
parenthetical "(FLAG(0) or FLAG(1))". When "NOT" precedes a
condition without parentheses it applies ONLY to that condi-
tion. For example the two fragments below are equivalent:
... = IF FLAG(1)
-> ENDIF = ...
-> INC Nx
The INC command performs the instruction: Nx = Nx+1. No error
checking is performed; should the value exceed the range of a
numeric variable, results are unpredictable. Example:
-> INC N1 ; N1 = N1+1
-> INIT Nx <number>
The INIT statement assigns a value to a numeric variable just as
ASSIGN assigns a value to a string variable. Example:
-> INIT N5 5 ; Initialize N5
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
INPUT Nx <address>
The INPUT statement performs a machine level INPUT instruction
using the address given. WARNING: If you're not sure what a
'machine level INPUT instruction' is... do not use this!
INPUT N0 0x61 ; Read the speaker driver chip
ISDLFILE <string>
The ISDLFILE statement tests for the presence of a file named
in <string> in the current download directory (see SET DLDIR).
<String> must contain an unqualified file.ext, (it should not
contain a fully pathed file name). ISDLFILE sets the SUCCESS
condition according to the presence of the named file.
ISDLFILE "COM-AND.EXE" ; Is this file in download dir?
Note: ISDLFILE may also be used with IF as the conditional
test (e.g. IF ISDLFILE S0 ...).
-> ISFILE <string>
The ISFILE statement tests for the presence of a file named in
<string>. <String> contains an unqualified file.ext (or may
contain a fully pathed file name). ISFILE sets the SUCCESS
condition according to the presence of the named file. Example:
-> ISFILE "COM-AND.EXE" ; Is this file in current dir?
Note: ISFILE may also be used with IF as the conditional
test (e.g. IF ISFILE S0 ...).
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
ISSCFILE <string>
The ISSCFILE statement tests for the presence of a potential
script file named in <string> in the current directory and in
the drive:subdirectory specified through the COM-AND= environ-
ment variable. <String> must contain an unqualified file.ext,
(or may contain a fully pathed file name). The SUCCESS
condition is set according to the presence of the named file.
ISSCFILE "STCLOGON' ; Is this file available?
Note: ISSCFILE may also be used with IF as the conditional
test (e.g. IF ISSCFILE S0 ...).
-> ITOA Nx Sx
The ITOA statement converts a value in a numeric variable to
a string variable. The value is left justified, with leading
zeroes suppressed. Example:
N0 = 0 ; N0 now contains 0
-> ITOA N0 S1 ; S1 now contains "0"
ITOC Nx Sx[(#)]
The ITOC statement converts a value to a single character (for
non-ASCII values). Only a single character is deposited, the
low 8 bits of the value. Example:
N0 = 1 ; N0 now contains 1 (which is SOH)
ITOC N0 S1 ; S1(0:0) now contains SOH
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The KEYGET statement waits for and reads a single keystroke.
The returned string is formatted to distinguish the various
possible keystrokes.
Printable ASCII keystrokes return one character in Sx.
Non-printable ASCII keystrokes (e.g. ESC) are returned as two
hex digits (e.g. ESC returns "1B").
Special keys (function and cursor keys) are returned as four
hex digits, the last two being '00'. For example, the F1 key
is returned as "3B00". Example:
-> KEYGET S3 ; Read one keystroke
The KFLUSH statement flushes the keyboard of keystrokes. It
is intended for conditions where type-ahead is not appropriate
(e.g. under error conditions). Example:
-> KFLUSH ; Throw away key entry
LD Sx <number>
The LD command returns a long distance string from the dialing
directory (or blanks). A directory number may be specified
(0,1,2,3,4 are allowed, 1="+",2="-",3="#",4="@", and 0 is a
place holder). Note the number field is not optional. Example:
LD S0 1 ; Fetch the "+" string
LEGEND <string>
The LEGEND statement places the given text into the status line
on the 25th line of the screen. If <string> is blank, the
status line reverts to COM-AND status line notes during script
processing. Example:
LEGEND "Scripted host mode in effect: Press ESC to abort"
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The LENGTH statement computes the current length of the string
Sx (1,2,3...80) and places length in the numeric variable Nx.
S0 = " " ; Set-up a value
LENGTH S0 N0 ; N0 should now contain 3
Note: lengths range from 0 through 80, while character columns
range from 0 through 79.
The LJ command left justifies the contents of the given string
variable (within its actual length). Example:
LJ S0 ; Left justify
The LOAD command loads a settings file (either the dialing
directory, macro definition, accessory definition, defaults,
or allocated variables) or script values (strings/numeric/
allocated variables, or FSAVEI/O stacks). Example:
LOAD DIAL "com-and.dir" ; Load original dial dir
LOAD DEFAULT ; Note: takes no file name
LOAD STRING "strings.tmp" ; Reset S0-S29 to saved vals
Note: "LOAD DIAL <name>" is equivalent to "DLOAD <name>".
MLOAD, ALOAD and RESET are similarly redefined.
-> LOCATE <number> <number>
The LOCATE statement positions the cursor to the row and
optionally the column specified by the arguments. The first
argument is the row number (0-24, or 0-42). The second number
is the column number (0-79). Note: a column argument requires
a row argument. Example:
-> LOCATE 0,0 ; Position to home (upper left)
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> LOG OPEN <string>
The LOG subcommands OPEN a file for logging, CLOSE an open LOG
file, SUSPEND logging, RESUME logging after suspension, and turn
timestamp MARKing in the log on/off.
The LOG OPEN command requires a file name in <string>. <String>
contains an unqualified file.ext (or may contain a fully
pathed file name, not PROCOMM compatible). Example:
-> LOG OPEN "Log.txt" ; Open log file and start logging
LOG OPEN "E:log.txt" ; OPen log on RAM drive
LOG OPEN sets the SUCCESS/FAILURE condition (tested with
the IF statement).
The LOWER statement lower cases all alphabetic characters in
Sx. Example:
LOWER S5 ; Force all lower case
-> MACRO <number> [Sx]
The MACRO statement (1) transmits macro entry number 0-9 from
the current Macro Definition file (Alt-M) or (2) deposit
the macro string 0-9 into a string variable. Example:
-> MACRO 8 ; Send macro #8, which winks
MACRO 8 S0 ; Read macro #8 into a string variable
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> MANUAL <number>
The MANUAL statement invokes an interactive window (i.e. as if
in CRT mode, in response to an Alt'd Key). The number operand
is the scan code equivalent of the Alt'd or Function key used
to invoke the window in interactive mode. For example:
MANUAL 0x2000 ; Invoke Alt-D (Alt-D = 0x2000)
The interactive window is terminated with ESCape (in all cases
except Alt-F10). The script author is referred to a list of
extended keycodes for the operand. Simply, however:
ALT Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P -> 0x10 through 0x19
ALT A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L -> 0x1E through 0x26
ALT Z,X,C,V,B,N,M -> 0x2C through 0x32
F1 through F10 -> 0x3B through 0x44
ALT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,-,= -> 0x78 through 0x83
PgUp, PgDn -> 0x49, 0x51
These values make the first two digits of the hex equivalent.
The second two digits are always '00'.
-> MATGET row col attr len Sx
The MATGET statement performs the MGET function, i.e. reading
the keyboard for a length with masked echo, with cursor
positioning and color control. Example:
-> MATGET 0 0 15 5 S5 ; Read up to 5 chars into S5 from 0,0
MATGET 0 0 (black white) 5 S5
Note: the cursor is left positioned after the last character
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The MCR command reads the modem control register and returns
an 8 bit value in a numeric register. Example:
MCR N0 ; Read the MCR
The format of the bits of the MCR are (please refer to your
modem's documentation):
(msb) xxxxxxxx (lsb)
^------------------------ DTR (data terminal ready)
^------------------------- RTS (request to send)
^-------------------------- OUT1
^--------------------------- OUT2
^---------------------------- LOOPBACK
^----------------------------- Unused
^------------------------------ Unused
^------------------------------- Unused
-> MDIAL <string>
The MDIAL statement dials the number in <string> manually. The
value in <string> must be a valid (to the modem) telephone num-
ber, and is limited to 14 characters width. Example:
-> MDIAL "245-9110" ; Dial P/Link direct
MDIR <string>
The MDIR statement creates a subdirectory specified as drive:
path in the string operand. MDIR performs exactly as the DOS
MD command, succeeding and failing in exactly the same cases.
MDIR sets SUCCESS or FAILURE according to the result. Example:
MDIR "A:\TEMP" ; Create a temp subdir
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> MESSAGE <string>
The MESSAGE statement displays a line of text on the local
console. If logging is enabled, the text is logged as well.
Control characters (such as ^G, bell) are embedded in the usual
manner. No carriage return/line feed is issued with the
<string> unless contained in <string>. Example:
-> MESSAGE "^GDialing the SOURCE^M"
-> MGET Sx <number>
The MGET statement works exactly as the GET statement, taking
text from the keyboard (up to a carriage return or <number>
length). However, the echo is 'masked'. Asterisks are echoed
in place of the entry. Example:
-> MESSAGE "^MEnter a password:"
-> MGET S0 15 ; Get up to 15 characters
-> TRANSMIT S0 ; Transmit the entry
-> TRANSMIT "^M" ; And a cr to terminate
-> MLOAD <string>
The MLOAD statement loads a new Macro Definition file (Alt-M).
The MLOAD command requires a file name in <string>. <String>
contains an unqualified file.ext (or may contain a fully
pathed file name). Example:
-> MLOAD "COM-AND.MAC" ; Load original macro def
MLOAD "C:\SOURCE\COM-AND.MAC" ; Load special macros
Note: The file name is limited to 27 characters in length.
See also LOAD MACRO.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The MSR command reads the modem status register and returns the
8 bit value in a numeric register. Example:
MSR N0 ; Read the MSR
The format of the bits of the MSR are (please refer to your
modem's documentation):
(msb) xxxxxxxx (lsb)
^------------------------ Change in CTS
^------------------------- Change in DSR
^-------------------------- Change in RING indicator
^--------------------------- Change in received line signal
^---------------------------- CTS (Clear to send)
^----------------------------- DSR (Data set ready)
^------------------------------ RI (Ring indicator)
^------------------------------- RLSD (received line signal)
-> MUL Nx Ny Nz
The MUL command performs the instruction: Nz = Nx*Ny. No error
checking is performed; should the value exceed the range of a
numeric variable, results are unpredictable. Example:
-> MUL N1 N2 N3 ; N3 = N1*N2
An expression may be used for Nx or Ny if it is entirely
contained within parentheses.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
Nx = <expression>
Numeric expressions may be computed and assigned directly with
the syntax "Nx = <expression>". <Expression> is any legitimate
algebraic statement. For example:
N0 = N1*(N2+N3)
N0 = N5 = N1*(N2+N3)
Values may be literal or numeric variables. Operators are:
"+", (addition),
"-", (subtraction),
"/", (division),
"*", (multiplication),
"\", (returns the remainder of division),
"=" (store partial result)
"~" (bitwise complement),
"&" (bitwise AND),
"|" (bitwise OR),
"^" (bitwise XOR),
Parentheses may be used to clarify ambiguous expressions (unless
parentheses are used, the expression is evaluated from left to
right), with the following precedences:
"(",")" highest precedence
"~", "&", "|", "^" second precedence
"*", "/" and "\" third precedence
"+" and "-" fourth precedence
"=" lowest precedence
Numeric variables may also be 'indexed'. For example, N0[1] is
N1, N1[1] is N2, and so on. Arithmetic expressions are allowed
as indices. Indices may be used on either side of a store (e.g.
"N0[N1] = N2[N3]"). An index does not 'wrap' (i.e. N0[-1] is
N0, not N99).
Strings and substrings may be used if they contain valid numeric
values. A zero is used (and an error message is issued) when a
string does not contain a valid numeric value.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
OUTPUT <address> Nx
The OUTPUT statement performs a machine level OUTPUT instruction
using the address given. WARNING: If you're not sure what a
'machine level OUTPUT instruction' is... do not use this!
OUTPUT N0 0x61 ; Write the speaker driver chip
The ON ESCAPE GOSUB statement specifies special action to
take when the operator presses the ESC key. If this is not
set, the operator is prompted "Do you wish to terminate the
script?". The script writer may choose to intercept the ESC
key with a subroutine for the special action. Example:
ON ESCAPE GOSUB ESCAPE ; Subroutine label had best exist!
Like the GOSUB statement, the operand of this statement may be
a literal label, a quoted label, or a string variable containing
the label as text.
Note: Giving the label as blank is equivalent to the statement
ON ESCAPE CLEAR, below. The ON ESCAPE label may be read (using
the "_ONEScape" intrinsic), changed, and later reset to its
previous condition, using this fact.
Note: WOPEN provides its OWN escape handler. When WCLOSE is
executed, the ON ESCAPE label prior to the WOPEN is restored.
Therefore, ON ESCAPE used during a WOPEN sequence has NO effect
outside of the sequence.
Note: Although the ON ESCAPE label is NOT cleared upon FCALL,
on FRETURN, the ON ESCAPE label holding at FCALL is replaced.
Therefore, ON ESCAPE used during a FCALL has NO effect outside
of the FCALLed file.
The ON ESCAPE CLEAR statement clears a previous ON ESCAPE GOSUB
setting. After this statement, pressing the ESC key results in
the COM-AND prompt "Do you wish to terminate the script?".
ON ESCAPE CLEAR ; Return to default condition
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The ON SILENCE GOSUB statement specifies special action to
take after a <duration> of silence on the comm line. The
<duration> defaults to 300 seconds (5 min), and may be set
with the SET SILENCE command.
ON SILENCE GOSUB Disconn ; Subroutine label had best exist!
Like the GOSUB statement, the operand of this statement may be
a literal label, a quoted label, or a string variable containing
the label as text.
Note: The script must read the comm port... with one of the
following: RGET, or PAUSE. Note: SUSPEND supercedes the ON
SILENCE condition.
Note: When the GOSUB is executed, the ON SILENCE trap is turned
off. To use it again, a new ON SILENCE GOSUB must be performed
(best in the subroutine itself).
Note: The ON SILENCE command 'primes' the timer. Therefore,
a loop containing ON SILENCE... never times out! The timer is
continuously reset.
The ON SILENCE CLEAR statement clears a previous ON SILENCE
setting. After this statement, the comm port is not tested
for silence. Example:
ON SILENCE CLEAR ; Return to default condition
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
OVERLAY <file name> [<addr>] ; Load a file for use
OVERLAY CLEAR ; Clear a loaded file
The OVERLAY statement loads an EXE or COM format file as machine
language subroutines for COM-AND scripts. Routines in the over-
lay are invoked with the SCALL statement. Example:
OVERLAY "talker.ovl" 9 ; Load voice synth; end entry = 9
The OVERLAY statement sets SUCCESS/FAIL according to the result
of the attempt. Refer to Appendix K for more discussion.
The optional address specifies an entry point to invoke (with
no parameters) when the overlay is terminated. Invocation is
automatic if specified (unless the end-entry address is invoked
by a script through an SCALL). The end-entry point is executed
when any operation would terminate the overlay (e.g. when a
new overlay is loaded, or on Alt-X COM-AND termination).
-> PAUSE [<number>]
The PAUSE statement pauses the script file for a given number of
seconds. The delay period defaults to 60 seconds, but may be
explicitly set with the numeric argument. Text received during
the PAUSE is displayed, and analyzed for WHEN triggers. Example:
-> PAUSE 300 ; Pause for 5 minutes
PERFORM <string>
The PERFORM statement executes the given string as a command.
Self modifying code is not recommended, but remote control of
COM-AND is easily implemented with this command. Example:
S0 = "EXIT" ; Place a command in S0
PERFORM S0 ; Execute S0 as a command
PLAY <string>
The PLAY statement plays the BASIC encoded music statement in
<string>. The ERROR condition is set if the string cannot be
parsed (and is therefore not sounded). Refer to Appendix D
for the syntax of the play statement. Example:
PLAY "t220 l8 edcdeee2 ddd2 egg2 edcdeee2 ed.d8edc1"
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
When a value is received (either RGET, GET or MGET), it may
contain '!'s and '^'s that would be interpreted as special
characters ('!' = carriage return, and '^' = control). The
PRESERVE command, applied to a received string variable,
modifies the value so that a subsequent TRANSMIT or MESSAGE
command sends exactly what was received. Example:
READ S9 40 N0 ; Read 40 chars
PRESERVE S9 ; Note: PRESERVE can expand 40 chars
WRITE S9 ; .. to 80 - copy up to 40 to outfile
NOTE: Once a string is PRESERVE'd, the preserved value holds
across assignments.
PRINT <string>
The PRIN command sends the <string> to the LP1 logging device.
The usual string edits are performed first; however, unlike
MESSAGE, no line advance is performed first.
The PRINT command ignores the setting of the PRINTER ON!OFF
(Ctl-PrtSc) state; it prints regardless. Printer error aborts
the line, but the next PRINT command is not disabled. Example:
PRINT "^L" ; Send a top-of-form
The PRINTER command turns on and off the local LP1 logging of
received (and echoed) text.
The QUIT command terminates the script execution and COM-AND.
It may be coded at any level (for example within a subroutine
reached through a call from a subroutine). Example:
-> QUIT ; Terminate the script and program
; Nothing past this point in the script is performed.
Note also the BYE command.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
RDIR <string>
The RDIR statement removes a subdirectory specified as drive:
path in the string operand. RDIR performs exactly as the DOS
RD command, succeeding and failing in exactly the same cases.
RDIR sets SUCCESS or FAILURE according to the result. Example:
RDIR "A:\TEMP" ; Remove a temp subdir
The READ command reads a string (up to Nx characters) into a
string variable. The input file must be opened by FOPENI.
READ reads up to 80 characters into Sx. If the input file was
opened in TEXT mode, the read string terminates at the 80th byte
or at a CR/LF pair (NOT placed in Sx as a single CR). The count
read is placed in Ny. Example:
READ S0 80 N4 ; Read 80 bytes; count read in N4
In TEXT mode, the READ function terminates when a CR/LF is en-
countered. In TEXT mode, tabs are expanded to blanks. In TEXT
mode, the READ command stops on an ASCII EOF character (Ctl-Z)
as well as on true end-of-file (size).
In TEXT mode, when an empty record is encountered (i.e. CR/LF),
the returned length is 0 and the returned buffer is empty. When
a record longer than 80 characters is encountered, the first
READ returns a length of 80 and subsequent READ statement(s)
return the remainder of the record. Special note should be made
of cases where a length of 80 exactly is returned. Should the
next READ return a length of 0, the record was 80 text charac-
ters, and the 0 length record represents the record's CR/LF.
The READ command sets the EOF condition on input EOF. This may
be tested with an 'IF EOF'. On EOF the buffer is returned null.
RENAME <oldfile> <newfile>
The RENAME statement renames a file named in the command.
The SUCCESS flag is set according to the result of the command.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The REDUCE statement performs a function opposite to the PRE-
SERVE statement. Doubled "!"s, "^"s and "`"s are reduced to
a single character. [When transmitted, or written to disk,
"!!" is written as "!", "!" is written a <cr>, and so on.]
REDUCE S0 ; Reduce doubled "!"s, "^"s, and "`"s
The RESET statement restores default settings (Alt-S, Alt-O, and
Alt-P) to their load-time values. It also restores the default
download subdirectory. It does not reset the current subdirec-
tory or the scrolling region coordinates. Example:
RESET ; Equivalent to LOAD DEFAULT
RESTORE [ALL] ; Optional operand -> restore all saved
The RESTORE statement restores an area saved by the SAVE state-
ment to the screen. The coordinates used by the SAVE statement
are implicit to the RESTORE statement. The RESTORE statement
sets the SUCCESS flag according to save-stack underflow.
RESTORE ; Restore saved area
The RETURN command transfers control of the script processor to
the last GOSUB executed. RETURN effectively cancels the domain
of any IF or SWITCH statement being processed. The RETURN may
be coded at any level (for example within an IF). Example:
-> RETURN ; Return to caller
The REWIND statement rewinds the input file (if open). The
SUCCESS flag is set according to the result of the command.
REWIND ; REWIND the input file
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The RFLUSH command flushes the receiver buffer of received text.
Text being flushed is not displayed at the CRT. Example:
-> RFLUSH ; Flush anything left over
-> HANGUP ; Disconnect the call
-> RGET Sx [<number> [<number>]]
The RGET command reads the comm port for text. Received text
is terminated by a carriage return (in RMODE ASCII), or, if the
optional first numeric argument was supplied, after <number>
characters. Receipt may also be terminated after a stated or
unstated period of time (default is 60 seconds; the value may be
changed with the optional second numeric argument). Example:
-> RGET S0 24 300 ; Wait up to 5 mins for 24 characters
Note: the delay interval cannot be specified without the first
numeric argument (length) also present.
Note: if WHEN triggers are performed during an RGET, the RGET
length must be greater than the largest WHEN trigger string.
If a WHEN trigger is encountered in a string, all text up to
and including the WHEN trigger is 'eliminated' (i.e. not
returned by the RGET).
RGET sets the SUCCESS/FAILURE condition (which may then be
tested with the IF statement).
RGET reads with either an ASCII or BINARY mode. Its default
is ASCII. In ASCII mode, nulls and linefeeds are ignored,
carriage returns end the RGET, and backspaces are performed.
In binary mode, the RGET is terminated only by length. The
RGET mode is set with the SET RMODE statement.
The RJ command right justifies the contents of the given string
variable (within its actual length). Example:
RJ S0 ; Right justify
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
RND <modulus> Nx
The RND command computes a random number (smaller than the
given modulus value) and places the value in Nx. Example:
RND 6 N0 ; Roll one six faced die (n0 = 0 to 5)
-> RUN <string> [WAIT]
The RUN command executes any external program 'on top of'
COM-AND. The RUN command fails if there is insufficient
memory to load the new program.
Parameters may be passed to the new program by including
them after the file name. Example:
-> RUN "VCOLIB.EXE" ; Load VCOLIB (menu mode)
RUN "VCOLIB.EXE L GENIE.FLB" ; Load and list to CRT
The optional keyword WAIT commands COM-AND to pause after
completion, waiting for a keypress before the script continues.
This command sets the SUCCESS condition according to the error
level returned to DOS by the target program.
NOTE: The screen is saved prior to the RUN function, for
restoration upon completion. However, the screen size saved
is defined by the DWINDOW currently in effect!
SAVE row col row col
The SAVE statement saves an area of screen on a stack. The
first and second arguments specify the row/column of the top-
left of the region. The third and fourth arguments specify the
row/column of the bottom-right of the region. Up to 20 regions
may be saved at one time (given sufficient space). The SUCCESS
flag is set/reset according to save-stack overflow. Example:
SAVE 0 10,10 20,20 ; Save a narrow box.
See also RESTORE, and the note on screen-save stack space under
WOPEN. When SAVE returns FAILED, do NOT perform RESTORE. How-
ever, WCLOSE may follow a WOPEN that returned ERROR.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
SCALL <addr> [parms [,parms]]
The SCALL instruction invokes a procedure in an overlay. The
address of the procedure (relative to the first 64K) must be
supplied. Optional numeric (nx) and string (Sx, Vx) variables
may be listed after the mandatory address. All parameters are
passed by reference and may therefore be modified by the over-
lay routine. For example:
SCALL 3 N0 ; Invoke proc at addr 3, pass/rtn N0
For more discussion, refer to Appendix K.
SCREEN row col row col attr Sx
The SCREEN statement provides for a multi-line display within
an area on the screen. The leftmost column and the number of
lines to display are defined by the box coordinates. The color
attribute is used on each line displayed. Lines are displayed
string with the string variable given, and proceeding in
sequence. For example:
SCREEN 10,10 20,20 (black white) S0
displays 11 lines from variables S0 through S10. Note: the
attribute ONLY applies to text written (not the whole box).
Note: the box width does NOT limit the line length displayed.
-> SCROLL cnt row col row col attr
The SCROLL statement scrolls a region on the screen, filling
the new lines with the specified color. The first argument
<cnt> specifies the number of lines to scroll (0 means clear
the region, +ve means scroll up, -ve means scroll down). The
second and third arguments specify the row/column of the top
left of the region. The fourth and fifth arguments specify the
row/column of the bottom-right of the region. The last
argument specifies the color attribute to use in the new area.
-> SCROLL 0 10,10 20,20 15 ; White on black: narrow box
SCROLL 0 10,10 20,20 (black white)
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> SENDFILE ASCII <string> ; A.K.A. Buffer capture
SENDFILE BPLUS ; CompuServe B+ protocol
-> SENDFILE BYMODEMG <string> ; Batch YMODEM-G (BYMOG works too)
-> SENDFILE CISB ; CompuServe B-protocol
-> SENDFILE KERMIT <string> ; Kermit or SuperKermit
SENDFILE QUICKB ; CompuServe Quick B-protocol
-> SENDFILE RXMODEM <string> ; Relaxed CRC or Checksum XMODEM
-> SENDFILE WXMODEM <string> ; Windowed XMODEM
-> SENDFILE XMODEM <string> ; CRC or Checksum XMODEM
-> SENDFILE YMODEM <string> ; Simple YMODEM (not True ... (TM))
SENDFILE ZMODEM <string> ; ZMODEM transfer (batch)
The SENDFILE statement initiates an upload using a specific
protocol. The <string> argument must specify a valid file name,
and the file must exist. The SENDFILE command sets the SUCCESS
condition according to the transfer. Example:
-> SENDFILE XMODEM "com-and.arc" ; Upload
Note: in the case of CISB, BPlus and QUICKB, you must tell the
host the name the file is to take on your machine.
Note: CIS-B (BPlus/QuickB) provides an automated upload func-
tion. The automated function is NOT available within a script
unless the script is 'reading the port', i.e. with an RGET,
PAUSE or SUSPEND statement.
-> SET <command...>
The SET commands are discussed below in a chapter alone.
The SHELL command shell's to DOS using COMMAND.COM or the
program indicated by the 'COMSPEC=' environment variable.
Having shelled to DOS, DOS commands may be manually executed.
However, the shell must be exited for the script to continue.
COMMAND.COM is exited with the command "Exit". Example:
-> SHELL ; shell to DOS
NOTE: The screen is saved prior to the SHELL function, for
restoration upon completion. The size of the screen saved is
is determined by the DWINDOW currently in effect!
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The SNAME command returns the current script file name in the
variable given. Example:
SNAME S0 ; shell to DOS
This function is provided to make it possible for a script
'EXECUTE'd from another script file to return to the original
script. Note: when a script is started, all string variables
are set to blank. When a script is 'EXECUTE'd string variables
retain their current values.
-> SOUND <number> <number>
The SOUND statement generates a tone of a specific frequency
for a duration specified in milliseconds. The first argument is
the frequency (in Hz). The second argument is duration. Both
may be specified as literal values or as variables. Example:
-> SOUND 440 500 ; Sound a 'A' for half-a-sec
The SSIZE statement returns the current # of screen lines
in the given numeric variable. Example:
SSIZE N0 ; Compute # screen lines
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
STACK <string>
The STACK statement stores the given string (if there is room)
in the BIOS keyboard buffer. STACK CLEAR clears the BIOS key-
board buffer. STACK may be used prior to BYE to effect a chain
to another program. For example:
STACK "PC-VCO!" ; Stack cmd to load PC-VCO
-> BYE ; Exit COM-AND without hanging up
Note: STACK, like HITKEY, sets a state inhibiting typethrough
To STACK a non-ASCII key, preceded the 'extended code' with null
(^@). Please refer to Appendix H of this document for a table
of extended keycodes as used by the STACK command.
Note: the STACK command uses the EBL keyboard stack, if EBL
is available. Refer to Appendix (F) below for EBL information.
The BIOS keyboard buffer is limited to 15 characters. The EBL
provides a larger buffer for STACK's use. [Note: utilities
and TSRs may provide a larger keyboard buffer. If so, COM-AND
uses the larger buffer.]
The STORE command writes a settings file (either the dialing
directory, macro definition, accessory definition, defaults),
or may be used to save (ALL) script strings/allocated/numeric
variables and the FSAVE stacks. Example:
STORE DIAL ; Update current dial dir
STORE DEFAULT ; Note: takes no file name
STORE NUMERIC "script.num" ; Save N0-N99 to a file
The STORE subcommand takes a file-name parameter when script
variables/stacks are being stored. The other statements store
to the file currently in use. STORE ALLOCATED (storing
allocated variables to a disk file) requires a specific file
name for the store.
Note: 'STORE DEFAULTS' is equivalent to 'UPDATE'.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The STRCAT statement concatenates two strings, Sy onto Sx. The
concatenation occurs after the last character of Sx. Example:
-> STRCAT S0 S1 ; Concat S1 onto S0
STRCAT S0 S1(5:10) ; Extract substring of S1 and add
Note: the command above is equivalent to the following:
CONCAT S0 * S1 ; Another way to say this
The STRCMP statement compares two strings (case sensitive)
and sets the SUCCESS flag if they are identical. Example:
-> STRCMP S0 S1 ; Compare strings in S0 & S1
-> IF SUCCESS ; IF they are equal...
... ; ...
Note: STRCMP may also be used with IF as the conditional test
(e.g. IF STRCMP S0 S1 ...).
-> STRCPY Sx <string>
The STRCPY statement assigns the value in <string> to Sx.
It is equivalent to the ASSIGN statement. Example:
-> STRCPY S0 S1 ; S0 = S1, or ASSIGN S0 S1
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> STRFMT Sx <fmtstr> <parms>
The STRFMT statement formats variables (and literals) into a
template and places the result into a string variable. The
argument <fmtstr> above is the formatting template. The
argument list <parms> above is a list of variable names (and
literals and substrings) to format. Example:
-> STRFMT S0 "The answer is %d %s" N1 S1
In the above example, the value in N1 replaces %d and the text
in S1 replaces %s. Format specifiers in the template have the
<Flags> are "-" meaning left justify the argument, and
"+" meaning display the argument with a plus
or minus sign (if numeric). The defaults are
right justified and signed only if negative.
<width> specifies the minimum number of characters to
be displayed. If <width> is greater than the
value, blanks are added to the left or right
(according to the justification). If <width>
is prefixed by 0, 0's are used in place of
.<precision> specifies the minimum number of digits to
display. 0's are added to the left of the
formatted value to achieve <precision>.
<type> "d" specifies decimal numeric values (signed)
"u" specifies unsigned decimal values
"x" specifies hex values
"s" specifies string values
The <fmtstr> is scanned from left to right for format
specifiers. As specifiers are found, parameters after <fmtstr>
are extracted and used sequentially. This usage is similar to
the Microsoft "C" compiler's usage.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> SUB Nx Ny Nz
The SUB command performs the instruction: Nz = Nx-Ny. No
error check is performed; should the value exceed the range
of a numeric variable, results are unpredictable. Example:
-> SUB N1 N2 N3 ; N3 = N1-N2
An expression may be used for Nx or Ny if it is entirely
contained within parentheses.
The SUBDIR statement stores the current default drive:sub-
directory into the target variable. Example:
SUBDIR S0 ; Get current drive:path
-> SUBSTR Sx Sy <number> <number>
The SUBSTR statement extracts a substring from Sy and places
it in Sx. The beginning character position is specified by the
first numeric argument (0,1,2...). The second numeric argument
specifies the length of the substring. Example:
-> SUBSTR S0 S1 5 10 ; S0 = S1 at 5 for 10
Note: the command above is equivalent to the following:
S0 = S1(5:14) ; Another way to say this
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
SUSPEND FOR <number> <number>
-> SUSPEND UNTIL <number> <number>
The SUSPEND FOR statement suspends COM-AND for the duration
indicated (in military form). The suspension may be up to 24
hours. The first argument is hours (0-23) and the second
argument is minutes. Example:
SUSPEND FOR 0 30 ; Wait a-haffa hour
The SUSPEND UNTIL statement suspends COM-AND until the time
indicated (in military form). Example:
-> SUSPEND UNTIL 4 30 ; 4:30 AM
Incoming text received during SUSPEND is displayed on the
screen. Keystrokes are transmitted. The SUSPEND may be
terminated with the ESC key. WHEN is active during SUSPEND.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> SWITCH (Sx!Nx)
The SWITCH statement declares a variable to test and a domain
for transfer of control. A SWITCH statement must be followed
an ENDSWITCH statement. Lines between the SWITCH and the
ENDSWITCH statements are the domain of the SWITCH function.
Within the SWITCH domain, CASE statements test the given
variable for a value (not case sensitive). If a match is
obtained, the statements following the CASE statement are
executed until an ENDCASE is encountered.
A DEFAULT statement specifies a clause to execute if none of
the prior CASEs have been executed. The DEFAULT clause is
terminated by an ENDCASE; just as a CASE statement.
-> SWITCH (Sx!Nx) ; Set variable to test.
CASE (<string>!<number>) ; Match Sx and <string>
... ; .. execute if a match
-> ENDCASE ; End of first case
-> CASE <string> ; <String> = "_NULL" -> empty
-> ENDCASE ; End of second case
-> DEFAULT ; DEFAULT executed if no case
... ; .. was matched
-> ENDCASE ; End of default case
-> ENDSWITCH ; End of SWITCH domain
Statements between a SWITCH and an ENDSWITCH which are not
themselves within a CASE/ENDCASE or DEFAULT/ENDCASE are ignored.
SWITCH domains may be nested with IF domains, GOSUBs, DO, FOR
and WHILE up to a maximum stack depth of 20.
Note: either a string OR a numeric variable may be used with
the SWITCH statement. Strings and numerics may be mixed in any
(useful) manner with SWITCH and CASEs.
Substring bounds are not allowed on the SWITCH variable, but are
allowed on the CASE variable.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
Sx = <expression>
String expressions may be computed and assigned directly with
the syntax "Sx = <expression>". <Expression> is any legitimate
combination of values and operators. For example:
S0 = S1 & S2 * S3(4:5)
S0(70:79) = S1
Values may be literal or string/numeric variables. Operators
allowed are "*" (concatenate at end), and "&" (trim trailing
blanks and then concatenate). Substrings may be specified using
(from:to) notation: from column # to column #.
Numeric variables may also be included. An implicit conversion
to ASCII is performed (with lead zeroes suppressed and left
justified). The width of the value is variable.
This usage, string expression, is the only statement in the
COM-AND script language supporting 'string deposit'... i.e.
specification of a substring for assignment. I hope that a
future extension of this script language will allow string
deposit as freely as string extraction.
String variables may also be 'indexed'. For example, S0[1] is
S1, S1[1] is S2, and so on. Arithmetic expressions are allowed
as indices. Indices may be used on either side of a store (e.g.
"S0[N1] = S2[N3]"). An index does not 'wrap' (i.e. S0[-1] is
S0, not S29). For example:
S0 = S0[2](2:3) ; Extract cols 2-3 from S2 and place in S0
A string variable can use itself as an argument on the right
side. So, s8 = "Add to front " * s8 * " and to back" works...
The TERMINAL statement terminates a COM-AND script, returning to
CRT mode. It may be coded at any level (for example within a
subroutine reached through a call from a subroutine). Example:
-> TERMINAL ; End of script
; Nothing past this point in the script is executed
Note also the EXIT and CONNECT command.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> TIME Sx [0!1]
The TIME statement store the current system time into the target
variable. The TIME is formatted according to the optional
format argument (if provided and nonzero, the time is formatted
hh:mm:ss where hh is 0-23; otherwise it is formatted hh:mm:ss
with a final AM or PM). Example:
-> TIME S1 1 ; Get the time of day military fmt
The TRACE statement turns on and off script file tracing. When
tracing is enabled, each line of the script file is displayed on
the CRT before the statement is executed. If logging is
enabled, the trace display is also copied to the log. Example:
-> TRACE ON ; Turn on tracing
-> TRANSMIT <string>
The TRANSMIT statement writes the given string to the communi-
cations line. TRANSMIT does not add a carriage return to the
string; if a carriage return is required, it should be con-
tained in the string (^M is a carriage return). TRANSMIT back-
scans the text to transmit and does not send trailing blanks.
-> TRANSMIT S0 ; Send what's in S0
-> TRANSMIT "text" ; Send text without a c/r
-> TRANSMIT "text^M" ; Send text with a c/r
Note: For PCPlus compatibility, a tilde (~) represents a 1/2
second pause in the TRANSMIT string.
TSINCE [(#)] Nx Ny Nz
The TSINCE statement reads the time since a given timer was set
(all timers are initialized to the time the script is loaded but
may be changed with "SET TIMER"), in hours, minutes and seconds.
10 timers are supported. Example:
TSINCE N0,N1,N2 ; Read time since timer 0 was set
TSINCE (9) N0,N1,N2 ; Read time since timer 9 was set
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> TYPE <string>
The TYPE statement opens the file specified by <string> and
displays it to the local console. This is equivalent to the
interactive Alt-W command of COM-AND. Example:
-> TYPE "COM-AND.DOC" ; Don't do this: too big!
UNTIL <condition>
The UNTIL statement terminates the clause of a DO loop. The
specified condition is evaluated, and looping occurs if the
evaluation is false. Refer to DO above for an example.
The <condition> executed by UNTIL has the same form as the
condition of the 'IF' statement.
The UPDATE statement updates the .DFT file. This is equi-
valent to the STORE DEFAULT instruction. Example:
UPDATE ; Store new settings
The UPPER statement upper cases all alphabetic characters in
Sx. Example:
UPPER S5 ; Force all upper case
The VERSION statement reads the current version of COM-AND
(major*10+minor) and places it into a numeric variable.
VERSION N0 ; N0 = 23 if version 2.3
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> WAITFOR <string> [<number>]
The WAITFOR instruction waits up to a given (explicit in <num-
ber>, or default) number of seconds for receipt of the target
string. The WAITFOR instruction sets the WAITFOR condition
(tested by IF) according to whether or not the target <string>
was received. The WAITFOR function is not case sensitive.
-> WAITFOR "U#=" ; Waitfor GEnie user # prompt
Note: As with WHEN strings, carriage returns, line feeds,
and backspaces should not be encoded in the WAITFOR target.
A special provision has been made for the construct:
-> WAITFOR "^M" ; Waitfor the next carriage return
This construction is required because of the frequency with
which published scripts use the construct. However, in the
general case, avoid carriage returns, line feeds and backspaces
in the WAITFOR string.
WCLOSE [ALL] ; Optional operand -> close all open
The WCLOSE instruction closes a window opened with the WOPEN
instruction. If no windows are open FAILURE is set. Otherwise,
(1) The saved area (if one is saved) is restored and (2) The
ON ESCAPE condition at the time of the WOPEN is restored.
For example:
WCLOSE ; Must match a WOPEN above
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
-> WHEN [(#)] <string> <string>
The WHEN instruction establishes a 'trigger' string which will
be recognized and responded to automatically. WHEN takes two
arguments: the first argument is a <string> which, on receipt,
results in the transmission of the second string. Example:
-> WHEN "Press return for more" "^M" ; Respond w/c/r
The WHEN statement has been extended to allow up to 10 WHEN
settings (WHEN (0), WHEN (1) ... WHEN (9), with an unquali-
fied WHEN equivalent to WHEN (0)). Each must be set and
cleared individually. Examples:
WHEN (0) "more?" "^M" ; Same as WHEN
WHEN (9) "Agree?" "Y^M" ; Set last WHEN
WHEN trigger strings are not case sensitive; you needn't
represent the trigger exactly. The WHEN matching begins after
receipt of a carriage return, and continues until the length
buffered exceeds the length of the WHEN string.
Note: The SET ANYWHEN statement affects the type of match
performed by the WHEN statement. When ANYWHEN is off (the
default), a match must be made from the start a received line
(i.e. immediately after the return). When ANYWHEN is on, the
match is a substring test against the entire received buffer.
If WHEN triggers are used during an RGET, the length of the
RGET target must be larger than the largest WHEN trigger
string. Further, if a WHEN trigger is encountered during an
RGET, all text up to and including the WHEN trigger is 'elim-
inated' (i.e. not returned by RGET).
Carriage returns and line feeds cannot be included in a WHEN
trigger string.
WHEN settings are cleared with the CWHEN statement.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
WHILE <condition>
The WHILE statement asserts the beginning of a loop, if the
condition specified evaluates true. The clause after the WHILE
statement is executed through an ENDWHILE statement and looping
occurs (back to evaluate the condition again).
The WHILE statement evaluates the given condition (see the 'IF'
statement for a list of conditions). If the evaluation is
false, statements following are skipped until the corresponding
ENDWHILE is encountered. Example:
N0 = 0 ; Initialize index
WHILE LT N0 10 ; Loop for 10 times
N0 = N0+1 ; Increment index
ENDWHILE ; Loop back to WHILE
Note: (1) GOTO statements may never enter a WHILE loop; not
even to leave an inner loop to return to an outer
Note: (2) WHILE statements may be nested (along with IF, FOR,
WHILE, SWITCH and DO loops) up to 20 levels. How-
ever, they may not overlap other WHILE loops, or
other flow-of-control statements.
Note: (3) The clause of the WHILE statement (statements after
'WHILE' down to the ENDWHILE statement) is not
necessarily executed, even once. The conditional
evaluation is performed before each iteration.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
WOPEN row col row col attr [label]
The WOPEN command opens a window on the screen, saving the
current ON ESCAPE setting, and optionally, setting a new ON
ESCAPE condition. Up to 10 windows may be opened at one time
(if 10 is exceeded, FAILURE is set).
The WOPEN instruction combines a number of other instructions
into a one function. WOPEN is equivalent to:
Sx = "_ONESCAPE" ; Read current
ON ESCAPE GOSUB label ; Set new
CURSOR Nx Ny ; Read current & save
SAVE row col row col ; Save screen area
-> BOX row col row col attr ; Clear scr, draw box
The corresponding WCLOSE is equivalent to:
ON ESCAPE GOSUB Sx ; Reset condition
RESTORE ; Restore screen
-> LOCATE Nx Ny ; Restore cursor
The ON ESCAPE condition is reset upon WCLOSE to the setting at
the time of the WOPEN. Intervening "ON ESCAPE" statements are
therefore cancelled. Intervening SAVEs and RESTOREs are not
cancelled, however. Have care!
WOPEN 10,10 20,70 (default) ESCAPE_Label ; Open a window
NOTE: If the ERROR flag is set after WOPEN, there was insuf-
ficient space to save the screen under the window. WCLOSE will
not be able to restore the previous screen's contents, but
will otherwise work correctly..
COM-AND provides space to save approximately 5 screens of 24
lines of 80 column text. More than 5 WOPENs are allowed when
the area under each is smaller than 24*80.
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V. Script Language Commands (continued)
The WRITE command writes a string from a string variable to the
output file. The length of the string variable is specified by
Nx. The output file must be opened by a previous FOPENO.
In TEXT mode the WRITE command translates CRs in the string
buffer to CR/LF pairs. No tab compression is performed.
WRITE writes up to 80 characters from Sx, according to the value
in Nx. Example:
WRITE S0 75 ; Write 75 bytes
Note: the length given applies to the string as given. The
string "^M" is 2 characters long and should be specified as a
length of 2, although only 1 character (control-M) is written.
The string "`"", interestingly enough, is 1 character long!
Note: the length parameter is optional. If not specified, the
current length of the variable is computed.
Note: COM-AND does not write a ^Z (decimal 26) to the output
file when it is closed, having been opened in TEXT mode. The
script author may add the ASCII EOF convention by preceding the
FCLOSEO with the statement:
WRITE "^Z" ; ASCII EOF convention
Note also: FPUTC/FPUTS/FWRITE commands.
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VI. SET commands
SET subcommands allow string variables for their operands. For
example, ON or OFF may be contained in a string, and the string
used as the final operand of the statement.
A. Basic set
SET 25
SET 25 changes to CGA mode (25 lines), for CGA/Monochrome.
NOTE: SET 25 clears any DWINDOW in effect.
SET 43
SET 43 changes to EGA(VGA) mode (43(50) lines), if an EGA
is available. [SET 43 sets VGA (50 lines), if VGA is
available.] NOTE: SET 43 clears any DWINDOW in effect.
SET ACCE <field> stores the given string into the stated
field (name, subdir, ...). Each field is differently sized.
Accessory directory entry numbers range from 1-50.
SET ADVERT sets and resets the initial advertisement display.
SET ALARM sets and resets the alarm function. When OFF,
the alarm does not sound (e.g. after download), but a delay,
for a period set through Alt-S or SET ATIME, is performed.
SET ANYWHEN controls the execution of any current WHEN condi-
tions. When ANYWHEN is off (the default), matching occurs
from the beginning of the buffer. When ANYWHEN is on, the
match is actually a substring match to the received buffer.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
-> SET ASCII <subcommand>
The SET ASCII subcommands are discussed below (section "B").
-> SET ATIME <number> Alarm time
SET ATIME sets the duration (in seconds) for alarms.
SET BACKSPACE IN controls the function performed when a
backspace is received. Nondestructive backspaces are not
common, but may be needed occasionally.
SET BACKSPACE OUT controls the function performed when a
backspace is typed. Either a 'backspace' character (0x8)
or a delete character (0x7f) may be transmitted.
SET BAR <attr>
SET BAR sets the status line bar color. The change takes
effect the next time the status line is updated (e.g. with
the LEGEND command). The new color holds after the script.
-> SET BAUDRATE (300!1200!2400!4800!9600!14K!19K!38K!57K!115K)
SET BAUD sets the communications port linespeed. This
command results in a reset of the line. [NOTE: You may
also use the speed returned by COMPARMS, in a variable,
as an operand to SET BAUD.]
SET BELL <number>
SET BELL sets the bell tone in hertz.
SET BELL sets backscreen size in pages (0-64). Note that
this function clears the current backscreen in the process.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET BPLUS <subcommand>
The SET BPLUS subcommands are discussed below ("C").
-> SET BREAK <number>
SET BREAK sets the duration (in milliseconds) of the break
signal (BREAK statement or Ctrl-end).
SET BSUPPRESS sets and resets blank line suppression as
implemented in COM-AND.
SET CALLLOG sets and resets COM-AND's call logging. The
calllog records DIAL (Alt-D), REDIAL (Alt-R), HANGUP
(Alt-H), and file transfers (PgUp and PgDn).
SET CDISPLAY turns on and off control character display.
BBS's often use control characters as graphics, and network
host systems only generate them inadvertantly.
SET CDRESPECT sets and resets COM-AND's treatment of the
modem carrier detect. When CD respect is 'off', COM-AND
treats modem carrier as always 'true'.
SET CHAT turns on and off chat mode. The chat window is
opened immediately.
SET CHLINES <number>
SET CHLINES specifies the size of the CHAT window.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET CLOCK turns on and off the on-screen clock. The "NEW"
subcommands resets the "call time" and makes an entry in
the calllog (if calllogging).
SET COLOR sets/reset COM-AND's use of a color monitor, if
available. Note that the screen is repainted accordingly.
SET COMBASE specifies the base address to use for the given
port (COM1, COM2, etc).
SET COMVECTOR specifies the vector number to use for the
given port (COM1, COM2, etc).
SET CR controls the display of received carriage returns.
When set to CR_LF, received carriage returns are displayed
as carriage return/line feeds.
SET CR_IN is equivalent to SET CR above.
SET DATA sets the communications port to 7 or 8 data bits
(this does not affect W/XMODEM, YMODEM, or ZMODEM transfers).
SET DBLCLICK specifies the interval (in MS) during which a
double click of the mouse button may occur.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET DDACODE <string>
SET DDACODE establishes a 3 digit area code for use by
Alt-D (and scripted DIAL). When a legitimate non-null
value, this area code is stripped (along with a prefixed
"1") from a number to be dialed.
SET DDPREFIX establishes a string (or null) to precede a
number (and LD prefix if used) in Alt-D and script DIAL.
SET DEFA sets the color for menu windows. The change takes
effect the next time a window is invoked (e.g. with an alt'd
key). The new color holds after the script terminates.
SET DIAL NAME # <string> SET DIAL DATA # <string>
SET DIAL NUMB # <string> SET DIAL STOP # <string>
SET DIAL RATE # <string> SET DIAL ECHO # <string>
SET DIAL PARI # <string> SET DIAL SCRI # <string>
SET DIAL <field> stores the given string into the stated
field (name, number, ...). Each field is differently sized.
Dialing directory entry numbers range from 1-100.
SET DISPLAY sets and resets the display of received charac-
ters. You may use this to suppress (OFF) received text
while you wait for an appropriate response.
This statement is equivalent to SET RDISPLAY.
-> SET DLDIR <string>
SET DLDIR establishes a default path for downloaded files
when the file name given is not pathed.
The <string> provided may be of the form: d:\path...\path
The <string> operand is limited to 26 characters.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET DOSLEVEL establishes an error level (default 0) to
return to the invoking program when COM-AND terminates.
Among other uses, this provides a means to exit COM-AND
but retain control of processing (via a batch file).
SET DPREFIX <string>
SET DPREFIX specifies the prefix used to build a dialing
SET DROPDTR specifies method used (issue modem escape+hangup
string, or drop DTR) to hangup.
SET DSUFFIX <string>
SET DSUFFIX specifies the suffix used to build a dialing
SET DTR raises and lowers the DTR signal to the modem.
SET DUPLEX turns on (HALF) and off (FULL) local echo.
SET ENQ CISB allows automatic file transfers initiated by
CIS. SET ENQ OFF ignores ENQ characters.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET EXIT <script name>
SET EXIT specifies a script file name to invoke upon termin-
ation of COM-AND. Termination occurs manually with Alt-X,
or through the script command BYE. When COM-AND terminates,
and an EXIT script has been set, the exit script is invoked,
after testing for carrier. When an EXIT script is set, the
only way to terminate COM-AND is through the script itself
(i.e. no EXIT script is specified in the EXIT script, and
the EXIT script performs a BYE command).
Note: the EXIT script setting is cleared when an exit
script is invoked... i.e. an EXIT script must re-specify
an EXIT script name to preserve the function (and COM-AND
not to terminate).
Note: COM-AND must be ABLE to find the EXIT script on
termination. It is best if all EXIT scripts reside in the
subdirectory pointed to through the COM-AND= environment
SET EXQUERY sets/resets the "do you mean it?" query-on-exit.
SET FAILURE sets and resets the FAILURE condition tested by
the IF statement. SET FAILURE may be used to modify various
conditions setting and resetting SUCCESS/FAILURE.
SET FATTR <file> Nx
SET FATTR writes a file's attribute bits, from the low 8
bits of Nx. Please note that the FATTR statement (which
reads a file's attributes) may return EITHER a string, or
a numeric value, and the string form is incompatible with
SET FATTR. Please refer to the FATTR statement above.
The SET FLAG instruction sets and resets one of 10 flags.
Flags may be tested with the IF statement.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET FLOWCTRL turns on and off software flow control used
during receipt of text from the host. This command is global
(SET ASCII FLOW is local to ASCII SENDs), affecting both
display receipt and ASCII sends.
SET FOUND sets and resets the FOUND condition tested by
the IF statement. SET FOUND may be used to imitate FIND
statement returns.
SET HARD enables and disables unidirectional hardware flow
control. Flow control is performed at the hardware level by
raising RTS and waiting (for up to 20 seconds) for CTS. Note
HARDFLOW is overridden by RTSFLOW (below). HARDFLOW is
rarely used today.
SET HMOUSE specifies the mouse horizontal sensitivity.
SET INAFTER controls modem initialization after hangup.
SET INTRINSIC enables (ON) and disables (OFF) COM-AND's
handling of strings (potentially) containing intrinsic
functions. When disabled, strings containing intrinsic
functions are NOT executed ("_MOUSE" remains unchanged).
SET KBDBUF controls the (status line) keyboard display
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
-> SET KERMIT <subcommand>
The SET KERMIT subcommands are discussed below ("D").
SET LD # <string>
SET LD stores the given string into the given LD directory
entry: 1,2,3, or 4 is required, 1="+",2="-",3="#",4="@" in
the Alt-D LD directory.
SET LINKED sets and resets the LINKED condition tested by
the IF statement. SET LINKED may be used to imitate script
execution through Alt-D.
SET MACRO # <string>
SET MACRO stores the given string into the given MACRO dir-
ectory entry: 0-9.
SET MASK sets and resets the 7 bit mask of COM-AND.
SET MCONNECT specifies the modem connect string used to
recognize a successful dialing function.
SET MCR <value>
SET MCR write a value to the currently selected port's
modem control register. It is suggested this be avoided
in most cases (danger!).
SET MDCHAR <value>
SET MDCHAR sets an alternate modem delay character used
as 1/2 second delays in TRANSMIT and in modem strings.
This value is retained after the script terminates.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET MDELAY specifies the intercharacter time (in MS) for
strings issued to the modem (e.g. dialing strings).
SET MENUMODE specifies the new MENUMODE value. It takes
effect only upon completion of the script.
SET MESCAPE <string>
SET MESCAPE specifies the string to use to get the atten-
tion of the modem (e.g. before hangup).
SET MHANGUP <string>
SET MHANGUP specifies the string used (if DROPDTR is OFF)
to hangup the phone.
SET MINIT <string>
SET MINIT specifies the string transmitted to the modem
when COM-AND is loaded.
SET MULTI controls the action of subsequent PLAY statements.
MULTI is OFF by default; tempo, mode, etc are defaulted for
every statement. When MULTI is ON, no defaults are used,
and tempo, mode, etc hold across PLAY statements.
SET MUSIC sets and resets COM-AND's processing of music
escape sequences. Music escape sequences are received:
"ESC [ M <string> <control-N>'.
SET OVEN establishes the address (or none) to execute when
the current overlay is terminated (e.g. when a new overlay
is loaded, or on Alt-X).
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET PARITY sets the communications line parity for the
current port.
SET PCJr sets and resets a mode where the comm line is sus-
pended during disk I/O. This only effects transcripts,
ZMODEM, CIS-B+, Windowed XMODEM and Windowed Kermit.
SET PORT declares the communications port to use. This
command resets the communications line.
SET QUIET controls bell character suppression.
-> SET RDELAY <number>
SET RDELAY sets the duration (in seconds) of the delay
between Alt-R and script DIAL statement redial attempts.
SET RDISPLAY sets and resets the display of received text.
You may use this to suppress (OFF) received text while you
wait for an appropriate response.
SET RDMAX <number>
A script author may set a limit to the number of redials per-
formed through a DIAL statement. This feature is available
only in the script setting it (at this time).
SET RECHO sets and resets the echo of received characters
back out the port. This might be enabled (ON), for example,
in a script performing a 'HOST' mode for outside callers.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET REMAP enables (on) and disables (off) keyboard remapping.
A remap must first be created and placed into a file COM-AND
.RMP (for example using the supplied REMAP.CMD script).
SET REMOTE enables (on) and disables (off) the ability to
execute script functions through received commands. REMOTE
commands are received: "ESC,^,<script command> <cr>".
SET REMFTN enables (on) and disables (off) transmission of
function key values to a remote Doorway-like utility. When
this is ON, function key pop-ups in COM-AND are inhibited.
SET RLEOK sets and resets the possibility of RLE display
during normal receive functions.
SET RMODE affects the RGET command subsequent. By default,
the RMODE setting is ASCII. When set to ASCII, RGETs ignore
nulls and line feeds, end on a carriage return (or length),
and backspace/rubouts are implemented (and not buffered).
When the mode is binary, nulls, carriage returns, line feeds,
backspaces and rubouts are buffered to the length specified.
SET RTS sets and resets request-to-send bit of the modem.
Generally, this capability should be avoided.
SET RTSD enables (on) and disables (off) RTS Discipline
in COM-AND. When enabled, RTS is not raised by COM-AND and
must be raised through SET RTS (above).
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET RTSF enables (on) and disables (off) bidirectional flow
control. When this flow control is enabled, the RTS line is
used to signal the modem when COM-AND is able (or not able)
to receive characters. This method of flow control is re-
quired by 9600 bps (and above) modems. Refer to Appendix J
for more discussion of flow control.
SET SILENCE <seconds>
SET SILENCE sets and resets the timeout used by ON SILENCE
GOSUB. The trap defaults to 300 seconds. SET SILENCE
changes only the timeout, not the trap clock.
SET SLOWOUT sets and resets 'slow output' during file trans-
fers. COM-AND usually performs transfers at machine speed
(interrupt driven writes); Some network modems, and some
high speed modems cannot take this speed.
SET SOFTFLOW sets and resets software flow control (XON/XOFF)
as used in receive and ASCII SEND.
SET STATUS enables and disables the status line display.
When OFF, the last line is used for received text display.
SET STOP sets the communications port to 1 or 2 stop bits.
SET SUCCESS sets and resets the SUCCESS condition tested by
the IF statement. SET SUCCESS may be used to modify various
statements that themselves set/reset SUCCESS/FAILURE.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET SWRITE sets COM-AND to use either BIOS, DOS, or direct
screen buffer access for menu saves/restores.
SET SWRITE DOS only controls text written to the screen.
When used, text received is passed to the console device.
SET SWRITE BIOS affects both text written to the screen
and the method used for screen saves.
SET TEXT <attr>
SET TEXT sets the color for text display. The change takes
effect the next time a character is displayed (it does not
repaint). The new color holds after the script terminates.
NOTE: To change the color attribute for the entire screen:
SET TEXT <attr> ; Set text attr for subsequent chars
SET COLOR "_TEXT" ; Repaint screen and border
The SET TIMER instruction sets the timestamp for one of 10
timers. Timers are read using the TSINCE statement.
The SET TTHRU sets the script processor to allow (ON) or not
allow (OFF) typethrough during the script. When set OFF,
keystrokes are queued and are read by KEYGET, ATGET, MATGET,
Note: TYPETHRU is a 'global' condition, whereas HITKEY is a
'local' condition. Typethrough is suspended after HITKEY is
tested, until the key is read. Once the key is read, the
HITKEY condition is disabled and typethrough is allowed
(unless you've SET TTHRU OFF).
Note: Use of SET TTHRU may inhibit termination with ESCape!
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET TUNE <string>
The SET TUNE sets the alarm tune to the BASIC encoded play
statement in <string>. The ERROR condition is set if the
string cannot be parsed (and the alarm is not set). Refer
to Appendix C for the syntax of the play statement.
SET HMOUSE specifies the mouse vertical sensitivity.
SET WAITFOR sets and resets the WAITFOR condition tested
by the IF statement. SET WAITFOR may be used to modify the
results of a WAITFOR instruction.
SET WATCHDOG <seconds>
SET WATCHDOG sets the XOFF watchdog timer timeout. When an
XOFF is received a timer begins. If no XON is received with-
in <timer> seconds, the XOFF condition is cancelled.
WARNING: Script authors who use this command to increase the
default XOFF timeout run a SERIOUS risk of locking up their
machines. XOFF is a frequent noise character... Without the
watchdog timer, any noise character might stop COM-AND cold.
SET WRAP controls the action taken when the cursor reaches
the rightmost column of the screen. When WRAP is OFF, each
character received is displayed one line until a cr/lf.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
A. Basic set (continued)
SET XBAUD (DFT!<speed>)
SET XBAUD sets the base rate for efficiency calculations
during file transfers. DFT instructs COM-AND to use the
actual linespeed (and is the default). Linespeeds other-
wise are as the SET BAUD statement.
When the DTE speed (CPU to modem) rate differs from the
DCE rate (modem to modem), this alteration may be used to
correct computed efficiency.
This setting is automatically cleared by COM-AND after a
hangup, and during dialing (manual or scripted). It must
be set for each connection.
SET XSUI <number>
SET XSUI sets the frequency (as an interval of blocks) with
which COM-AND updates its protocol status screens during a
file transfer. XSUI is mnemonic for 'xfer screen update
interval' (sorry!).
At 9600 bps and above, the time it takes to paint the status
screen becomes a significant percentage of the overall time
spent. Setting the update interval to '5' has a visible
impact even at 2400 bps.
SET ZMODEM <subcommand>
The SET ZMODEM subcommands are discussed below ("E").
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
B. SET ASCII subcommands
SET ASCII settings hold after the script terminates. The default
values within a script are the values that were set before the
script executes.
SET ASCII BLAN sets and resets blank line expansion for the
SENDFILE ASCII function (if a line is empty, one blank is
sent when this flag is on).
SET ASCII CHARPACE sets an intercharacter delay (in milli-
seconds for the SENDFILE ASCII function.
SET ASCII ECHO enables (if set) the text echo during a
SENDFILE ASCII function (only during current script).
SET ASCII FLOW sets and resets flow control SENDFILE ASCII
function. When on, flow control is respected.
SET ASCII LINE sets an delay at end-of-line (CR) in tenths
of seconds for the SENDFILE ASCII function.
SET ASCII PACE sets a pace character for the SENDFILE ASCII
function. The value provided is the decimal ascii value of
the pace character (use 0 to turn this off).
SET ASCII QUIET disables (if set) the alarm at the end of
a SENDFILE ASCII function (only during current script).
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
B. SET ASCII subcommands (continued)
SET ASCII TABEX sets and resets tab expansion for the
SET ASCII UP_LF sets and resets LF stripping during a
is not implemented at this time.
SET ASCII UP_Z sets and resets control-z handling for the
SENDFILE ASCII function. When STOP, the transfer stops at
a control-z (and the control-z is not transmitted).
C. SET BPLUS subcommands
SET BPLUS RECOVER enables and disables CIS-B+'s recovery
feature. When a receive is intended for an existing file
(as the result of a previous, failed, transfer), the
transfer picks up at the end of file (where the last one
stopped), if enabled. When disabled, transfers go to a
unique file name ($ terminated as required).
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
D. SET KERMIT subcommands
SET KERMIT settings hold after the script terminates. The
default values within a script are the values that were set
before the script executes (Alt-K).
-> SET KERMIT 8QUOTE <number>
SET KERMIT 8QUOTE sets the 8-bit quote character used in
KERMIT transfers. The <number> is the decimal ascii value
of the 8-bit quote character to use.
SET KERMIT BLOCK sets the length of the blockcheck used in
KERMIT transfers. The blockcheck may be 1, 2 or 3 bytes.
SET KERMIT CQUOTE sets the control quote character used in
KERMIT transfers. The <number> is the decimal ascii value
of the control quote character to use.
SET KERMIT EOLCHAR sets the end-of-line character used in
KERMIT transfers. The <number> is the decimal ascii value
of the end-of-line character to use.
SET KERMIT MARK sets the packet mark character used in
KERMIT transfers. The <number> is the decimal ascii value
of the packet mark character to use.
SET KERMIT PADCHAR sets the pad character used in KERMIT
transfers. The <number> is the decimal ascii value of the
pad character to use.
SET KERMIT PADNUM sets the number of pad characters (if
any) to use during KERMIT transfers.
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VI. SET Commands (continued)
D. SET KERMIT subcommands (continued)
SET KERMIT REPEAT sets the repeat quote character used in
KERMIT transfers. The <number> is the decimal ascii value
of the repeat quote character to use.
SET KERMIT WINDOW sets the maximum window size for KERMIT
transfers. A window maximum of 0 stops windowed transfers.
COM-AND places an upper limit on this size (currently the
limit is 8).
E. SET ZMODEM subcommands
ZMODEM download is capable of automatically starting when
the sender starts its transmission. You control whether
COM-AND automatically recognizes the transfer. [Note that
during scripted operation, auto-ZMODEM only occurs when a
display is being performed.]
SET ZMODEM BLOCK sets a maximum blocksize for ZMODEM sends.
When a blocksize is set (rather than negotiated), the trans-
fer reverts to half duplex (send, ACK, send, ACK). This is
provided for special cases (badly errored lines). It is not
recommended, generally speaking.
Blocksize is limited to 1024. SET ZMODEM BLOCK 0 returns
COM-AND's ZMODEM to full duplex (and automatic block sizing).
SET ZMODEM RECOVER enables and disables ZMODEM's recovery
feature. When a receive is intended for an existing file
(as the result of a previous, failed, transfer), the
transfer picks up at the end of file (where the last one
stopped), if enabled. When disabled, transfers go to a
unique file name ($ terminated as required).
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VII. String Intrinsics
Certain string values are treated as having an intrinsic meaning
by the script processor. All intrinsic string values must have
an underscore ("_") in column 0 of the string, and otherwise be
alone in the string (note: only the first 4 characters of the
intrinsic keyword are significant). For example:
S0 = "_Date" ; is equivalent to
S0 = "_DateToday" ; .. where contiguous text is ignored
But S0 = "_Date today" would not be treated as containing an
intrinsic value.
When the script processor encounters an intrinsic function, it
replaces the value with the computed value. String intrinsic
functions are:
_ABLA ASCII Blank-expand flag ON/OFF
_ACCF Current accessory file <file name>
_ACHA ASCII Character pace delay <value in ms>
_ADVE Advertisement flag ON/OFF
_AFLO ASCII flow control flag ON/OFF
_ALAR Alarm flag ON/OFF
_ALIN ASCII Line pace time <value in 10 ms>
_ALLO Number of dynamic variables <number>
_APAC ASCII pace character <decimal ASCII value>
_AQUI ASCII quiet flag (no alarm) ON/OFF
_ATAB ASCII tab expand flag ON/OFF
_ATIM Alarm time <value in secs>
_AUPZ ASCII Send ctl-z flag STOP/SEND
_BAR Status line color attribute <f/bgnd color attr>
_BELL Bell tone <value in hz>
_BKSC Backscreen buffer size <value in 1k pages>
_BREA Break duration <value in ms>
_BREC BPlus download recovery flag ON/OFF
_BSUP Blank suppress flag ON/OFF
_CALL Last dialed dialing directory <entry name string>
_CDIS Control-character display flag ON/OFF
_CDRE CD respect flag ON/OFF
_CHAT Chat flag ON/OFF
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VII. String Intrinsics (continued)
_CHLI Chat lines (numeric string) <number>
_CLFI Call Log file name <file name>
_CLOC Screen clock flag ON/OFF
_CLOG Call logging flag ON/OFF
_COLO Color flag ON/OFF
_CONN Connection YES/NO
_CRLF Received CR -> CRLF flag (ON = CR->CRLF) ON/OFF
_DATE Current date <mm/dd/yyyy>
_DBLC Double click interval <value in ms>
_DDAC Dialing direc.area code (strip) string <string>
_DDOV Override Alt-D speed ON/OFF
_DDPR Dialing directory 'all calls' prefix <string>
_DEFA Menu window color attribute <f/bgnd color attr>
_DIRF Current dialing file <file name>
_DLDI Current download drive:subdirectory <d:subdir>
_DOW Day of week (0 -> Sunday, 1 -> Monday, etc) <number>
_DPRE Dialing prefix (from Alt-S) <string>
_DROP Drop DTR to hangup flag ON/OFF
_DSUF Dialing suffix (from Alt-S) <string>
_DUPL Duplex setting HALF/FULL
_EFFI Last transfer efficiency <number>
_ELAP Elapsed time since call <hh:mm:ss:tt>
_EMUL Display emulation TTY/ANSI/VIDTEX/VT100/VT52...
_ERRL RUN statement error level return <number>
_ERRO Last transfer error text <nn: text>
_EXIT Current exit script name <file name>
_EXQU Exit query flag ON/OFF
_FLOW Software flow control flag ON/OFF
_HARD Hardware flow control flag (UNIDIRECTIONAL) ON/OFF
_HMOU Mouse horizontal sensitivity <value in mickeys>
_IFIL FOPENI (script input) file <file name>
_INAF Init modem after hangup flag ON/OFF
_IPOS Disk position in input file <number>
_K8QU KERMIT 8 bit quote <decimal ASCII value>
_KBDB Keyboard buffer flag ON/OFF
_KCHK KERMIT Block check 1/2/3
_KCQU KERMIT control quote character <decimal ASCII value>
_KEOL KERMIT EOL character <decimal ASCII value>
_KMAR KERMIT Mark character <decimal ASCII value>
_KNUM KERMIT number pads <number>
_KPAD KERMIT pad character <decimal ASCII value>
_KREP KERMIT Repeat character <decimal ASCII value>
_KWIN KERMIT maximum window <number>
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VII. String Intrinsics (continued)
_LEGE Last LEGEND string (or null) <string>
_LOGG Logging flag ON/OFF
_LOGH Log Held flag ON/OFF
_LOGM Log Marked flag ON/OFF
_MACF Current macro file <file name>
_MASK (7 bit) mask flag ON/OFF
_MCON Modem connect string (from Alt-S) <string>
_MDCH Modem delay character <decimal ASCII value>
_MDEL Modem character delay <value in ms>
_MEMO Free memory (above COM-AND) <value in paragraphs>
_MENU Menu mode flag ON/OFF
_MESC Modem escape string (from Alt-S) <string>
_METH Last transfer method <string>
_MHAN Modem hangup string (from Alt-S) <string>
_MINI Modem initialization string (from Alt-S) <string>
_MOUS Mouse presence ON/OFF
_MUSI Play received music strings ON/OFF
_NULL Null value <empty string>
_OFIL FOPENO (script output) file <file name>
_ONES Current ON ESCAPE GOSUB label (8 characters) <string>
_OPOS Disk position in output file <number>
_OVER Overlay file last loaded (or null) <file name>
_OVEN Overlay end entry address <number or NONE>
_PARM Current comm parms <bbbb,p,d,s,COMx>
_PCJR Suspend comm during disk (PCJr) ON/OFF
_PORT Current port number (BIOS/DIRECT) <number>
_PRIN Printer flag ON/OFF
_QUIE Suppress bells flag ON/OFF
_RDEL Reconnect delay <value in secs>
_RDIS Receive display flag ON/OFF
_RDMA Redial maximum value (0 -> no limit set) <number>
_RDPN Redial pass on which dial terminated <number>
_RECH Received echo flag ON/OFF
_REMA Remapping flag ON/OFF
_REMO Perform remote script commands ON/OFF
_REMF Remote function key usage ON/OFF
_RLEO Display RLEs flag ON/OFF
_RTSD RTS discipline flag ON/OFF
_RTSF Hardware flow control (BIDIRECTIONAL) ON/OFF
_RUNT Runtime invocation (see below) YES/NO
_SCRI Current script file name <file name>
_SILE Duration of ON SILENCE timeout <value in secs>
_SIZE Last transfer size <number>
_SLOW Slow transfers flag ON/OFF
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VII. String Intrinsics (continued)
_SSIZ Current screen size (# lines) <number>
_STAT Status line displayed ON/OFF
_SUBD Read current drive:subdirectory <d:subdir>
_SWRI Screen write method DOS/BIOS/DIRECT
_TEXT Text window color attribute <f/bgnd color attr>
_TIME Current time <hh:mm:ss:tt>
_TRAN In/Out Translate ON/OFF
_TRFI Last transferred file (except batch) <file name>
_TRTI Last transfer time <hh:mm:ss>
_TTHR Type-through flag ON/OFF
_UART UART type (-1,0,...3: see below) <number>
_VMOU Mouse vertical sensitivity <value in mickeys>
_WRAP Returns SET WRAP status ON/OFF
_XSUI Transfer screen update interval <number>
_ZAUT ZMODEM auto download flag ON/OFF
_ZBLO ZMODEM maximum blocksize <number>
_ZREC ZMODEM download recovery flag ON/OFF
Intrinsic returned values are left justified in the string (with the
exception of "_PARM", which does not justify " 300" in the string).
The returned value may or may not be blank padded. [Blank padding
is of concern in some cases. The construction 'Sx = Sx&""' may be
used to remove trailing spaces.]
Note: when a batch file transfer is performed (e.g. KERMIT), only
the last file name transferred is reported. In the case of ZMODEM
and YMODEM-Batch the file name is always null, by the protocol's
definition for last file name transferred.
The file transfer intrinsics only refer to binary protocols. They do
not report ASCII transfers.
The "_UART" intrinsic returns the values -1,0,1...3 according to the
UART type found when the current port was opened. These values mean:
-1 -> No UART detected
0 -> 8250 type UART detected (NO FIFO buffering)
1/2 -> 16450/16550 UART detected (NO FIFO buffering)
3 -> 16550A type UART detected (FIFO buffering)
The "_RUNT" intrinsic may be used to distinguish automatic scripts
(COM-AND.CMD and INSTALL.CMD) from all other scripts. These scripts
are automatically invoked at run-time (INSTALL being invoked only in
certain cases). "_RUNT" returns YES during automatic scripts.
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VIII. Script Errors
Errors are reported in the form: <line #>: <error text>
Error texts are: Invalid token
Unexpected end of file
Unexpected token
Missing token
Stack overflow
Stack underflow
Unexpected characters at end of line
Unexpected CASE
Unexpected DEFAULT
Unexpected ENDCASE
Unexpected ENDSWITCH
Unexpected ELSE
Unexpected ENDIF
Unexpected RETURN
Unexpected ENDFOR
Unexpected UNTIL
Unexpected ENDWHILE
Unexpected FRETURN
Note: COM-AND does not terminate in all cases where an error is
encountered. Stack over/underflow errors always terminate a script,
RETURN errors. Unexpected end-of-file (when a GOTO branches to a
nonexistent label) terminates the script. Other errors do not ter-
minate the script.
Note: PROCOMM does not accept a command on a labelled line.
However, PROCOMM does not issue an error message, either. COM-AND
reports 'unexpected characters at end of line' when this is
encountered, and ignores the command.
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IX. ASPECT 1.x and PROCOMM 2.x scripts
COM-AND executes most scripts written for PROCOMM 2.x and for the
ASPECT 1.x script language (tm DataStorm). However, the ASPECT
language is a small subset of the COM-AND script language. Although
COM-AND executes most PROCOMM scripts, PROCOMM does not execute
most COM-AND scripts. To retain ability to execute a script under
o ONLY use statements marked '->' in the discussion above.
These statements are compatible with the ASPECT language.
o ONLY use constructions highlighted '->' in the discussion above.
For example: COM-AND accepts (and PROCOMM won't):
STRCAT S0 S1(5:10) ; Extract substring and concatenate
o REFER to the PROCOMM document (or ASPECT manual for full dis-
cussion of ANY statement you wish to employ.
o Avoid numeric variables N10-N99
o Avoid string variables S10-S29
o Avoid ALL string variables V0-Vn
o Avoid ALL usage of FLAG variables
o Use full keywords; do not abbreviate to 4 characters.
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IX. ASPECT 1.x and PROCOMM 2.x scripts (continued)
Unimplemented ASPECT commands
Every attempt has been made to provide a script language compatible
with PROCOMM. However, certain commands do not apply to COM-AND.
Others have been changed for more or less obvious reasons. Changes
and optional usages have been highlighted above.
The following ASPECT commands have not been implemented:
* SET ENQ ON ; SET ENQ OFF!CISB implemented
* SET HOSTPSWD <string>
* SET SHELLPSWD <string>
* SET TXPACE <number> ; Partially implemented as SET ASCII CHARPACE
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X. Program Requirements
This program is coded for an IBM PC or DOS compatible machine.
COM-AND does direct to screen buffer fetches and stores (unless
BIOS screen updates are directed using the /C switch or the
Alt-O options menu).
COM-AND is TopView aware even without the /C switch or Alt-O option.
COM-AND supports MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA and Hercules. COM-AND uses a
Microsoft Mouse if one is available...
COM-AND disk I/O is done through the 'Handle' oriented I/O routines
added to DOS 2.0. Therefore DOS 2.0 is a minimum requirement.
COM-AND (Version 2.9) requires 277K for itself. You need 384K
minimally to use COM-AND and the DOS Gateway, and more to take
advantage of accessories.
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XI. Program and Author Information
This program was written using Microsoft Macro-Assembler. The
author likes assembler. Assembly language is an entirely appro-
priate vehicle for some of the program, and a not-inappropriate
vehicle for the rest of it. Everything, in moderation...
COM-AND has been written by, and is supported by R. Scott McGinnis
of Chicago (CABER Software), Illinois. My GEnie and Delphi IDs are:
TARTAN. My CIS ID is 73147,2665. Comment and suggestions (and
criticism in moderation) are welcomed:
CABER Software
R. (Scott) McGinnis
P.O. Box 3607 Mdse Mart
Chicago, IL 60654-0607
I must thank Mike Todd and John Poindexter of the Source for their
strenuous testing and excellent suggestions. Mike and John have
pushed me hard, and I thank them. This script language is in large
part shaped by these gentlemen.
I also thank my wife, Elizabeth, who supported me whole-heartedly
in this effort. She is my lady and my love.
This program (Version 2.9) may be distributed freely along with its
accessories with the caveat that the Author information displayed at
program termination is not removed. If you USE COM-AND after a 30
day evaluation, you MUST pay for it.
PROCOMM, PCPLus, and ASPECT are trademarks of the DataStorm cor-
poration. DSZ is a trademark of OMEN Technology. Windows is a
trademark of the MicroSoft Corporation. DesqView is a trademark
of the QuarterDeck Corporation. Smartmodem is a trademark of the
Hayes Corporation.
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A. Example scripts
A script to dial a modem direct, send two carriage returns, and
wait for a logon prompt looks like:
DEFTIME "60" ; Wait 60 seconds for an incoming string
IF NOT LINKED ; If script not invoked from Alt-D
MESSAGE "^GDialing direct"
DIAL "1" ; Call dial dir entry number 1 (PLINK)
IF FAILED ; IF esc out
EXIT ; terminate script
ENDIF ; End if failed
ENDIF ; End if not linked
PAUSE "5" ; Wait for the modem to settle down
TRANSMIT "!" ; Transmit Carriage return <CR>
PAUSE "1" ; Wait 1 sec
TRANSMIT "!" ; Transmit Carriage return <CR>
WAITFOR "USER ID:" ; Wait for the 'USER ID' prompt
SET BSUPPRESS OFF ; Turn off blank line suppression
SET MASK ON ; Turn on high bit mask
SET CDISPLAY ON ; Display control characters
ALARM ; Sound alarm: we're done
Version 2.9: 921203 Appendices
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A. Example scripts (continued)
A script to dial GEnie, and logon makes special provisions to turn
echo off (mask it, anyway) during logon:
DEFTIME "60" ; Wait 60 seconds for an incoming string
IF NOT LINKED ; If not from Alt-d
MESSAGE "^GDialing GEnie direct"
DIAL "4" ; Call dial dir entry number 4 (GEnie)
IF FAILED ; IF esc out
EXIT ; terminate script
ENDIF ; Endif failed
ENDIF ; End test if linked
PAUSE "3" ; Wait for the modem to settle down
TRANSMIT "hhh" ; Transmit
WAITFOR "U#=" ; Wait for the 'USER ID' prompt
SET BSUPPRESS ON ; Turn on blank line suppression
SET MASK ON ; Turn on high bit mask
SET CDISPLAY OFF ; Control character display
SET DUPLEX FULL ; Turn off local echo for ID/psw
ALARM ; Sound alarm
MESSAGE "^MEnter ID,password for GEnie:"
MGET S0 ; Get ID/psw
TRANSMIT S0 ; Transmit ID/psw
TRANSMIT "^M" ; .. and a final c/r
SET DUPLEX HALF ; Turn echo back on
Version 2.9: 921203 Appendices
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A. Example scripts (continued)
A script to dial Telenet (entry number 10 in the dialing directory
assumed, and make connection according to the parameters set
looks like:
LEGEND " Dialing Telenet... "
DEFTIME "60" ; Wait 60 seconds for an incoming string
IF NOT LINKED ; If script not invoked from Alt-D
DIAL "10" ; Call dial dir entry number 10 (Telenet)
IF FAILED ; IF esc out
EXIT ; terminate script
ENDIF ; End if failed
ENDIF ; End if not linked
COMPARMS S1 ; Get current settings
IF STRCMP "N" S1(5:5) ; If no parity
IF STRCMP "2400" S1(0:3) ; If 2400 bps connect Send @D<cr>
PAUSE 1 ; Wait for the modem to settle
TRANS "@" ; Send @D<cr> slowly
PAUSE 1 ; Wait a moment
TRANS "D" ; Set to 8N1
PAUSE 1 ; Wait a moment
ELSE ; ELSE 300/1200 (send <cr>D<cr>)
PAUSE "1" ; Wait for the modem to settle
TRANSMIT "!D" ; Transmit Carriage return <CR> D
ELSE ; ELSE even or odd parity
PAUSE "1" ; Wait for the modem to settle
TRANSMIT "!" ; Transmit Carriage return <CR>
PAUSE "1" ; Wait 1 sec
TRANSMIT "!" ; Transmit Carriage return <CR>
WAITFOR "TERMINAL=" ; Wait for the prompt
TRANSMIT "D1!" ; Set terminal type
WAITFOR "@" ; Wait for next prompt
SET BSUPPRESS OFF ; Turn off blank line suppression
SET MASK ON ; Turn on high bit mask
SET CDISPLAY ON ; Display control characters
ALARM ; Sound alarm: we're done
Version 2.9: 921203 Appendices
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B. HOST and BBS scripts
Included with this release of COM-AND are two large scripts. The
HOST.CMD script supports a limited Host mode for callers to your PC;
BBS.CMD supports a more extensive BBS function (with multiple users,
mail, upload/download files, bulletins and so on).
The advantage of a scripted HOST or BBS mode is flexibility. You
may use a script as supplied, or tailor it to your needs. As the
supplied scripts use a public domain graphic path display utility
(TREED), you might want to remove the function (at least the prompt
for it) if you don't have the program. You may wish to add other
Documentation has been provided with each of the scripts. For those
interested in having a simple HOST mode, or a simple BBS, refer to
the scripts archive (CAxx-3) included with this distribution.
A version of the BBS script (constantly evolving) is maintained for
COM-AND support and distribution by Support EtCetera in Long Beach,
CA. Support EtCetera supports, markets and distributes COM-AND
(among other products). The version of this script used by Support
EtCetera provides instant access, after BBS registration, and many
more features.
Mike Todd, the sysop of the BBS and President of Support EtCetera
always has the most current release (or beta) of COM-AND available
there. Mike also makes the version of the BBS script he uses (con-
siderably extended beyond the functions in this release) available
as a Support EtCetera product. Contact Support EtCetera:
Support EtCetera Voice: (310) 439-6104
1 World Trade Center BBS: (310) 439-7714 (1200/2400 8n1)
PO Box 32187 UNISON: MIKETODD (PARTI: Mike Todd)
Long Beach CA, 90832-2187
Mike is always in contact with the author of COM-AND and up-to-date
on COM-AND developments. Many innovations in the use of COM-AND and
COM-AND scripts are available first through the Support EtCetera BBS
(and are Mike's suggestions, embodied, t'boot). Having read this
far, the author recommends you call Support EtCetera!
Version 2.9: 921203 Appendices
COM-AND: IBM PC Communications Script Language Page 118
C. External protocol drivers
COM-AND supports external protocol drivers through its F1 (acces-
sories) menu. You may edit the entries in the F1 menu to load and
execute just about any program you might wish (and have memory for).
If you limit the F1 entries to simple script invocations, you may
also use the same script names through F2.
For example, you might wish to use a different implementation of
ZMODEM than COM-AND's. [COM-AND implements a complete ZMODEM. How-
ever, some of the management and transfer options are not available
through COM-AND.] You might do this with Chuck Forsberg's DSZ.COM
program, if you have registered it. DSZ is a program used from
within other comm programs to perform ZMODEM transfers (and X/Ymodem
transfers too). DSZ is revised quite often (to expand its
function), and is available most everywhere.
For downloading purposes, no script is needed to invoke DSZ. How-
ever, as mentioned above, the F1 entry may be coded to use a script,
in order for the same function to be manually invoked through F2.
The file name used for the downloaded file is determined by the
sender. Revise an F1 entry (with the 'r' subcommand) as follows:
Name: Download using YMODEM
Subdirectory: (whatever subdirectory your DSZ occupies)
Program: (leave this field blank)
The script DSZDOWN.CMD could be written:
COMPARMS S1 ; read current settings
S2 = "DSZ.COM port " * S1(14:14) * " rb " ; Ask for YMODEM rcv
RUN S2 ; Load and run DSZ
Note: change " rb " to " rz " for ZMODEM
Version 2.9: 921203 Appendices
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C. External protocol drivers (continued)
DSZ requires a file name for uploading. You may accomplish this by
editing the F1 menu as follows, and creating the following script
to request a file name and load DSZ.
Name: Upload using YMODEM
Subdirectory: (whatever subdirectory DSZ/DSZUP occupies)
Program: (leave this field blank)
The script DSZUP.CMD could be written:
MESSAGE "^MEnter the upload file name: "
GET S0 ; Read keyboard
COMPARMS S1 ; read current settings
S2 = "DSZ.COM port " * S1(14:14) * " sb " * S0 ; ask for YMODEM
RUN S2 ; Load and run DSZ
Note: change " sb " to " sz " for ZMODEM
DSZ defaults to COM1 and your current port rate. The above scripts
adjust for the comm port you're using.
NOTE: DSZ is user supported. If you use it, please register it!
DSZ may be found on most bulletin boards, and on every major system.
Registration information is provided with every release of DSZ.
NOTE: More functional scripts for invocation of DSZ are included in
the scripts archive file released with COM-AND. A pop-up window is
used to query the file name, and so on.
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D. Encoded music
Beginning with version 2.3, COM-AND uses encoded music strings for
several different purposes:
. If the file COM-AND.TUN exists on the default drive:subdirectory
(or on the COM-AND= drive:subdirectory), and it contains a valid
encoded music string (not to exceed 40 notes), COM-AND uses the
encoded string for its alarm.
. The alarm tune may be changed with a "SET TUNE" command through
a script file. The new alarm tune holds until it is changed,
or until COM-AND is terminated.
. A script may PLAY an encoded music string during its execution
(up to 80 notes).
. An escape sequence to play music has been implemented (for some
RBBS boards). The escape sequence is "ESC [M <music string> ^N"
allowing up to 255 characters for the <music string>.
Music strings are encoded using the BASICA 2.0 PLAY statement syntax.
Commands are single characters, followed by one or more parameters.
Blanks and commas are allowed for readability. Case is not signifi-
cant. Commands are:
. A through G: Play a note in the current octave
A note command plays a note in the current octave. It may be
optionally followed by: (1) # (sharp), + (sharp), and - (flat),
(2) a duration value (1 through 64, see "L" below), and (3) one
or more periods (dotting) extending the duration by 3/2. If no
duration number is specified the duration is the current default
(set by "L", beginning at 4 with each string). Example:
A-16 A-flat in the current octave (sixteenth note)
Blanks and commas ARE NOT allowed within the note declaration;
e.g. no blank should occur between the command and a flat/sharp.
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D. Encoded music (continued)
. O # Set the current octave
There are 7 octaves, numbered 0 through 6. Middle-C begins octave
number 3. Each string defaults at the start to octave number 4.
. > Raise the octave by 1
The current octave is raised with this command.
. < Lower the octave by 1
The current octave is lowered with this command.
. N # Play note number 0-84
Each octave contains 12 notes (C,C#/D-,D,D#/E-, etc). Notes are
numbered from the 0th octave beginning with 1. 0 is a rest.
Note numbers may be followed by duration (blank separated from
the note number) and dotting as in the note command. Example:
N36 4. Middle-C, 3/8ths (dotted quarter)
. L # Set default duration for following notes
The duration of a note is specified as a number, 1 through 64.
L1 is a whole note, L2 is a half note, L3 is a triplet, L4 is
a quarter note, and so on. The actual duration (in time) for
notes is set through the T (Tempo) command, below.
. P Pause (rest)
Rests may be encoded, using this command with duration and
dotting as with the note command. Example:
P1. Pause for a whole and a half
. T # Tempo (number of quarter notes per minute)
Tempo is specified as a count of quarter notes per minute. The
tempo is allowed to range between 32 and 255, defaulting to 120.
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D. Encoded music (continued)
. MN Normal
Each note plays 7/8ths of the time specified (1/8th silence).
. MS Staccato
Each note plays 3/4s of the time specified (1/4 period silence).
. ML Legato
Each note plays the full period specified.
Each encoded music string is an entity itself (with the exception of
the PLAY statement, see below). Defaults are reset at the beginning
of each string. Defaults are: T120,O4,L4,MN For example, the
DRAGNET "dum-dee-dum dum" might be played:
PLAY "ms t250 o2 c2d8e-cp4g-1 p2 >c2d8e-cp4g-1 p2"
PLAY statements, by default, also conform to this rule. However,
the SET MULTI statement controls defaulting for subsequent PLAY
statements (within the current script). MULTI is OFF by default;
tempo, mode, etc are defaulted for every statement (as above). When
MULTI is ON, no defaults are used, and tempo, mode, etc hold across
PLAY statements.
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E. File transfer error numbers
COM-AND reports file transfer errors with a number and an explanation
on the screen. When an error is logged to the call-log, however,
COM-AND only logs a number. Error numbers are:
DOS errors:
1 Invalid function number (from INT 21H)
2 File not found
3 Path not found
4 Too many open files (no handles left)
5 Access denied
6 Invalid Handle
7 Memory control blocks destroyed
8 Insufficient memory
9 Invalid Memory block address
10 Invalid environment
11 Invalid format
12 Invalid access code
13 Invalid data
14 Short write. Disk Full? Error # generated here
15 Invalid drive specified
16 Attempted to remove current directory
17 Not same device
18 No more files
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E. File transfer error numbers (continued)
Program errors (internally generated):
1 Other side cancelled ; All protocols
2 Handshake failed ; ..
3 Block sequence error ; ..
4 Complement error ; ..
5 Checksum mismatch ; ..
6 CRC mismatch ; ..
7 Short block received ; ..
8 We cancelled ; ..
9 NAK rcvd/xmitted - retrying ; ..
10 Timeout ; ..
11 Cancelled by operator ; ..
12 Timeout waiting for rcvr ACK ; ..
13 ENQ received during block ; CISB
14 Unrecognized command received ; All protocols
15 ETX received ; ..
16 Buffer overflow ; ..
17 Wait ACK received from CIS ; ..
18 Send initiate received ; Kermit
19 File Header received ; All protocols
20 Send-initiate sent ; ..
21 End-of-transfer sent ; ..
22 Other side not using batch ; Batch-Ymodem
23 File name not received, or errored ; All protocols
24 Negotiation packet received ; CIS Quick-B
25 Application inquiry packet received ; CIS Quick-B
26 Insufficent space for rcv ; KERMIT/Batch YMODEM
27 Carrier has been dropped ; All protocols
28 ZMODEM frame end ; ZMODEM (internal error)
29 ZMODEM encryption requested ; ZMODEM
30 ZMODEM file skipped ; ZMODEM
31 Waiting recovery ; B+/ZMODEM (internal error)
32 BPlus recovery refused ; B+ (internal error)
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F. EBL (Extended Batch Language)
Extended Batch Language (EBL) is a command programming language used
as a direct replacement of DOS batch files. It may also be used in
conjunction with DOS batch files.
A superb example of EBL's power may be seen in the system SIGCOM,
which is a communications system for use in the IBMSIG on UNISON
(originally created for The SOURCE). SIGCOM uses EBL to integrate
COM-AND with the editor EDWIN and Vern Buerg's LIST.
One of the unique features of EBL is its global variables ( %A..%O ).
String or numerical values may be assigned to the global variables
through EBL batch files. Once a value is assigned to one of these 15
variables it is accessible to other programs run through EBL until
it is reassigned. This powerful feature allows parameters to be
passed from one EBL-aware program or batch to another. COM-AND
makes these global variables available for use in script files
through the EBL script command. The global variables are much more
useful than variables in the DOS environment since the global
variables are not dependent on whether they are assigned in a child
or parent process.
Global variables may be set in EBL through COM-AND and then be
available to other programs run through other COM-AND script files,
or run from DOS after exiting COM-AND. This is not true of normal
DOS environment variables. In a multi-tasking environment such as
DESQview each window has its own DOS environment and there is no
convenient way to pass DOS environment variables from one window to
another. With the COM-AND EBL command the capability exists to pass
data from one window to COM-AND in another window through EBL.
The Extended Batch Language (EBL)may be obtained from SEAWARE Cor-
poration, P.O. Box 1656, Delray Beach, FL 33444, 800-634-8188 or
407-392-2046. Registration fee is $49. Extended Batch Language is
copyrighted by Seaware Corp. 1982,83,84,85,86,87.
The latest version of SIGCOM, a communication system for the UNISON
system and its IBM Special Interest Group (IBMSIG), is available
from Mike Todd on UNISON via the ID MIKETODD or the IBMSIG EXCHANGE
topics in PARTI for details on downloading or having diskettes
mailed to your door.
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G. Manual settings and scripts
1. Alt-S (Setup window)
1) Modem init string SET MINIt <str> _MINI
2) Modem dial prefix SET DPREfix <str> _DPRE
3) Modem dial suffix SET DSUFfix <str> _DSUF
4) Hang-up string SET MHANg <str> _MHAN
5) Escape string SET MESCape <str> _MESC
6) Connect string SET MCONnect <str> _MESC
7) Call log file CLOG OPEN <str> _CLFI
8) Dialing directory DLOAD <str> _DIRF
9) Macro directory MLOAD <str> _MACF
10) RLE temp file ----- -----
11) Accessory direc ALOAD <str> _ACCF
12) Backscreen Buffer SET BKSC # _BKSC
13) Break delay SET BREAK # _BREA
14) Alarm duration SET ATIME # _ATIM
15) Modem character delay SET MDELay # _MDEL
16) Reconnect delay SET RDELay # _RDEL
17) Chat window size SET CHLInes # _CHLI
18) Mouse vertical SET VMOUse # _VMOU
19) Mouse horizontal SET HMOUse # _HMOU
20) Mouse dbl click interval SET DBLCLICK # _DBLC
21) Bell tone SET BELL # _BELL
22) Modem delay character SET MDCHAR # _MDCH
23) Xfer screen update SET XSUI # _XSUI
24) Save these values UPDATE (*) RESET
(*) Note: UPDATE and RESET do not apply to these settings alone.
Both commands (UPDATE and RESET) apply to ALL Alt-S, Alt-O,
Alt-P, Alt-K, Alt-J settings. RESET further closes and re-
opens the comm port.
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G. Manual settings and scripts (continued)
2. Alt-O (Options window)
1) Echo received characters SET DUPLEX HALF!FULL _DUPL
2) Mask received characters SET MASK ON!OFF _MASK
3) Keyboard display SET KBDBuf ON!OFF _KBDB
4) Chat mode SET CHAT ON!OFF _CHAT
5) Suppress blank lines SET BSUPpress ON!OFF _BSUP
6) Alarm noise SET ALARM ON!OFF _ALAR
7) Exit query (Alt-X) SET EXQUery ON!OFF _EXQU
8) Mark transcript LOG MARKED ON!OFF _LOGM
9) Initial advertisement SET ADVERT ON!OFF _ADVE
10) Use BIOS for screen saves SET SWRITE BIOS!DIRECT _SWRI
11) Use DOS for screen writes SET SWRITE DOS!BIOS!DIRECT _SWRI
12) Display control characters SET CDISPlay ON!OFF _CDIS
13) Software flowctl (XON/XOFF) SET FLOW ON!OFF _FLOW
14) Unidirectional hdwe flowctl SET HARD ON!OFF _HARD
15) Bidirectional hdwe flow ctl SET RTSF ON!OFF _RTSF
16) Drop DTR to hangup SET DROP ON!OFF _DROP
17) Init modem after hangup SET INAF ON!OFF _INAF
18) Respect modem CD SET CDREspect ON!OFF _CDRE
19) Translate (in and out) SET TRANslate ON!OFF _TRAN
20) Keyboard remapping SET REMAP ON!OFF _REMA
21) Nondestructive bksp SET BACK IN (NOND!DEST) _BSIN
23) CR -> CRLF in display SET CR CR!CRLF _CRLF
24) Call logging on SET CLOG ON!OFF _CLOG
25) On screen clock SET CLOCK ON!OFF _CLOC
26) Suppress bells SET QUIET ON!OFF _QUIE
28) Suspend comm during disk SET PCJR ON!OFF _PCJR
29) Capture/display RLE files SET RLEOk ON!OFF _RLEO
30) Allow MUSIC strings SET MUSIC ON!OFF _MUSI
32) Set slow transfer sends SET SLOW ON!OFF _SLOW
35) BPlus download recovery SET BPLUS RECOVER ON!OFF _BREC
36) Override Alt-D speed SET DDOV ON!OFF _DDOV
37) Save these values UPDATE (*) RESET
(*) Note: UPDATE and RESET do not apply to these settings alone.
Both commands (UPDATE and RESET) apply to ALL Alt-S, Alt-O,
Alt-P, Alt-K, Alt-J settings. RESET further closes and re-
opens the comm port.
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G. Manual settings and scripts (continued)
3. Alt-P (Parameters window)
2) 1200 SET BAUDRATE 1200 "
3) 2400 SET BAUDRATE 2400 "
4) 4800 SET BAUDRATE 4800 "
5) 9600 SET BAUDRATE 9600 "
6) 14.4k SET BAUDRATE 14K "
7) 19.2k SET BAUDRATE 19k "
8) 38.4k SET BAUDRATE 38k "
9) 57.6k SET BAUDRATE 57k "
10) 115k SET BAUDRATE 115k "
11) E,7,1 SET (PARITY, DATA, STOP) "
12) N,8,1 SET (PARITY, DATA, STOP) "
16) 7 bits SET DATABITS 7 "
17) 8 bits SET DATABITS 8 "
18) 1 bit SET STOPBITS 1 "
19) 2 bits SET STOPBITS 2 "
24) Set base/IRQ SET COMBASE; COMBASE <port> Nx
25) Save UPDATE (*, see Alt-S) RESET
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G. Manual settings and scripts (continued)
4. Alt-K (KERMIT defaults window)
1) Mark character SET KERMIT MARK # _KMAR
2) Number of pads SET KERMIT PADNUM # _KNUM
3) Pad character SET KERMIT PADCHAR # _KPAD
4) Packet terminator SET KERMIT EOLCHAR # _KEOL
5) Control quote SET KERMIT CQUOTE # _KCQU
6) Binary quote SET KERMIT 8QUOTE # _K8QU
7) Check field len SET KERMIT BLOCKCHECK 1!2!3 _KCHK
8) Compression flag SET KERMIT REPEAT # _KREP
9) Max window size SET KERMIT WINDOW # _KWIN
10) Reset to default values -----
11) Save current values UPDATE (*, see Alt-S) RESET
5. Alt-J (Colors window)
2) Text foreground COLOR <attr>, SET TEXT _TEXT
3) Text background " " "
4) Menu foreground SET DEFAULT <attr> _DEFA
5) Menu background " "
6) Screen bar foreground SET BAR <attr> _BAR
7) Screen bar background " "
8) Save these values UPDATE (*, see Alt-S) RESET
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G. Manual settings and scripts (continued)
6. Help (General help list)
F1 Accessories ACCESSORY #
F2 Perform script EXECUTE <string>
F3 Current d:subdir CHDIR <string>
F4 DownLoad d:subdir (26 chars) SET DLDIR <string>
F6 ASCII Download GETFILE ASCII <name>
F7 Toggle transcript LOG OPEN <str>, LOG CLOSE
F8 Toggle KBD disp SET KBDBuf ON!OFF
F9 Hold transcript LOG SUSPEND, LOG RESUME
F10 This screen HELP
PgUp Upload a file SENDFILE <method> ...
PgDn Download a file GETFILE <method> ...
Alt-0/9 Execute a macro MACRO #
Alt-F10 DOS Gateway SHELL
Alt-hyphen Remote function keys SET REMFTN ON!OFF
Alt-equal Menu mode SET MENU ON!OFF
Ctrl-End Break BREAK [#]
Ctrl-PrtSc Toggle printer SET PRINTER ON!OFF
Alt-A Toggle Chat mode SET CHAT ON!OFF
Alt-B Redisplay -----
Alt-C Clear screen CLEAR <attr>
Alt-D Dial DIAL #
Alt-F File directory DIR
Alt-G Toggle blank-lines SET BSUP ON!OFF
Alt-H Hang up HANGUP
Alt-I Program info VERSION Sx
Alt-J Set screen colors <above>
Alt-K Set KERMIT parms <above>
Alt-L Toggle 25/43 lines SET 25, SET 43
Alt-M Define a macro SET MACRO # <string>
Alt-N Encrypt/Decrypt ENCRYPT ..., DECRYPT ...
Alt-O Set options <above>
Alt-P Set comm params <above>
Alt-Q Editor EDIT <filename>
Alt-R Redial last number DIAL
Alt-S Initial values <above>
Alt-T Time(s) and alarm SET ALARM
Alt-U Annotate call log CLOG <string>
Alt-V Emulation EMULATE <method>
Alt-W Playback TYPE <string>
Alt-X Terminate program BYE
Alt-Z Toggle 7bit mask SET MASK ON!OFF
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H. STACK and Macro keycodes
COM-AND application keystrokes may be created in a script itself.
The script must (1) turn off the keyboard, (2) stack the keystrokes
and (3) terminate the script. For example, making a script:
SET TTHRU OFF ; Turn off keyboard
STACK "^@<SOURCE!" ; Stack command to invoke F2
EXIT ; Terminate script to execute
actually invokes the F2 (execute script) window, and passes the
name "SOURCE" with a terminating carriage return to the F2 window.
The ^@ indicates the following character is interpreted as an
'extended keystroke', i.e. not-ASCII. Extended characters are:
Macro seq Key Macro seq Key Macro seq Key
--------- --- --------- ----- --------- -----
^@; F1 ^@^^ Alt-A ^@1 Alt-N
^@< F2 ^@1 Alt-B ^@^X Alt-O
^@= F3 ^@. Alt-C ^@^Y Alt-P
^@> F4 ^@ (space) Alt-D ^@^P Alt-Q
^@? F5 ^@^R Alt-E ^@^S Alt-R
^@@ F6 ^@! Alt-F ^@^_ Alt-S
^@A F7 ^@" Alt-G ^@^T Alt-T
^@B F8 ^@# Alt-H ^@^V Alt-U
^@C F9 ^@^W Alt-I ^@/ Alt-V
^@D F10 ^@$ Alt-J ^@^Q Alt-W
^@I PgUp ^@% Alt-K ^@- Alt-X
^@Q PgDn ^@& Alt-L ^@^U Alt-Y
^@u Ctl-End ^@2 Alt-M ^@, Alt-Z
Note, too, Alt-A (requiring "^^") is unprogrammable. It may
be entered as decimal 30 (use Alt and numeric pad keys).
In the above example, the F2 key was represented by "^@<". When the
F2 key is pressed a window is opened and a search for all files *.CMD
and *.ENF takes place. In simpler terms, pressing the F2 key takes
TIME. COM-AND defines the ASCII value 255 as a short cut to execute
a script. The macro: " SOURCE!" has the same effect, and doesn't
open the script window. If the first character following the 255 is
".", the text is executed as a single script command. Otherwise,
the text is interpreted as a script file name to execute.
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I. Dynamic String Variables
With version 2.6, script authors may now ALLOCATE extra string
variables in addition to the 30 static string variables always
available. The variables are used as V0,V1,... and may be used
in any statement now now supporting static string variables
(S0,S1...). There are a few differences, however.
o Allocated variables must be ALLOCATEd before they are used,
once in a COM-AND session. They do NOT necessarily need to
be ALLOCATEd in the script using them, however.
o Allocated variables are NOT deallocated when a script ends.
o Allocated variables are NOT cleared when a script terminates.
One script may set values and a second may read them.
o Allocated variables ARE deallocated when COM-AND terminates.
Dynamic variables are allocated from free memory, over and above the
memory used by COM-AND normally. Therefore, not all PC installations
allow dynamic allocation. The ALLOCATE and LOAD ALLOCAT statements
return SUCCESS/FAIL according to the result of the operation. An
author should only ALLOCATE as many variables as absolutely needed
(limited to 100, maximum).
Some large script systems ALLOCATE variables and expect the area to
be available during an entire COM-AND session. Other scripts have
need for extended variables, but only during the single script's
execution. In a one-time case, the following is suggested:
On initialization:
DELETE "Script.dat" ; Delete this script's save file
STORE ALLOC "Script.dat" ; Save current allocation, if any
ALLOCATE <number> ; Deallocate and allocate anew
IF FAILED ; If allocation failed
MESS "Cannot allocate memory for variables"
On termination:
DEALLOCATE ; Clear our allocation
IF ISFILE "Script.dat" ; If something previously allocated
DELETE "Script.dat" ; Delete same file
Version 2.9: 921203 Appendices
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I. Dynamic String Variables (continued)
For the author preparing a suite of scripts expecting dynamic
variables be prepared prior to any one script's execution, we
suggest the first dynamic variable (V0) contain a string identifying
the script-set. Each script of the suite expecting the prepared
area might then execute the following as it begins:
IF NOT ALLOCATED ; Somebody dealloc'd us
LOAD ALLOC "Suite.dat" ; Retrieve values from disc
IF FAILED GOTO AllocErr ; LOAD failed for some reason
IF NOT STRCMP V0 "My very own"
LOAD ALLOC "Suite.dat" ; Retrieve values from disc
IF FAILED GOTO AllocErr ; LOAD failed for some reason
... ; OK to proceed
This technique demands the file carrying the dynamic variables be
updated by individual scripts as they terminate.
Note: the test for an allocated area is performed here BEFORE a
dynamic variable (V0) is referenced. The dynamic variables are
valid syntactically ONLY when an area is allocated. Because the
interpretor evaluates ALL components of a condition, the following
syntax generates a syntax error when no area is allocated:
LOAD ALLOC "Suite.dat" ; Retrieve values from disc
IF FAILED GOTO AllocErr ; LOAD failed for some reason
When "NOT ALLOCATED" is true, "NOT STRCMP V0 ..." is still executed.
The reference to V0 in this case would therefore be a syntax error.
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J. Flow control methods
Some variations on flow control are available through COM-AND. The
discussion here centers on the script commands controlling flow con-
trol... Note SOFT, HARD, and RTSF flow control default conditions
may be set through Alt-O... whereas RTSD discipline is script-only.
1) XON/XOFF flow control:
SET HARDFLOW OFF ; Default condition
SET RTSDISCIPLINE ON ; Default condition
SET RTSFLOW OFF ; Default condition
This is the one everyone understands. XOFFs are sent to tell the
opposite side "whoa", and XON sent to say "have at it".
2) Hardware flow control (unidirectional):
SET SOFTFLOW OFF ; Default condition
SET RTSDISCIPLINE ON ; Default condition
SET RTSFLOW OFF ; Default condition
This is the RS232 standard: COM-AND raises RTS before sending a
character, and waits for the modem to raise CTS. No provision
is made for COM-AND to tell the modem "gimme a break, man".
3) Hardware flow control (modified unidirectional):
SET SOFTFLOW OFF ; Default condition
SET RTSFLOW OFF ; Default condition
SET RTS ... ; As needed, dynamically
This is a curiosity implemented for some interesting devices
not discussed here. This setting waits for CTS from the modem
before sending, but gives control over RTS to a script.
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J. Flow control methods (continued)
4) Hardware flow control (bidirectional):
SET SOFTFLOW OFF ; Default condition
SET HARDFLOW OFF ; Default condition
SET RTSDISCIPLINE ON ; Default condition
This is a bidirectional version of hardware flow control. COM-AND
waits for CTS before sending. COM-AND raises and lowers RTS to
signal its own buffer full conditions to the modem.
5) Software AND hardware flow control (uni/bidirectional):
SET RTSDISCIPLINE ON ; Default condition
SET RTSFLOW ... ; ON or OFF (bi/unidirectional)
Soft and Hard flow control (hardware flow control being either
uni- or bidirectional) may be selected. In most cases this is
the desired setting when the modem requires a hard flow control,
and the protocol/carrier requires a soft flow control.
Almost all modems able to work at speeds above 2400 bps require
bidirectional hardware flow control. The INSTALL script (included
with this release) is aware of the following modems requiring it:
BocaModem 14.4k V.32bis
Microcom 9624c
Microcom 3296c
MultiTech "Multimodem V.32" (possibly all MultiTechs supporting
DTE speed different from DCE (modem to modem))
PPI 9600 SA
Telebit T2500
US Robotics Courier 9600 HST
USR Courier V.32
Zoom VFX V32bis/V42bis
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K. Machine Language Subroutines
The script statements OVERLAY and SCALL offer means to extend the
script language at a script author's discretion. Needless to say,
not all machines have memory for OVERLAY, and development of an
OVERLAY proper is difficult, dangerous, and frustrating.
The OVERLAY statement loads an EXE or COM file as an overlay to COM-
AND. The size of the code/data being loaded as an overlay is limited
by available memory. [It is NOT limited to 64K.]. Therefore, a
given overlay might not run on all systems... only those with
sufficient available memory.
An overlay is terminated when COM-AND terminates. It may be cleared
by a script itself, with the statement "OVERLAY CLEAR". We recom-
mend a script using overlay(s) terminate its overlay when the func-
tion is complete; the memory used for the overlay detracts from the
space available for SHELL, and accessories.
An overlay is entered with the SCALL instruction. SCALL must specify
the entry address relative to the first 64K of the overlay space.
Thus, all entry points in an overlay MUST be in its first 64K. The
overlay is entered through a FAR CALL. Thus, all entry points MUST
be FAR procedures (with RETFs, not RETs).
SCALL optionally specifies a parameter list to pass to the overlay
procedure. Parameters on this list are passed by reference through
the stack. Thus, all passed parameters MUST be simple variables
(Nx, Sx, or Vx), and all passed parameters may be modified. On
entry to an overlay procedure, the stack looks like:
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K. Machine Language Subroutines (continued)
! Segment (16 bits) ! {
+--- ---+ {
! ! SP+4n+2 {
+------- -------+ { 1st parm if 1 or more passed
! ! { .. n = # parameters passed
+--- ---+ {
! Offset (16 bits) ! SP+4n {
// // { ...
! Segment (16 bits) ! {
+--- ---+ {
! ! SP+6 { / 3rd parm if 3 parms passed
+------- -------+ { 2nd parm if 2 parms passed
! ! { \ 1st parm if 1 parm passed
+--- ---+ {
! Offset (16 bits) ! SP+4 {
! Segment (16 bits) ! {
+--- ---+ {
! ! SP+2 {
+--- Return address ---+ { FAR CALL return address
! ! {
+--- ---+ {
! Offset (16 bits) ! SP+0 {
Approximately 700 bytes of stack space are available when an overlay
is entered. An overlay requiring more stack space must provide its
own stack (and mechanism to switch to its own stack when an overlay
procedure is entered).
The overlay may or may not pop the passed parameter references from
the stack on return. COM-AND resets the stack pointer as required.
Similarly, the overlay procedure does not have to concern itself with
saving and restoring certain registers. COM-AND preserves all
registers across an SCALL.
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K. Machine Language Subroutines (continued)
Parameters passed/returned to/from an overlay have the form:
o Nx: the reference Segment:offset points directly to the
integer variable. It is 16 bits, in the usual lsb,msb form.
o Sx,Vx: the reference Segment:offset points to character 0 of
a string variable. String variables are 80 bytes wide, null
filled on the right if short. Care must be take NOT to store
past 80 characters, as there's NO telling what might be lost.
Variables come from different segments. The developer of a machine
language subroutine cannot expect all passed variables to have the
same segment reference.
During an overlay, the BIOS comm support interrupt (for the port
COM-AND has open) is redirected through COM-AND. Thus, interrupt
driven reads and writes (at any speed supported by COM-AND) may be
performed in the overlay. The BIOS 'open' for the comm port
COM-AND opened has its function no-op'd.
The development of a nontrivial overlay for a script is difficult,
to say the least. Obvious errors lock the machine up tight, or
render the environment (and COM-AND) unstable. Subtle errors may
have the same effect, or worse. Debugging an overlay is difficult.
It is possible to develop an overlay using a high level language.
However, each language compiler makes different provisions for the
initialization of the environment. An overlay, of course, does not
automatically invoke the required initializations (e.g. 80x87 emu-
lation library routines). The developer of any high level language
routine serving as a foreign subroutine must take this into account.
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K. Machine Language Subroutines (continued)
Many uses for overlays require severe modifications be made to
the machine state during the overlay's life (e.g. hooking interrupt
vectors). Such overlays MUST be terminated in an orderly manner
before COM-AND itself is terminated, if the overlay's author expects
to satisfy his or her audience.
Adding to the difficulty, one script might load an overlay, and then
another script replace it! The script performing the replacement is
probably written for a different purpose, and knows nothing of the
critical nature of the first.
The OVERLAY statement allows specification of an entry point to
execute when the overlay is terminated. The end-entry point is
executed by COM-AND when 1) COM-AND terminates and the overlay is
still loaded, 2) when COM-AND replaces the overlay with another, and
3) when COM-AND unloads the overlay (with OVERLAY CLEAR).
In the above cases, THE END-ENTRY POINT IS NOT EXECUTED when 1) it
is never specified, 2) it has already been executed through an
SCALL, or 3) it has been changed or removed through the SET OVENTRY
No parameters may be passed to the end-entry address when called.
A considerate author can unload one overlay, load a new overlay, and
then replace the original overlay with its end-entry point intact.
Intrinsics "_OVERLAY" and "_OVENTRY" are provided for a script to
'read' the file name and end-entry point for an existing overlay,
and replace them. String variables set to the above two intrinsics
are directly usable in an overlay statement (see TALKER.CMD).
One final caution. During the development of TALKER.OVL, this author
found MicroSoft's EXEPACK to emit executable object not loadable as
an overlay. This author does not recommend use of EXEPACK on any
overlay code until the code is proven to work, and then only with
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Included with this release of COM-AND is a separate program, CACMP.
Although CACMP has its own (separate document), it is mentioned
here... if only to refer the interested reader to CACMP.DOC.
CACMP is a diagnostic and preprocessor for COM-AND scripts. CACMP
may be used simply to perform syntax and semantic review of a COM-AND
script, or it may be used to strip/preprocess scripts for COM-AND.
CACMP syntactically and semantically verifies a given script file.
In addition, it (optionally) performs the following functions:
. Partially strip the script to output
. Fully strip the script to output
. Preprocess the script to output (for speed)
The several levels of 'stripping', and 'preprocessing' are discussed
in the CACMP documentation. The interested reader is referred there.
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M. Script Language (Version 1.x)
Version 1.x of PC-VCO included a primitive script facility. That
script language paralleled the original script language of PROCOMM
version 1.x. The only command whose meaning(s) changed was %F. The
%F paralleled the COM-AND Alt-P menu, as PROCOMM's %F paralleled its
Alt-P menu. Under most usages this made no difference.
The introduction of the 2.x script processor retained the original
script language as a subset. A 1.x script command is signalled by a
'%' sign. The % must be followed by one, two or three alpha-numeric
characters (no blanks) and possibly a quoted string (e.g. "GENIE.
CMD"). Text on a line not a part of a valid command is ignored.
1.x script commands may not be mixed on a line with 2.x commands.
As of version 2.7 of COM-AND the 1.x script processor is no longer
available. This appendix is provided for the decoding (should the
need arise) of 1.x scripts. The version 1.x command set was:
-> %A Alarm
-> %B"str" Default Drive/path
-> %C"nn" Call directory number
-> %D"str" DOS command
-> %En Emulations: unimplemented except for ANSI BBS
* %E0 Unimplemented
* %E1 Unimplemented
* %E2 Unimplemented
* %E3 Unimplemented
* %E4 Unimplemented
* %E5 Unimplemented
* %E6 Unimplemented
* %E8 Unimplemented
* %E9 Unimplemented
-> %Fn Comm Parms (equivalent to selection 'n' from Alt-P)
-> %G Screen dump: unimplemented
-> %H Hang up
-> %I"str" Wait for incoming string
-> %Jn Send macro string 'n', n=0-9
-> %Ks KERMIT server commands: unimplemented
* %KMn Unimplemented
* %KR Unimplemented
* %KS"File_Name" Unimplemented
* %KF Unimplemented
* %KL Unimplemented
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M. Script Language (Version 1.x, continued)
-> %Ls Log commands
-> %LO "File_Name" Open log using "File_Name" (no default)
-> %LH Hold logging
-> %LR Resume logging
-> %LC Close log
-> %M"str" Display a message on the screen
-> %N"str" Prompt for input and send
-> %Os BIOS/Direct screen writes
-> %OB Write to screen through BIOS
-> %OD Write to screen direct
-> %P"nn" Seconds to wait for an incoming string
-> %Q Quit program
-> %R"nn" Redial delay value
-> %Ss Sound controls.
-> %SY Allow alarm sounds
-> %SN No alarm sounds (though alarm will delay)
-> %ST"nn" Set delay for alarm (value in seconds)
-> %T"str" Transmit string
-> %Us Miscellaneous: implemented as applicable
-> %U1 Clear screen
* %U2 Send CR as CR: unimplemented
* %U3 Send CR as CR/LF: unimplemented
-> %U4 Set full duplex (echoplex)
-> %U5 Set half duplex
-> %U6 Send Break signal
* %U7 Set line wrap on: unimplemented
* %U8 Set line wrap off: unimplemented
* %U9 Set Scroll on: unimplemented
* %U0 Set Scroll off: unimplemented
-> %Vs Miscellaneous: VCO specific subcommands
* %V0 Unimplemented (PC-VCO used for Voice)
* %V1 Unimplemented (PC-VCO used for Voice)
* %V2 Unimplemented (PC-VCO used for Voice)
%V3 Blank line suppression on (Alt-G)
%V4 Blank line suppression off (Alt-G)
%V5 High bit masking on (Alt-Z)
%V6 High bit masking off (Alt-Z)
%V7 Chat mode on (Alt-A)
%V8 Chat mode off (Alt-A)
%V9 WXMODEM send allowed (not used now)
%VA WXMODEM send not allowed (not used now)
%VB WXMODEM receive allowed (not used now)
%VC WXMODEM receive not allowed (not used now)
%VD"File_Name" Unimplemented (PC-VCO FLB fname)
%VE"File_Name" Unimplemented (PC-VCO EXC fname)
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M. Script Language (Version 1.x, continued)
-> %Vs (continued)
* %VF Unimplemented (PC-VCO use PLINK/CIS)
* %VG Unimplemented (PC-VCO use GEnie/Delphi)
-> %W"nn" Wait for a specified # seconds
-> %Xs XMODEM receive/send
-> %XR"File_Name"
-> %XS"File_Name"
-> %Ys ASCII Send
* %YP"nn" Set pacing: unimplemented
-> %YT"File_name" Transmit file_name using ASCII send
%Y0"str" Set host prompt character
%Y1 Turn off host prompt character
%Y2 Transmit linefeeds on
%Y3 Transmit linefeeds off
%Y4 Tab expansion on
%Y5 Tab expansion off
%Y6"nn" Set intercharacter delay (in milliseconds)
-> %Zs Translate tables: unimplemented.
* %ZY Translate table on: unimplemented
* %ZN Translate table off: unimplemented
Multiple 1.x commands may be placed on a single line. SYNTAX errors
are reported. On 'end-of-file', COM-AND returns to the normal
interactive mode (unless %Q is specified in the script).
The notation '->' to the left of a script command indicates it IS
a part of the PROCOMM script language. Unmarked extensions provide
unique COM-AND features to script file authors.
The notation '*' to the left of a script command indicates it is
unimplemented (but are accepted). Commands marked 'unimplemented'
are parsed and accepted by COM-AND, but not executed.
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N. Language Summary
Version 2.1 of COM-AND included a script processor accepting scripts
written for PROCOMM 2.4.2. In addition, the script language was
extended considerably (substring extraction, concatenation, ...).
When PROCOMM Plus was released, COM-AND's script language was again
extended, to include ASPECT 1.x as a subset. Additional functions
requested by COM-AND users were added, as well. The resulting
language syntax is summarized below.
Between COM-AND 2.1 and COM-AND 2.2 a certain few instructions and
usages did change, most notably the indexing of substrings. COM-AND
2.1 numbered characters in substrings from 1. ASPECT added
substring functions, but numbered characters from 0. This author
could not release a script language allowing both usages, and
deferred to PCPlus. For any inconvenience to COM-AND users, I
The notation '->' to the left of a script command below indicates
it IS compatible with the ASPECT script language.
The notation '*' to the left of a script command indicates it
is unimplemented (but accepted). Commands marked 'unimplemented'
are parsed and accepted by COM-AND. SYNTAX errors in command
formation are not necessarily reported.
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
11: ACCESSORY <string> ; Execute accessory entry
11: -> ADD Nx Ny Nz ; Nz = Nx+Ny
12: -> ALARM [<number>] ; Sound alarm, time in seconds
12: ALOAD <string> ; Load accessory directory file
12: ALLOCATE <number> ; Allocate up to 100 variables
12: ANAME Sx <number> ; Read acc dir entry name
13: APGM Sx <number> ; Read acc dir program field
13: ASCRIPT Sx <number> ; Read acc dir script field
13: -> ASSIGN Sx <string> ; Store a value into Sx
13: ASUBDIR Sx <number> ; Read acc dir subdirectory field
13: -> ATGET row col attr len Sx ; GET performed with positioning
14: -> ATOI Sx Nx ; Convert string numeric to numeric
14: -> ATSAY row col attr <string> ; MESSAGE performed with positioning
14: ATSCR row col len Sx ; Read screen at location for len
14: -> BOX row col row col attr ; Draw a box (clear within)
15: -> BREAK [<number>] ; Send break, time in ms
15: -> BYE ; Exit script and pgm - leave DTR
15: -> CASE (<string>!<number>) ; Within SWITCH/ENDSWITCH
15: -> CHDIR <string> ; Change current d:\path
16: -> CLEAR <attr> ; Clear screen
16: CLOG OPEN <string> ; Open call-logging file by name
16: CLOG CLOSE ; Close call-logging
16: CLOG <string> ; Write to call-log if open
17: COLOR <attr> ; Set screen text color
17: COMBASE <port> Nx ; Read base address for COMx
17: COMPARMS Sx ; Read comm parms (bbbb,p,d,s,COMx)
17: COMVECTOR <port> Nx ; Read vector number for COMx
18: CONCAT Sx [(##)!*] <string> ; Concatenate text to Sx [at col ##]
18: -> CONNECT ; Exit script (terminal mode)
18: CRC <string> Nx ; Compute buffer CRC
19: CTOI Sx Nx ; Convert character to value
19: -> CUROFF ; Turn off cursor (EXIT turns on)
19: -> CURON ; Turn on cursor (if off)
19: -> CURSOR Nx Ny ; Read cursor (Nx=row, Ny=col)
19: -> CWHEN [(#)] ; Clear when, # = 0,1,2,...9
20: -> DATE Sx (0!1) ; Read system date (0 -> mm/dd/yy)
20: DBOX row col row col attr ; Draw double line box (clear)
20: DEALLOCATE ; Deallocate dynamic variables
20: -> DEC Nx ; Decrement a numeric variable
21: DECRYPT <string><string><string>; Decrypt from, to, password
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
21: DEFTIME <number> ; Set WAITFOR, etc timeout in secs
21: DELETE <string> ; Delete a file by name
22: -> DIAL <string> ; Dial dial directory entry (Alt-D)
22: -> DIR <string> ; Perform Alt-F directory function
22: DIRECTORY Sx [<number>] ; Return dialing dir entry name
23: -> DIV Nx Ny Nz ; Nz = Nx/Ny
23: DLDIR Sx ; Read current download d:subdir
23: DLOAD <string> ; Load dialing directory file
23: DNUMBER Sx [<number>] ; Read dialing entry phone number
24: DO ; Begin a DO-Loop clause (see UNTIL)
DO ; Start loop here ; Example
... ; Example
UNTIL <condition> ; Example
25: -> DOS <string> [WAIT] ; Perform a DOS command
25: DPARMS Sx [<number>] ; Read dialing parms bbbb,p,d,s,e
25: DSCRIPT Sx [<number>] ; Read dialing entry script
26: DWINDOW row,col,row,col ; Set scrolling region coords
26: DWINDOW CLEAR ; Reset scrolling region to original
26: EBL Sx <EBL var> ; Read EBL global (%A-%O, &...)
27: EBLSET &<name> Sx ; Write EBL extended variable
27: EDIT <file> ; Open manual editor on <file>
27: -> ELSE ; Within IF/ENDIF
27: ELSE statement ; ENDIF not required this form
28: ENCRYPT <string><string><string> [SIM!AUT] ; From, to, password
15: -> ENDCASE ; Terminate CASE or DEFAULT clause
35: ENDFOR ; Terminate a FOR Loop
44: -> ENDIF ; Terminate an IF clause
76: -> ENDSWITCH ; Terminate a SWITCH clause
82: ENDWHILE ; Terminate a WHILE clause
28: ENVIRON Sx <string> ; Read environment variable value
29: -> EXECUTE <string> ; Chain to new script
29: -> EXIT ; Terminate script (terminal mode)
29: -> FATSAY row col attr <fmtstr> <parms> ; Fmttd MESS performed with pos
30: FATTR Sx!Nx <file> ; Read file attributes
31: FCALL <file> ; Call a file as a subroutine
32: -> FCLOSEI ; Close script input file
32: -> FCLOSEO ; Close script output file
32: FDATE Sx <file> [0!1] ; Read file's date last modified
32: FFIRST Sx ; Initialize wildcard search
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
33: -> FGETC Sx ; Read a character from a file
33: -> FGETS Sx ; Read a record from a file
33: -> FIND Sx <string> [Nx] ; Test for <string> in Sx
34: FNEXT Sx [QUAL] ; Read next file after FFIRST
34: -> FOPENI Sx [TEXT!BINARY] ; Open a file for input
34: -> FOPENO Sx [TEXT!BINARY!APPEND] ; Open a file for output
35: FOR Nx = <val> <val> [<val>] ; FOR Loop (init, final, step)
FOR Nx = <val> <val> [<val>] ; Example
... ; Example
ENDFOR ; Example
36: -> FPUTC Sx ; Write a character to a file
36: -> FPUTS Sx ; Write a record to a file
36: -> FREAD Sx Nx Ny ; Read a record (Nx may be literal)
37: FREE Sx <string> ; Read available space on <disc>
37: FRESTORE[I!O] ; Restore position from last FSAVE
37: FRETURN ; Return from an FCALL
38: FSAVE[I!O] ; Save input/output file position
38: FSAVE[I!O] CLEAR ; Clear stack of saved positions
38: FSAVE[I!O] SHIFT ; Shift stack of saved pos down one
38: FSAVE[I!O] POP ; Throw away last saved position
38: FSIZE Sx <file> ; Read file size (7 digits)
38: FTIME Sx <file> [0!1] ; Read file's time last modified
39: -> FWRITE Sx Nx ; Write a record (Nx may be literal)
39: -> GET Sx [<number>] ; Read keyboard, <number> = count
40: -> GETFILE ASCII <string> ; Download: A.K.A. Buffer capture
40: GETFILE BPLUS ; .. CompuServe B+ protocol
40: -> GETFILE BYMODEM ; .. Batch YMODEM (True YM)
40: -> GETFILE BYMODEMG ; .. Streaming YMODEM
40: -> GETFILE CISB ; .. CompuServe B-protocol
40: -> GETFILE KERMIT ; .. Kermit or SuperKermit
40: GETFILE QUICKB ; .. CompuServe Quick B
40: -> GETFILE RXMODEM <string> ; .. Relaxed CRC/Chk XMODEM
40: -> GETFILE WXMODEM <string> ; .. Windowed XMODEM
40: -> GETFILE XMODEM <string> ; .. CRC or Checksum XMODEM
40: -> GETFILE YMODEM <string> ; .. Simple YMODEM (XMODEM1k)
40: GETFILE ZMODEM ; .. ZMODEM (batch)
41: -> GOSUB <string> ; Call a subroutine
42: -> GOTO <string> ; Branch (NOT into IF or SWITCH)
43: -> HANGUP ; Disconnect current call
* HELP ; Unimplemented
* HOST ; Unimplemented
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
44: IF [NOT] ALPHA Sx ; Test for alpha char
44: IF [NOT] ALLOCATED ; Test for dynamic variables
44: -> IF [NOT] CONNECTED ; Test modem carrier (CD)
44: IF [NOT] CONTROL Sx ; Test for control char
44: -> IF [NOT] EOF ; Test for EOF on input file
44: IF [NOT] ERROR ; Test last instruction
44: -> IF [NOT] FAILURE ; Test for NOT SUCCESS
44: IF [NOT] FCALLED ; Test for FCALL return required
44: IF [NOT] FKEY ; Test for function key pending
44: IF [NOT] FLAG [(#)] ; Test FLAG variable
44: IF [NOT] FCALLED ; Test for FCALL of script
44: IF [NOT] FIND Sx Sy [Nx] ; Test for Sx within Sy
44: -> IF [NOT] FOUND ; Test last FIND statement
44: IF [NOT] FULL ; Test if we have XOFFed host
44: -> IF [NOT] HITKEY ; Test for keypress pending
44: IF [NOT] ISDLFILE Sx ; Test for file presence
44: -> IF [NOT] ISFILE Sx ; Test for file presence
44: IF [NOT] ISSCFILE Sx ; Test for file presence
44: -> IF [NOT] LINKED ; Test for script executed via Alt-D
44: -> IF [NOT] MONO ; Test for monochrome adapter
44: IF [NOT] NULL Sx ; Test for Sx blank or null
44: IF [NOT] NUMERIC Sx ; Test for numeric character
44: IF [NOT] OVERLAY ; Test for overlay loaded
44: IF [NOT] RECEIVE ; Test for char pending on comm port
44: IF [NOT] SPECIAL Sx ; Test for special character
44: IF [NOT] STRCMP Sx Sy ; Test Sx = Sy (case sensitive)
44: -> IF [NOT] SUCCESS ; Test SUCCESS flag
44: IF [NOT] TRACE ; Test for TRACE ON
44: -> IF [NOT] WAITFOR ; Test last WAITFOR statement
44: IF [NOT] XOFF ; Test for XOFF condition
44: -> IF [NOT] ZERO Nx ; Test for Nx = 0
44: -> IF [NOT] GT!LT!GE!LE!EQ Nx Ny ; Test for Nx <condition> Ny
44: IF [NOT] NE Nx Ny ; Test for not equal
44: IF [NOT] Nx NE!GT!LT!GE!LE!EQ Ny; Test for Nx <condition> Ny
Usual form Alternative form Alternative form
-> IF condition | IF condition stmt | IF condition
[stmts] | | [stmts]
-> ELSE | | ELSE statement
[stmts] | |
-> ENDIF | (not ASPECT form) | (not ASPECT form)
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
49: -> INC Nx ; Increment a numeric variable
49: -> INIT Nx <number> ; Store a value into numeric var
50: INPUT Nx <address> ; Machine level INPUT
50: ISDLFILE <string> ; Test for presence of a dload file
50: -> ISFILE <string> ; Test for presence of a file
51: ISSCFILE <string> ; Test for presence of a script file
51: -> ITOA Nx Sx ; Convert numeric to numeric string
51: ITOC Nx Sx ; Convert value to character
* KERMSERV FINISH ; Unimplemented
* KERMSERV GETFILE ; Unimplemented
* KERMSERV LOGOUT ; Unimplemented
* KERMSERV SENDFILE ; Unimplemented
52: -> KEYGET Sx ; Read kbd ('a',esc='1b',F1='3b00')
52: -> KFLUSH ; Flush keyboard buffer
52: LD Sx <number> ; Return long LD Dir string 1,2,3,4
52: LEGEND <string> ; Write text to status line
53: LENGTH Sx Nx ; Compute length of string
53: LJ Sx ; Left justify string variable
53: LOAD DEFAULT ; Load default file data (RESET)
53: LOAD (DIAL!MACR!ACCE) <file> ; Load file data
53: -> LOCATE <number> <number> ; Position cursor to <row> <col>
54: -> LOG OPEN <string> ; Open disk/PRN logging
54: -> LOG CLOSE ; Close disk/PRN logging
54: -> LOG SUSPEND ; Suspend disk/PRN logging
54: -> LOG RESUME ; Resume disk/PRN logging
54: LOG MARKED (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset disk/PRN log timestamp
54: LOWER Sx ; Lower case contents of Sx
54: -> MACRO <num> [Sx] ; Send/read macro <num> (Sx -> read)
55: MANUAL <number> ; Invoke an interactive window
55: -> MATGET row col attr len Sx ; MGET performed with positioning
56: MCR Nx ; Read the modem control register
56: -> MDIAL <string> ; Dial number in Sx manually
56: MDIR <string> ; Create a subdirectory
57: -> MESSAGE <string> ; Write text to local console
57: -> MGET Sx <num> ; Read kbd masked, <num> = count
57: -> MLOAD <string> ; Load macro directory file
58: MSR Nx ; Read the modem status register
58: -> MUL Nx Ny Nz ; Nz = Nx*Ny
59: Nx = expression ; Compute a value and assign it
60: ON ESCAPE GOSUB <label> ; Set action on operator escape
60: ON ESCAPE CLEAR ; Clear escape action
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
60: ON SILENCE GOSUB <label> ; Set action on receive timeout
60: ON SILENCE CLEAR ; Clear receive timeout action
60: OUTPUT <address> Nx ; Machine level OUTPUT
62: OVERLAY <file> [<addr>] ; Load overlay, <addr> = end addr
62: OVERLAY CLEAR ; Release overlay area
62: -> PAUSE [<number>] ; Pause for time in seconds
62: PERFORM <string> ; Perform string as command
62: PLAY <string> ; Play a basic encoded music string
63: PRESERVE Sx ; Modify Sx to avoid (!,^,`) edits
63: -> PRINTER (ON!OFF) ; Turn printer copy ON/OFF
63: PRINT <string> ; Send <string> to LP1 printer
63: -> QUIT ; Terminate script (terminal mode)
64: RDIR <string> ; Remove a subdirectory
64: READ Sx Nx Ny ; Read a record (Nx=max,Ny=cnt read)
65: REDUCE Sx ; Undouble doubled !s, ^s and `s
64: RENAME Sx Sy ; Rename a file by name
65: RESET ; Restore dfts to load-time values
65: RESTORE [ALL] ; Restore last SAVEd area on screen
65: -> RETURN ; Return from GOSUB
65: REWIND ; Rewind input file
66: -> RFLUSH ; Flush receive buffer
66: -> RGET Sx [<number> [<number>]] ; Read comm, <count> <timeout secs>
67: RND <modulus> Nx ; Return random number
66: RJ Sx ; Right justify string variable
67: -> RUN <string> [WAIT] ; Load and execute a program
67: SAVE row col row col ; Save an area on the screen
68: SCALL <addr> [parms[,parms]] ; Call OVERLAY at <addr> w/<parms>
68: -> SCROLL cnt row col row col attr ; Scroll a region on the screen
68: SCREEN row col row col attr Sx ; Multiline screen display
69: -> SENDFILE ASCII <string> ; Upload: A.K.A. Buffer capture
69: SENDFILE BPLUS ; .. CompuServe B+ protocol
69: -> SENDFILE BYMODEM <string> ; .. Batch YMODEM (True YM)
69: -> SENDFILE BYMODEMG <string> ; .. Streaming YMODEM (batch)
69: -> SENDFILE CISB ; .. CompuServe B-protocol
69: -> SENDFILE KERMIT <string> ; .. Kermit or SuperKermit
69: SENDFILE QUICKB ; .. CompuServe Quick B
69: -> SENDFILE RXMODEM <string> ; .. Relaxed CRC/Chksum XMODEM
69: -> SENDFILE WXMODEM <string> ; .. Windowed XMODEM
69: -> SENDFILE XMODEM <string> ; .. CRC or Checksum XMODEM
69: -> SENDFILE YMODEM <string> ; .. Simple YMODEM (XMODEM1k)
69: SENDFILE ZMODEM <string> ; .. ZMODEM transfer (batch)
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
85: -> SET <subcommand> ; See below
69: -> SHELL ; SHELL to DOS (exit shell manually)
70: SNAME Sx ; Read name of current script file
* SNAPSHOT ; Unimplemented
70: -> SOUND Nx Ny ; Sound tone, freq Nx for Ny msecs
70: SSIZE Nx ; Read number of screen lines
71: STACK <string> ; Store <string> in BIOS kbd buffer
71: STACK CLEAR ; Clear BIOS keyboard buffer
71: STORE (DEFA!DIAL!MACR!ACCE) ; Create new settings file
72: -> STRCAT Sx Sy ; Concatenate Sy onto Sx strings
72: -> STRCMP Sx Sy ; Compare Sy to Sx (case sensitive)
72: -> STRCPY Sx Sy ; Copy Sy into Sx
73: -> STRFMT Sx <fmtstr> <parms> ; Format Sx using <fmtstr> w/<parms>
74: -> SUB Nx Ny Nz ; Nz = Nx-Ny
74: SUBDIR Sx ; Read d:subdir into Sx
74: -> SUBSTR Sx Sy <number> <number> ; Take substr from Sy, place in Sx
75: SUSPEND FOR Nx Ny ; Suspend for duration (h,m)
75: -> SUSPEND UNTIL Nx Ny ; Suspend until time (h,m; military)
76: -> SWITCH (Sx!Nx) ; Transfer control to CASE/DEFAULT
-> SWITCH (Sx!Nx) ; Declare variable to test
-> CASE (<string>!<number>) ; Match Sx and <string>
... ; .. Execute if they match
-> ENDCASE ; Each case must have an ENDCASE
-> CASE <string> ; <String> = "_NULL" -> empty
-> ENDCASE ; End of second case
-> DEFAULT ; DEFAULT executed if no case
... ; .. above matched
-> ENDCASE ; End of DEFAULT case, too
-> ENDSWITCH ; End of SWITCH domain
77: Sx(m:n) = expression ; Compute expression and assign
77: -> TERMINAL ; Exit script (terminal mode)
78: -> TIME Sx [0!1] ; Read system time (1->military fmt)
78: -> TRACE (ON!OFF) ; Control script tracing
78: -> TRANSMIT <string> ; Send <string> out comm port
78: TSINCE [(#)] Nx Ny Nz ; Read time since timer (#) in h,m,s
79: -> TYPE <string> ; Display contents of a file (Alt-W)
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
79: UNTIL <condition as IF> ; Terminate a DO-Loop
79: UPDATE ; Update default file (LOAD DEFA)
79: UPPER Sx ; Upper case contents of Sx
79: VERSION Nx ; Read COM-AND version number
80: -> WAITFOR <string> [<number>] ; Wait for rcvd string, time in secs
80: WCLOSE [ALL] ; Close an open screen window
81: -> WHEN [(#)] <string> <string> ; Auto response; <target> <response>
82: WHILE <condition> ; Begin a conditional loop if true
WHILE <condition> ; Example
... ; Example
ENDWHILE ; Example
83: WOPEN row col row col attr [label] ; Open screen window
84: WRITE Sx [Nx] ; Write a record (Nx optional)
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
85: SET 25 ; Set screen to CGA/Mono mode
85: SET 43 ; Set screen to EGA/VGA mode
85: SET ACCE NAME # <string> ; Write acc dir entry name field
85: SET ACCE SUBD # <string> ; Write acc dir entry subdir field
85: SET ACCE PGM # <string> ; Write acc dir entry pgm field
85: SET ACCE SCRI # <string> ; Write acc dir entry script field
85: SET ADVERT (ON!OFF) ; Set initial advertisement
85: -> SET ALARM (ON!OFF) ; Control alarm sound (see ATIME)
85: SET ANYWHEN (ON!OFF) ; WHEN exact (OFF), or substr (ON)
101:-> SET ASCII <subcommand> ; See below
85: -> SET ATIME <number> ; Set alarm time in seconds
85: -> SET BACKSPACE IN (NONDEST!DEST) ; Set backspace function when rcv'd
85: -> SET BACKSPACE OUT (BACK!DELETE) ; Set backspace function when sent
85: SET BAR <attr> ; Set status line color
85: -> SET BAUDRATE (300!1200!2400!4800!9600!14K!19K!38K!57K!115K)
85: SET BELL # ; Set bell tone in Hz
85: SET BKSCREEN # ; Set backscreen size 0-64
102: SET BPLUS <subcommand> ; See below
85: -> SET BREAK <number> ; Set break duration, in ms
85: SET BSUPPRESS (ON!OFF) ; Set blank line suppression
85: SET CALLLOG (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset call logging
85: SET CDISPLAY (ON!OFF) ; Set control character display
85: SET CDRESPECT (ON!OFF) ; Set CD (carrier detect) respect
85: SET CHAT (ON!OFF) ; Open/close chat mode
85: SET CHLINES # ; Specify chat window size
85: SET CLOCK (ON!OFF!NEW) ; Screen clock (NEW -> reset time)
85: SET COLOR (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset color screen
85: SET COMBASE <port> Nx ; Specify base address for COMx
85: SET COMVECTOR <port> Nx ; Specify vector number for COMx
85: -> SET CR (CR!CR_LF) ; Set CR received as CR or CR/LF
85: -> SET CR_IN (CR!CR_LF) ; Set CR received as CR or CR/LF
* SET CR_OUT (CR!CR_LF) ; Unimplemented
85: -> SET DATABITS (7!8) ; Set comm parameter
85: SET DEFAULT <attr> ; Set menu window color
85: SET DBLCLICK # ; Set double click interval in MS
85: SET DDACODE <string> ; Declare Alt-D area code string
85: SET DDOVERRIDE ON!OFF ; Override Alt-D speed value
85: SET DDPREFIX <string> ; Declare Alt-D 'all call' prefix
85: SET DIAL NAME # <string> ; Write dial dir entry name field
85: SET DIAL NUMB # <string> ; Write dial dir entry number field
85: SET DIAL RATE # <string> ; Write dial dir entry rate field
85: SET DIAL PARI # <string> ; Write dial dir entry parity field
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
85: SET DIAL DATA # <string> ; Write dial dir entry dbits field
85: SET DIAL STOP # <string> ; Write dial dir entry stop field
85: SET DIAL ECHO # <string> ; Write dial dir entry echo field
85: SET DIAL SCRI # <string> ; Write dial dir entry script field
85: -> SET DISPLAY (ON!OFF) ; <PC+ 1.1 SET RDISP equivalent>
85: -> SET DLDIR <string> ; Set d:\path for downloads
85: SET DOSLEVEL <number> ; Set COM-AND exit error level
85: SET DPREFIX <string> ; Specify Alt-S dialing prefix
85: SET DROPDTR (ON!OFF) ; Set hangup method
85: SET DSUFFIX <string> ; Specify Alt-S dialing suffix
85: SET DTR (ON!OFF) ; Raise/lower DTR to modem
85: -> SET DUPLEX (HALF!FULL) ; Set local echo
* SET ENQ ON ; Unimplemented
85: SET ENQ (OFF!CISB) ; Automatic CIS file up/dn, VIDTEX
85: SET EXIT <scriptname> ; Set script for Alt-X, BYE
85: SET EXQUery (ON!OFF) ; Set exit query flag
85: SET FATTR <file> Nx ; Write file attributes
85: SET FAILURE (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset FAILURE flag (IF test)
85: SET FLAG [(#)] (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset flag variable
85: -> SET FLOWCTRL (ON!OFF) ; Set XON/XOFF flow control
85: SET FOUND (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset FOUND flag (IF test)
85: -> SET HARDFLOW (ON!OFF) ; Set OLD RTS/CTS flow control
85: SET HMOUSE # ; Set mouse horiz sensitivity
* SET HOSTPSWD <string> ; Unimplemented
85: SET INAFTER (ON!OFF) ; Set script intrinsics ON/OFF
85: SET INTRINSIC (ON!OFF) ; Set init modem after hangup
85: SET IPOS <string> ; Pos input file using numeric str
85: SET KBDBUFFER (ON!OFF) ; Open/close keyboard display buffer
103:-> SET KERMIT <subcommand> ; See below
85: SET LD # <string> ; Write LD dir entry (1-4)
85: SET LINKED (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset LINKED flag (IF test)
85: SET MACRO # <string> ; Write macro directory entry
85: SET MASK (ON!OFF) ; Set 7/8 bit masking
85: SET MCONNECT <string> ; Specify modem connect str (Alt-S)
85: SET MDCHar <value> ; Set modem delay char ASCII value
85: SET MCR <value> ; Set modem control reg value
85: SET MDELAY # ; Specify interchar delay in ms
85: -> SET MENUMODE (ON!OFF) ; Enable/disable menu mode
85: SET MESCAPE <string> ; Specify modem esc string (Alt-S)
85: SET MHANGUP <string> ; Specify hangup string (Alt-S)
85: SET MINIT <string> ; Specify modem init string (Alt-S)
85: SET MOUSE (ON!OFF) ; Enable/disable mouse
85: SET MULTI (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset PLAY defaulting
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
85: SET MUSIC (ON!OFF) ; Allow/disallow music esc sequences
85: SET OPOS <string> ; Pos output file using numeric str
85: SET OVENTRY (NONE!<address>) ; Set overlay end-entry address
85: -> SET PARITY (EVEN!ODD!NONE) ; Set comm parameter
85: SET PCJR (ON!OFF) ; Suspend comm during disk I/O
85: -> SET PORT (COM1!COM2!COM3!COM4) ; Set comm parameter
85: SET QUIET (ON!OFF) ; Set bell suppression flag
85: -> SET RDELAY <number> ; Set Alt-D/R reconnect timeout
85: SET RDISPLAY (ON!OFF) ; Enable/disable rcvd character disp
85: SET RDMAX <number> ; Set redial limit count
85: SET RECHO (ON!OFF) ; Enable/disable rcvd char echo
85: SET REMAP (ON!OFF) ; Toggle remap (uses COM-AND.RMP)
85: -> SET REMOTE (ON!OFF) ; Allow remote command processing
85: -> SET REMFTNS (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset remote ftn key usage
85: SET RLEOK (ON!OFF) ; Allow/disallow RLE displays
85: SET RMODE (ASCII!BINARY) ; Set RGET mode (nulls, BS/rubout)
85: SET RTS (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset modem RTS bit on port
85: SET RTSD (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset modem RTS discipline
85: SET RTSF (ON!OFF) ; Set RTS flow control (BIDIRECT)
* SET SCROLL (ON!OFF) ; Unimplemented
* SET SHELLPSWD <string> ; Unimplemented
85: SET SILENCE <seconds> ; Set ON SILENCE duration in seconds
85: SET SLOWOUT (ON!OFF) ; Set slow writes for transfers
85: -> SET SOFTFLOW (ON!OFF) ; Set XON/XOFF flow control
* SET SOUND (ON!OFF) ; Unimplemented
85: -> SET STOPBITS (1!2) ; Set comm parameter
85: -> SET STATUS (ON!OFF) ; Enable/disable status line
85: SET SUCCESS (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset SUCCESS flag (IF test)
85: -> SET SWRITE (BIOS!DIRECT!DOS) ; Set screen I/O method
85: SET TEXT <attr> ; Set text window color
85: SET TIMER [(#)] ; Start timer number (#) now
85: -> SET TRANSLATE (ON!OFF) ; Toggle xlate (uses COM-AND.XLT)
85: SET TTHRU (ON!OFF) ; Set typethrough
85: SET TUNE <string> ; Set alarm tune using encoded str
* SET TXPACE <number> ; Implemented as SET ASCII CHARPACE
85: SET VMOUSE # ; Set mouse vertical sensitivity
85: SET WAITFOR (ON!OFF) ; Set/reset WAITFOR flag (IF test)
85: SET WATCHDOG <secs> ; Set XOFF timeout in seconds
85: -> SET WRAP (ON!OFF) ; Enable/disable line wrap at eol
85: SET XBAUD (DFT!<speed>) ; Set xfer efficiency max rate
85: SET XSUI <number> ; Set xfer screen update interval
104: SET ZMODEM <subcommand> ; See below
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N. Language Summary (continued)
Page Syntax Comment
------ ------------------------------- -----------------------------
101:-> SET ASCII BLANKEX (ON!OFF) ; Set blank line expansion
101:-> SET ASCII CHARPACE <number> ; Set time in MS between characters
* SET ASCII DN_CR (CR!CR_LF!STRIP); Unimplemented
* SET ASCII DN_LF (CR!CR_LF!STRIP); Unimplemented
101:-> SET ASCII ECHO (ON!OFF) ; Set local echo during send
101: SET ASCII FLOW (ON!OFF) ; Set flow control (during send)
101:-> SET ASCII LINEPACE <number> ; Set delay between lines (1/10 sec)
101:-> SET ASCII PACECHAR <number> ; Set prompt from host (dec value)
101: SET ASCII QUIET (ON!OFF) ; Enable/disable alarm after SEND
101: SET ASCII TABEX (ON!OFF) ; Set tab expand during ASCII send
* SET ASCII UP_CR (CR!CR_LF!STRIP); Unimplemented
101:-> SET ASCII UP_LF (LF!CR_LF!STRIP); Set LF handling; CR_LF unimpl.
101: SET ASCII UP_Z (STOP!SEND) ; Set ASCII send end on ctl-z
102: SET BPLUS RECOVER (ON!OFF) ; Allow/disallow download recovery
103:-> SET KERMIT 8QUOTE <number> ; Set 8 bit quoting character
103:-> SET KERMIT BLOCKCHECK (1!2!3) ; Set block check character length
103:-> SET KERMIT CQUOTE <number> ; Set control quoting character
103:-> SET KERMIT EOLCHAR <number> ; Set end of packet character
* SET KERMIT HANDSHAKE <number> ; Unimplemented
103: SET KERMIT MARK <number> ; Set first packet character
* SET KERMIT PACKSIZE <number> ; Unimplemented
103:-> SET KERMIT PADCHAR <number> ; Set inter-packet pad character
103:-> SET KERMIT PADNUM number ; Set count of pads inter-packet
103: SET KERMIT REPEAT <number> ; Set repeat quoting character
103: SET KERMIT WINDOW <number> ; Set window size (max 8)
104: SET ZMODEM AUTO (ON!OFF) ; Allow/disallow auto downloading
104: SET ZMODEM BLOCK <number> ; Set max block (0 to reset)
104: SET ZMODEM RECOVER (ON!OFF) ; Allow/disallow download recovery
Version 2.9: 921203 Appendices